
The phone was stolen: what to do, where to go

If a person’s phone was stolen, what should the victim do in such a situation? The answer to this question worries many citizens, but not everyone can give the right recommendation. You can try to forget about what happened, especially if the phone was not of particular value to its owner. But if everything is completely different, and the citizen spent a substantial amount of money on his purchase, then most likely he will want to return the stolen item. What can the latter do in this situation? Where can a citizen turn for help if his phone is stolen? What to do in order to find a stolen thing? You will find answers to these questions in the process of reading this article.

Event Options

So, a standard situation occurred - a telephone was stolen from a citizen. What should he do in such a situation? First you need to calm down and not panic. Moreover, it is necessary to once again check all the places at home or visiting friends where a citizen could forget his telephone set.

Because it often happens that after a good fun a person can’t find his phone and comes to the conclusion that he was stolen, therefore he goes to the police and writes a statement about the theft. Nevertheless, after a while the device is somewhere in the car, in the country, in its own house, and the police have already received a call. In a similar situation, law enforcement officers can regard this as a false denunciation and hold the citizen accountable. In turn, nobody needs problems with the law.

But if the phone was really stolen, then you need to make every effort to find it. Although, as practice shows, this does not always end in success, but sometimes phones are located.

Contact the police

appeal to the police

This will be one of the most correct options if a person has been stolen a phone. What should be done so that police officers quickly find the device itself and bring the perpetrator to justice for their deeds?

First you need to calm down and not be nervous, then state everything in detail in your statement and hand it over to the person on duty. When visiting the police station, you need to take all the documents with you to the stolen phone, because without them it will be almost impossible to find the stolen device. Moreover, the owner of the phone thus confirms that this is his own thing, and that he acquired it legally.

If the phone was stolen in a crowded place, for example, in a shopping center, you need to contact the administration and ask to call the police.

In turn, law enforcement officers will be able to see all the recordings from CCTV cameras (there are almost all large stores) and, possibly, immediately establish the identity of the attacker. Moreover, the victim will need to describe all the circumstances of the incident (where he stood, what he did, why he decided that the phone was stolen, and also indicate the suspect if he saw someone next to him). The more finer everything will be stated, the greater the likelihood that a thing will be found and returned to the owner.

If the device is insured

man came to the insurance campaign

What should the mobile phone owner do in this case? After all, under the contract, he has the right to receive payments when the mobile device is stolen.

So, a man discovered that he had stolen an insured phone, what should the latter do in such a situation? You need to contact the police, write a statement and be sure to pick up a registered copy of this document. Then, within a day after the theft of the telephone, the citizen must inform the insurance company about this. There it will be necessary to write a statement and attach the available documents to the mobile device.Only in this case, the citizen can count on receiving insurance payments for the theft of the phone.

Nevertheless, if it is established that at the time of the theft of the thing it was in the car of a person (not in a pocket or bag), or the latter was in a state of intoxication (under the influence of alcohol or drugs), then the victim will be refused payment. More details about all this should be written in the contract with the insurance campaign.

Hold by yourself

So, a mobile phone was stolen from a person, what should the latter do in such a situation if the act occurred in a public place, but the thief did not go unnoticed?

phone theft on the street

You can try to find the device yourself. Moreover, sometimes it happens that an attacker does not immediately turn off the phone and reset the SIM card. In this case, the chances of a search increase. Therefore, as soon as a person saw the loss of the phone, he needs to immediately ask one of the people to dial the number of his SIM card. It is possible that the mobile device has already been thrown out due to its small value, and it lies somewhere nearby. Although this is currently unlikely.

In addition

the guy wants to grab the phone from the girl’s hands

In addition, if the thief turned out to be inexperienced, then he may not immediately turn off the SIM card and use it for a while. In this case, you need to contact the mobile phone salon and block your phone number. This is necessary so that the attacker does not use all means from the phone and cannot use the subscriber's number for his personal purposes. When visiting a communication salon, you must definitely bring your passport with you. Without it, no specialist will take any action.

What should I do if my phone is stolen? This is a very interesting question. You can try to track your phone over the Internet. Nevertheless, not all mobile phone users have various applications that allow this to be done, so it is better to contact the operator. This can be done only by the subscriber in the presence of supporting documents (for example, a passport).

Most often, operators are involved in tracking the location of a phone by number only after receiving an official request from law enforcement agencies. Therefore, if a person has been stolen a phone, then it is best for him to contact the police.

Need to distinguish

theft of a mobile from the back pocket of jeans

Most often, attackers steal the phone not in secret, but in an open way, tearing it out of their hands. So, in this case we can’t talk about the theft of a mobile device. Because it will be considered a robbery. Therefore, when contacting law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to tell in detail about how the phone was stolen from a citizen. What to do, how to find this mobile device, the police will decide. After all, it is possible that this is not their first appeal with them.


Most often, police use the phone’s IMEI to search for the device itself. Because it is this unique serial number of the mobile device that allows you to identify the phone itself, and it also determines its owner.

IMEI of each stolen device is recorded in the database of law enforcement agencies. This greatly simplifies their work and when a suspicious phone appears, it helps to establish its owner. Therefore, if a person starts using the device that is wanted, then he will most likely be found and brought to justice very quickly.


stealing a phone from a bag

So what to do if you stole the phone and turn it off? It’s possible that the cell’s battery just died. But in any case, do not despair. Moreover, do not panic, because it is possible that the phone can still be returned. Nevertheless, in such a situation, relying only on one's own strength is not worth it. Need to seek help from law enforcement agencies. After all, the search for stolen things is the work of the police.

In the event that the victim knows the attacker who stole his phone, this greatly simplifies the matter.Nevertheless, even in such a situation, one does not need to try to resolve the issue with the thief on his own. You still need to ask the police for help. It is possible that the attacker was already tried for stealing someone else’s property and after he is caught, he will return the phone to the owner. This sometimes happens in practice.


legal punishment

So, if the phone was stolen from the victim, what should I do? In Russia, the theft of mobile devices is considered a criminal act, sanctions for which are contained in the Criminal Code. Therefore, if the victim is sure that his device was stolen by an attacker, then you should not hesitate and you need to contact the police. Because only law enforcement officers can help him get his own phone back.

In addition, if the stolen device was insured, then you need to contact the insurance campaign. Because in this case, they must compensate the owner for the loss of his property. This must be done no later than 24 hours after contacting the police.

It should also be remembered that the insurance campaign is not particularly interested in making payments to its customers even in such situations. Therefore, you must have with you all documents confirming the theft of your mobile phone.

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