When forming the concept of cargo transportation from country to country or between regions, one way or another, it is necessary to draw up a number of papers, without which the implementation of the presented operation is impossible. Certain shipping documents, the list of which is presented below, contain information on the quantitative characteristics and qualitative characteristics of the goods. In addition, they include information regarding the consignee and the consignor. It would be advisable to consider in more detail the named aspect of cargo transportation, which plays an important role today.
Shipping documents, their types and contents
As it turned out, all information related to freight transportation is collectively called shipping documentation. Shipping papers, the list of which is presented in the article, are usually drawn up by analogy with banking. One way or another, certain requirements are presented to paperwork today. When filling in, authorized persons avoid blots, corrections, and so on. In trading activities, all payments are made based on documentation. Information from them is used in accounting and reporting. All shipping papers must be filled in a flawless manner.
Sometimes in literature you can find two terms - shipping or shipping documents. How to speak and write correctly? We draw the attention of readers that it is wise to use the first option - it is he who is recorded in the dictionaries.
It is important to note that shipping documents are classified in accordance with the following groups:
- Transport documents.
- Financial documents.
- Permissive documents.
It will be advisable to consider the presented types of shipping documents separately.
Features of transport documents
As was noted, a significant component of the system under consideration is the transport documentation. It is important to know that transport papers are a large set of documents, which, as a rule, cover various aspects of the presented activity. There, information is obligatory indicated that allows without any problems to cross the customs border (customs shipping documents), as well as to carry out effective interaction of the buyer of the product with the seller.
It is necessary to add that this group of documentation involves not only trouble-free transportation, but also certain payment and delivery conditions for a marketable product. The proper formation of the submitted papers (and at times their subsequent translation and verification) is necessary for the absence of the most common problems today that are relevant in the process of export and sale of goods.
Features of financial documents
In addition to the above, financial documents are also shipping documents. You should know that they relate primarily to foreign economic activity. The presented documentation reflects the cost of marketable products, their full characteristics, features in terms of quality, as well as quantity and capacity in accordance with the foreseen items.You need to know that to complete this type of shipping documents, the seller agrees to take forms in special government agencies. Thus, upon receipt of marketable products, the buyer looks at the data of the paper and pays for it, of course, checking against the information specified in the financial documents.
Features of permits
Having fully considered financial and transport documents, it would be advisable to go to permits. It is important to note that the named documentation is drawn up by the consignor or the supplier. It indicates the correct packaging and packaging, proper quality, as well as the appropriateness of further use of marketable products in accordance with its intended purpose. It is necessary to add that the presented variety of shipping documents in the process of crossing the customs border is carefully checked by customs officers. In addition, their verification is often required in specially designated state bodies. A vivid example here is the sanitary-epidemiological structure.
The list of transport documents
The list of transport documentation today is small:
- International consignment note.
- Bill of lading.
- Air waybill.
- Railway invoice.
Read more about consignment notes
It is important to know that the bill of lading is the main paper for the legitimate transport of goods on absolutely any transport. It is necessary to add that it is depending on which vehicle is used that the form and type of the submitted document are subject to change.
So, a separate way is the execution of shipping documents of the named category for the possibility of transporting goods by train, plane or by sea. It should be borne in mind that most often transport invoices are issued for the transport of goods by road.
It must be remembered that the original of the paper in question is filled out in at least three copies. However, it will be advisable to find out the form and exact quantity from the employees of the authorized structure. All three copies remain with the person who draws up the application. The first is picked up by the sender, the second is taken by the recipient, and the third remains with the carrier for the entire period of maintenance of the commodity products. If it is necessary to carry out the carriage of goods that are owned by someone, for example, during the activities of the transport structure, the carrier is in any case vested with the right to draw up this consignment note.
When considering the presented element of shipping documents, it is important to note that the sender and the carrier of the cargo are in one way or another obligated to sign and also to certify the bill of lading through their own seals. When accepting the cargo by the new driver, his signature is also needed, which will confirm the acceptance of marketable products.
It must be added that the bill of lading contains information regarding the mass of the cargo and the number of places it occupies. These data are entered by none other than the shipper.
In addition, information on the state of the cargo is additionally indicated, and a refutation or confirmation of sealing is made.
The bill of lading includes the names of securities that are attached to the commodity products. Among them are all kinds of documents confirming the quality, certificates, additional instructions for the product, as well as various kinds of permits.
List of financial documents
It is important to know that commercial invoices for commodity products, as a rule, are formed using ready-made data, however, the filling in of quantitative information is carried out exclusively in the presence of the driver. Today, the following papers play a big role:
- Invoice.
- Bill Specification.
- Proforma Invoice.
More About Invoices
Under the invoice should be understood the most common component of the documentation as an interconnected system for the supplied product, which is commercial in nature. One way or another, it is needed in the process of sending absolutely any cargo, usually of commodity origin.
The invoice indicates the exact amount of money that is related to the value of the goods. You need to know that it is possible to provide it in the event of a bill of lading requirement. This is nothing more than a certificate that indicates the origin of marketable products.
When considering such a shipping document as an invoice, it would be advisable to note the following data, which are included in it:
- Information regarding the parties involved in the transaction.
- Enumeration of commodity product codes, as well as their brief description.
- The number of the contract, which indicates the transfer of ownership of the transported product, as well as the date of its signing.
- The number of seats in transport for the placement of commercial products.
- The total mass of the cargo (it is important to supplement that in this case the net and gross are separately listed).
- The cost of each product individually, as well as products in general.
- Documentation determining the number of products.
- Terms of delivery of the product (often the delivery method is indicated here as an additional condition).
Packing list
You need to know that the packing list today is one of the main shipping documents in the case when it comes to sending a large-scale group of goods. It lists the varieties and varieties of marketable products. It must be added that the report is provided for absolutely every place for the goods. As a rule, the paper in question is lowered into a container specially equipped for this, which is located on the side of the box.
The packing list contains the following information:
- The quantity of a commercial product in a package (usually the calculation is realized in pieces).
- Box number (you must know that the distribution of numbers occurs in accordance with the commodity places).
You need to know that the document in question is applied to the packaging when it contains different names of marketable products. It is attached precisely to the invoice, because the information indicated in these papers has something in common. If there are some differences in the mass of the product, this aspect is also indicated. You should be aware that in the packing list any information mentioned on the invoice can be repeated, however, it does not contain the cost of the goods.
List of permits
What shipping documents of the permit plan are known today? Let's talk about them in more detail.
To date, the entire list of shipping documents of a permissive nature is as follows:
- Certificate of Authenticity. It is important to know that it is drawn up and provided only when international transportation is realized, and between the countries of import and export there is an approved agreement regarding the imposition of preferential taxes.
- Certificate of product quality. It should be emphasized that the presented paper is formed for each batch of products separately. As a rule, it is needed only for goods that are used by a person in accordance with their intended purpose. It is advisable to include cosmetics or food commodity products here.
- Phytosanitary certificate.
- Fumigation certificate.
- Hygienic certificate.
- Veterinary certificate.
Phytosanitary certificate
It is provided by authorized government agencies on the basis of the need to protect certain animals, plants or quarantine, which is somehow regulated by the exporting country. It is necessary to supplement that the submitted paper is provided in the process of checking all shipping documentation.
Fumigation Certificate
Currently, a fumigation certificate is needed in order to confirm the absolute cleansing of imported commercial products from various kinds of harmful insects or microorganisms. You should know that its need arises only in the case of the transport of food. In accordance with the standards, the document contains the following information:
- The full name of the company or person who sends or receives the goods.
- Destination address of marketable products.
- Brief characteristics of the contents of each package and cargo in general.
- Total net and gross mass.
- The name of the fumigant, as well as the key parameters in accordance with which the elimination of harmful insects and bacteria was carried out.
Dangerous goods
It is important to know that the certificate for the transport of dangerous goods acts simultaneously as a certificate that they are transported in the proper form, and also subject to the exclusion of the risk of manifestation of certain properties of a negative nature. It is issued by the transport structure, which provides a car for transportation of goods. This certificate confirms the following information:
- Commodity cargo is competently characterized and contains all the data regarding full technical names.
- The cargo is absolutely safe, because it is packaged in a competent way. So, in the case of transportation without complications, the goods can not negatively affect the health and life of people, as well as have some impact on the environment.
- The cargo contains a certain labeling corresponding to its degree of danger. It must be added that this marking is a fundamentally important point when crossing the customs border.