When a person is on the verge of choosing a profession, he should know that the task before him is not limited to determining how he will earn his living in the future. This or that activity, without a doubt, will determine the very way of his life. If you approach this issue lightly, based only on the external manifestations of the profession, and do not take into account your internal requirements, various restrictions and obligations, such an experiment can be very expensive not only for the person himself, but also for the people around him.
The choice of the field of activity
Today in the world there are more than twenty thousand professions. Such a great diversity often baffles high school students and yesterday's schoolchildren. But most often, choosing the sphere of their future activity, they are guided by the opinion of their parents, fashion and prestige of the profession. However, few people are interested in the correspondence of the future specialty and their own psychology. However, this is a very important point. Psychologists adhere to the same opinion.
In this case, such a concept as a professional installation is of fundamental importance. It reflects a person’s willingness to make important decisions at a professional level. On the one hand, such attitudes are associated with objective situations that arise during the performance of official duties, and on the other, they are impossible without the person’s experience in solving various life problems.
Determining the type of future profession
The high competition that is observed today in the labor market will certainly require a young specialist who wants to occupy his niche, not only high enough activity. He must also demonstrate good professional qualities. How to choose the right direction in life?
There are various methods for this. Determining the type of future profession with their application is greatly simplified. But to clarify the person’s propensity for a particular specialty, it is still proposed to use the differential-diagnostic questionnaire of E. A. Klimov. This is a short test, which today is the most popular and common in practical psychology. It is based on a classification that considers the types of professions according to Klimov.
The questionnaire includes twenty alternative judgments. Anyone who passes this test, you just need to choose one of the two classes that are indicated in each question.
Classification of Existing Specialties
The main criterion of the methodology, which determines the types of professions according to Klimov, is the “object of labor”. This is who the professional transformative activity is aimed at or at.
At the same time, Klimov identifies five such “objects of labor”. It:
- nature, here we have in mind biological objects, that is, wildlife;
- equipment, including machinery and materials, mechanisms and various kinds of energy;
- a person who is at different ages (a child, as well as an adult and an elderly one);
- Sign system, which includes a variety of texts, formulas, numbers and information systems;
- artistic image.
In accordance with this classification, five areas of professional activity are distinguished. Let's consider them in more detail.
“Man is nature”
There are certain types of professions for those who like to work in the garden and look after animals and plants and are well versed in biology. For such people, it is worth getting acquainted with the specialties that are in the field of "people – nature".The subject of labor in this case, as a rule, is animals and the conditions of their life and growth, as well as plants and the conditions of their growth.
In this case, the classifier “Type of future profession” Klimov indicates that specialists in this field will carry out such activities as:
- study, research, analysis of the state and living conditions of plants or animals (microbiologist, agronomist, hydrobiologist, livestock specialist, phytopathologist, agricultural chemist);
- care for animals and growing plants (field and grower, grower and grower, livestock and poultry, beekeeper and gardener);
- carrying out preventive work to prevent diseases of animals and plants (quarantine service doctor, veterinarian).
Psychological requirements
Types of professions in the field of human – nature ”, only one who has:
- developed imagination, visual-figurative thinking, good visual memory, the ability to assess and anticipate the changing factors of nature, observation;
- perseverance and patience, the ability to work outside the team, in the mud and under difficult weather conditions.
Representatives of this profession have to look at the world as a whole system of biological phenomena and wildlife. They need to keep in mind significant amounts of information regarding the existence of water bodies and forests, parks, etc. These professionals should have a natural-science mindset that will allow them to see a certain pattern in any row and, given it, continue this row. And for those people whose work is associated with expeditions and travels (oceanologist, geologist, etc.), strength, dexterity and physical endurance will be required. And, of course, one who dreams of one of these professions should love nature and treat it very carefully.
“Man is a technique”
Klimov’s methodology for determining the type of future profession offers to pay attention to this area of activity for those people who like to take part in laboratory work in electrical engineering, chemistry and physics. Especially the sphere of “man-equipment” is suitable for those who are versed in household appliances, able to create, repair and operate various mechanisms, machines, apparatuses and machine tools.
What objects of labor do specialists who choose similar types of professions use? These include mechanisms and machines, that is, technical objects, as well as types of energy and materials.
What is the choice of profession in this case? The types of activities in this area lie in the following areas:
- Creation, assembly and installation of technical devices. These are specialists who design and construct various devices and technical systems, as well as develop technologies for their manufacturing process. Professionals are also working in this area, they are able to assemble devices, mechanisms and machines from individual units and parts, and then adjust and adjust them.
- Operation of technical devices. Such specialists carry out their type of activity, working on machines, controlling vehicles or automatic systems.
- Repair of technical devices. In this case, specialists are able to identify and recognize malfunctions of devices, instruments, mechanisms, bringing them to a normal state and carrying out adjustment.
Psychological criteria for specialists in the field of "man - technology"
People who choose these types of professions should have:
- good coordination of movement;
- accurate kinesthetic, auditory, visual and vibrational perception;
- developed creative and technical imagination and thinking;
- the ability to concentrate and switch attention;
- observation.
When such people work, it becomes necessary to keep in mind the most complex processes that occur in technical systems. It can be a computer or a modern car model stuffed with electronics, an automated production line, etc.All technical objects operated by professionals in this field have a huge difference in size. After all, they include a colossal steam turbine and transistor, which can only be seen under a microscope. Diverse in this area and means of labor. It can be a giant excavator and the thinnest micro-scalpel. That is why people who choose this area of activity should have a knack for movement, and sometimes endurance and physical strength.
“Man is a Sign System”
What does the Klimova technique offer the subject? The type of profession, which is in the sphere of “man - a sign system”, is perfect for someone who likes to draw drawings and perform calculations, systematize a variety of information and keep file cabinets, do not mind doing economics, programming, statistics, etc.
Characteristics of the types of professions "man – the sign system ”suggests that the main objects of labor for such specialists are:
- texts in a foreign or native language (proofreader and editor, clerk and typist, typesetter and telegraph operator);
- tables, formulas and numbers (computer operator and programmer, accountant and economist, as well as statistics);
- maps, diagrams and drawings (process engineer and constructor, copyist and draftsman, surveyor and navigator);
- sound signals (stenographer and radio operator, sound engineer and telephone operator).
Psychological features of the representatives of the sphere “man is a sign system”
How in this case to apply the classification that E.A. proposed to us Klimov? Determining the type of future profession is impossible without the qualities that a person has:
- good mechanical and random access memory;
- the ability to long-term concentration of attention on the iconic material;
- good switching and distribution of attention;
- the ability to see the essence behind conventional signs;
- accuracy of perception;
- patience and perseverance;
- logical thinking.
Representatives of this sphere evaluate the world from the side of its orderliness and from the point of view of how much everything has been taken into account, studied and counted in it. Such specialists should be well versed in symbols and sign systems. That is why it is important for them to feel the language, that is, to have the ability to quickly find the general meaning inherent in the text and to catch those moments that do not correspond to it.
“Man is an artistic image”
This is the fourth area in which a person can become a first-class specialist. To do this, you will need to use the object of labor in your activity in the form of an artistic image and methods of its construction.
Specialists who choose this area will have to carry out activities such as;
- design and creation of works of art (artist and writer, fashion designer and composer, sculptor and architect, choreographer and journalist);
- manufacturing according to the model or reproduction of various products (restorer and jeweler, musician and engraver, cabinetmaker and actor);
- Reproduction and mass production of works of art (crystal and stone grinder, master of painting, printer and painter).
Requirements for the psychological portrait of representatives of professions "man - an artistic image"
Those who plan to work in this field of activity will need:
- artistic abilities;
- visual memory and observation;
- creative imagination;
- visual-figurative thinking;
- well-developed visual perception;
- observation;
- knowledge and understanding of psychological laws that contribute to the impact on people.
Such specialists are looking for beauty and harmony in the world around them. They are also trying to bring something beautiful to him. To solve such creative tasks, you need to be a person who subtly feels the world. But at the same time it is important to have equanimity and mental stability. This will give strength and will not allow you to be upset in case of failure.
"Man is man"
For most professionals working in this field, the subject of work is people. This applies to such areas of activity:
- training and education (teacher and educator, as well as a sports coach);
- medical services (paramedic and doctor, nannies and nurses);
- consumer services (hairdresser and seller, watchman and waiter);
- protection of the state and society (policeman and lawyer, military man and inspector);
- information services (lecturer, guide and librarian).
Psychological requirements for professions "man - man"
What character traits should specialists working in this field have? For them it is important:
- have sociability, easily entering into contacts with strangers;
- strive for communication;
- have a stable and good health when working with people;
- be responsive and friendly;
- have an excerpt;
- be able to restrain your own emotions;
- be able to analyze the behavior of not only others, but also their own;
- anticipate intentions and understand the mood of other people;
- to understand human relationships;
- restrain emerging disagreements and organize interaction between people;
- have the ability to put yourself in the place of the interlocutor, to be able to listen and take into account his opinion;
- own gestures, facial expressions and speech;
- be able to convince people;
- be punctual, neat and collected;
- know the psychology of people.
Representatives of professions in the field of "man – man ”, must understand that all people perceive this world in their own way. Moreover, many difficulties arising in human relations are caused by the unwillingness to accept the point of view of the interlocutor.