A car is no longer a luxury, but a vehicle that has firmly entered human life. Without a car, as if without hands: to get to work, not to go to the country. There are also many dangers for the car. They can hurt and leave in the yard at night. You can get into an accident on a crowded road. There is a chance even simply to remain without license plates.
Car license plates
Earlier, when registering a car number, a metal plate was issued, which could not be lost in any case. If it so happened that for some reason the license plates were lost, the citizen needed to go to the traffic police with a package of necessary documents and, after going through long registration procedures, get a new sign.
If you stole the numbers from the car, what should I do? In fact, inthere are not many options for action. Today, there are two ways to restore stolen numbers on a car:
- duplicate
- re-register license plates.
Rules for driving without numbers
Troubles always happen unexpectedly. On the way from city to city, a janitor can fly off the track. When traveling on a bad road in bumps or as a guest in a foreign city, you can easily lose numbers. If the numbers from the car were stolen, is it possible to drive?
In the event that only one plate is left from the kit, it is necessary that it is located exactly on the front of the car. It is also impossible to drive without rear numbers for a long time, but the lack of numbers in the front is more critical.
If you completely stole the numbers from the car, what should I do? If the complete set of rooms is removed, then an urgent restoration is simply necessary. The car must be parked until the car owner makes new car numbers.
Duplicate numbers
License plates lost due to driving on bad roads can be quickly restored at specialized companies and private entrepreneurs. At a cost of two thousand rubles and providing a certificate of registration of the car, the driver will receive a new plate with a registration sign instead of the old one. It takes about twenty minutes. Saving time is incomparably big.
But this method is only suitable if there is complete confidence that the signs are lost during movement.
Re-registration of license plates
What to do if license plate numbers have been stolen? The best way to protect yourself from scammers and intruders, as well as a bunch of money and nerves spent, is to re-register.
This means that previous numbers will be recorded in the traffic police as invalid, and other license plates will be issued in return.
So, if the license plate was stolen, what should I do? This procedure is slightly longer than the first and requires a certain set of documents:
- A statement indicating the intended location, time for the loss of signs and time to detect the fact of loss.
- State duty receipt. The amount is slightly more than in the case of a duplicate, and is 2500 rubles, but peace is always more expensive.
- Application for making appropriate changes due to loss of marks.
- Passport of the driver, car owner or other identification document.
- A power of attorney or any other document establishing ownership of the machine.
- Car passport.
- Certificate of state registration of the machine.
- CTP insurance policy.
- The second sign from the kit, if it remains.
The car itself is not necessary.
License plate theft
Since 2014, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the following punishment for vandals, fraudsters and other criminals involved in the theft of number plates:
- Individuals acting alone are punished by paying a fine of two hundred thousand rubles to imprisonment for one year.
- Organized groups risk paying a fine of three hundred thousand rubles or go to jail for four years.
The main goal of innovations in the legislation is rather not to punish, but to deprive the desire to commit illegal actions. Especially when you consider that the goal of scammers is ten times “cheaper” than a possible fine.
The main goals of criminals
Getting fast money is what license plates are stolen for. The lightest, and most importantly, almost guaranteed profit always lives in the yard, is available in the dark. This is what makes cars attractive to most people who are prone to deviant, asocial behavior.
The scheme is quite simple: at night or at a time when no one sees, the fraudster removes the numbers from the car, and puts a note in the janitor with a request, which usually consists in transferring a certain amount of money to a current account. In return, the motorist will be able to find out where his numbers are. Redemption amounts are commensurate with the amounts that have to be spent on restoration of numbers.
Communication with scammers
In situations where car numbers were rented in their home yard, calculating a pest and recovering damage is much easier than if the same incident occurs in a foreign city. A traveler who stops for a short while to take a break can not go to the law enforcement authorities and get involved in the process of investigating and restoring the lost tablet. It is much easier to just allocate two or three thousand rubles from the budget of the trip and quickly solve the problem. However, if you stole the numbers from the car, where to call: scammers or the police?
It is not worth hoping for honesty and adequacy of people who are able to steal something and demand a ransom. At least it is not known in what condition the rooms are after their removal. Perhaps they are already unusable. And when paying the required amount, the victim will only incur costs without acquiring anything in return.
Action or inaction
What if stolen numbers from the car? Even if it’s not always pleasant to communicate with representatives of the authorities, nevertheless, contacting the police can help to capture the criminals, which means reducing the number of new victims.
It is unlikely that the sign will be carried farther than three hundred meters from the car, so the chances of finding the sign on your own increase.
Instead of trying to contact the thieves, you should try to find the loss yourself. Most often, the removed tablet is hidden somewhere nearby. It can be hidden under the staircase of the staircase, in the trash can, and when folded, it is placed in the drainpipe.
In winter, it is likely to stumble upon the traces of criminals in the snow and determine the location of the disappearance from them. It makes sense to interview residents of the house or people who most likely could witness the theft. The same grandmothers at the entrance have always been a source of useful information.
Forewarned is forearmed
When gathering for a trip or immediately when purchasing a car, the correct decision will be to prevent attackers from trying not only to install an alarm on the car, but also to take care of how to fix the car numbers so that they are not stolen. The problem is easily solved by installing special frames.
Framework Market Overview
There are several types of anti-vandal frames:
- German Hauberg frames are best installed on the bumper of a car that has a direct shape. The frame is mounted quite simply and tightly with a screwdriver, as well as standard hexagonal bolts.However, mounted on a spherical surface, it is removed in a matter of seconds, or to be more precise, it is torn out along with a piece of the bumper. You need to put it on the back number, provided that it is firmly fixed.
- Frame with elements of copyright refinement requires dismantling the bumper for installation. How to fix car numbers so as not to be stolen? The substrate is fastened with about ten rivets to the surface of the bumper, the top is also tightened with rivets and the number is closed with a frame cover, and the number itself is twisted with two rivets. In this case, removing the frame quickly does not work, you can only pick out the sign from the frame, which will take a sufficient amount of time. The sign itself after such vandalism will no longer be usable.
- A standard stainless steel frame with reinforced backing also requires dismantling the front of the bumper. The device is unlikely to be able to provide reliable protection, since it is removed in half a minute with a conventional screwdriver.
- The Tver frame with a set of mortgages, exhaust nuts, fixing hardware and a secret screw is mounted without dismantling the apron and makes it possible to give it a spherical shape. Installation will not take much time and will help you find a convincing answer to the question: what to do to prevent the numbers from the car being stolen. The room is reliably protected in this way and cannot be reused after removal.
- The Moscow anti-vandal Block-Lock frame completes the rating of the most popular means of protection, however, when hacking is attempted, it will easily "give" the number into the hands of a blackmailer.
Troubles happen to everyone
If car numbers are stolen, what should I do? The most important thing is to exhale and try to accept the incident with a cold head. No one is safe from car thefts, license plate breakdowns, natural disasters, except through an insurance company. Anything happens in life, you just need to choose the right strategy to fix the problem. No frame can save car numbers completely.
The procedure for soberly assessing the situation of a person will be as follows:
- Call the police and report what happened.
- Try to find the loss yourself.
- If the number could not be found or it is badly damaged, restore it by re-registration in the traffic police.
- With limited time capabilities, it is permissible to contact special companies and make a duplicate.
- Check fines that could be fixed on the license plate during its absence.
Foreign guests and room theft
The risk group includes not only Russians, but also guests from other countries. Cars with foreign numbers are even more interesting, since it will take several times more time and effort to restore the state registration number. Understanding this, foreigners willingly pay the required ransom amounts in the hope of an early resolution of the problem. Especially for foreign guests, some two to three thousand rubles seem like ridiculous amounts. This is precisely how a vicious circle is created in which the victims themselves feed the criminals.
In this case, the right decision would also be to contact the police. Even if you have to be a little nervous and collect the necessary package of documents, transfer papers and notarize copies, as a result, a citizen of another state gets full confidence that in the future he will not be held accountable for acts that he himself did not commit in a foreign country.