What is targeted learning? The pros and cons of such a method of obtaining education will be considered in more detail.
In order to become the free owner of the coveted diploma of higher education for free, you can use different options.
The target direction for training can be obtained at the institution, as well as at the enterprise. We will reveal the main nuances associated with this option of obtaining higher education.
general characteristics
What is targeted learning? Its pros and cons are related to employment after completion of the course. A similar option for obtaining a diploma is similar to studying during the existence of the Soviet state. By signing an agreement on targeted training, future specialists were confident that after graduation they would be employed in their specialty and also receive housing. Some enterprises provided well-equipped apartments to young cadres, while others limited themselves to housing them in a hostel, but in any case, all newly made specialists were provided with housing.
Considering how difficult it is for young people to currently become owners of their own square meters, an agreement on targeted training would be a great way to solve the housing problem.
Among the main shortcomings, we note the need for many years of working out after graduating from a university or academy in a specific locality, and only at that enterprise, which will be defined in the contract.
Not all modern students are ready to go to remote villages and small towns in order to work out their target area of study.
Modern realities
Despite the fact that quite serious changes have occurred in our country, the very essence of targeted training has not changed. The applicant enters into an agreement with the organization or institution, according to which he undertakes to work out a certain period of time in that settlement, which will be chosen by the organization. The issue of providing a young specialist with housing at the time of working out is decided differently in each case.
The similarity remained only in the obligation to work out for many years after graduation, that is, there was a guarantee that a young specialist would be provided with a workplace.
Admission to medical institutions
Especially popular among graduates of lyceums and educational schools targeted training at a medical university. What is the reason for such a stir? Recently, the competition for budget places in academies involved in the training of doctors of various specializations has grown significantly. How does targeted training help solve this problem? How to get a “pass” to medicine?
An applicant who has reached the age of majority applies to a medical institution (at the place of registration) with a request to receive a target direction. Underage students come to the hospital or clinic with their parents (legal representatives), since they themselves do not yet have the right to conclude legal contracts.
The agreement to be signed sets out the many details that are associated with targeted medical education. Pros and cons of such training:
- mandatory practice on the basis of a particular medical institution;
- student lack of academic debts in all disciplines;
- minimum minimum working time after graduating from an academy in one of the hospitals specified in the contract is not less than three years.
Obligations of an enterprise (organization)
What else is characterized by targeted learning? Pros and cons of it are associated not only with the obligations of the applicant, but also with those obligations that the organization (enterprise) that concludes the agreement takes upon itself under the contract.
As a rule, the company undertakes:
- pay for training the target student, provide him with certain types of social support in the form of a scholarship, payment of accommodation for the duration of the training;
- arrange conditions for annual production practices;
- to provide after graduation from a higher education institution a job corresponding to the qualifications of a young specialist;
- provide a delay in the performance of obligations, for example, in case of deterioration in health, illness or pregnancy.
If an applicant who enters the academy under the target agreement violates his terms, he will have to reimburse the injured party for the losses incurred.
Search for a company providing targeted training
The system for the recruitment of target students operates in various industry higher education institutions: architectural, pedagogical, medical, energy.
The search for an enterprise that is interested in guaranteed qualified personnel must be dealt with during the training in the walls of the native school.
Currently, many companies that are willing to pay for targeted training themselves are trying to find potential employees for themselves. They organize various competitions using the company’s brand, organize meetings with high school students, act as sponsors for specialized subject Olympiads, and also inform a top-level educational institution about their services.
The essence of the target set
The applicant, who claims to be the target, must prepare not only the classic package of documents for admission committee:
- the original or a copy of the document on full general education;
- application in the prescribed form;
- the original or a copy of the certificate of the unified state exam;
- the original or a copy of an identity document, citizenship.
The applicant also attaches a referral from a private company or government agency to this list. This document gives the right to participate in a special (target) competition, which is held separately from the general set.
The specifics of training and work
The process of teaching the target student does not have distinctive features in comparison with ordinary students. If an additional scholarship from a potential employer is provided for under the concluded contract, such a student is the lucky winner of two scholarships at once.
In addition, he is obliged to undergo all production practices only at "his" enterprise.
It would seem that such wonderful prospects open up when choosing the target option for admission. Why are so many applicants, especially medical academies, often disappointed that they have become participants in such programs?
The fact is that many of them, having received the coveted diploma, immediately seek to be in some private clinic, where they offer high wages.
But the target agreement that they concluded in order to become students does not give them such an opportunity. Other certified doctors understand that it is within the framework of compulsory training that they have a real chance of gaining practical skills and improving their qualifications.
Having worked out the period stipulated in the agreement, they, of course, will be able to apply for a prestigious position in any private clinic. For those students who want to have a guaranteed job in their specialty after graduation, targeted admission is an ideal option.