"You need to invest in something that is getting more expensive." These words were recently in an interview with a famous blogger, said Oleg Tinkov. On the territory of the Russian Federation, residents do not stop investing in real estate, as well as deposit money in banks. But this is almost no income. It is difficult to find a bank with a high rate on deposits, and the money received from the lease is not able to satisfy many citizens.
New project of Tinkoff Bank
Many residents of the Russian Federation began to become interested in the stock market. This is due to the fact that financial literacy does not stop growing. In this regard, banks began to look for ways to take advantage of this situation in order to increase their income. In the fall of 2016, a well-known Russian bank launched a new project, Tinkoff Investments. Thanks to this service, people can purchase shares of other companies (including foreign ones) through Tinkoff Bank.
Tinkoff Investments is a bank project developed in cooperation with BCS Broker. The service enables customers to buy shares of domestic and foreign companies. In addition to stocks, customers can also buy instruments of the debt market, which are bonds denominated in the currency of other states.
All securities that a bank client can buy using the Tinkoff Investments service are present on the stock exchanges of the Russian Federation and other countries of the world (United States of America, Great Britain, etc.).
Contract signing
The first thing that a person needs to do if he has a desire to use the bank’s service is to submit an application. You can leave it on the site. Bank representatives will contact the client as soon as possible (usually within two days). First you will need to meet with a person from the bank in order to sign an agreement with BSK.
You need to wait two days after signing the contract and only then will it be possible to buy shares. You can carry out this operation in your account on the website of Tinkoff Bank. In the event that a person is not a client of the bank, together with the contract he will receive a bank card.
Tinkoff Investments. Overview
To work with the service, no additional software is required. All manipulations with stocks, securities and bonds are carried out in the personal account on the site.
The client is shown a list of shares that he has the opportunity to purchase. After choosing what you need, you just need to pay for it with your credit card. Replenishment of a brokerage account occurs instantly. In addition, there are no commissions.
In the personal account, the client can receive informational and analytical data. He can be provided with graphs of the value of securities to view the trend, as well as current value, which displays the appropriateness of a particular investment.
The Tinkoff Investments service provides its customers with simplified tariffs that apply when purchasing or selling securities. The commission for the purchase or sale of securities is the same - 0.3 percent, but not less than 99 rubles.
If the purchase or sale of securities or shares in foreign currency is carried out, then the commission is calculated on the basis of the exchange rate that was set by the Bank of Russia for a particular currency one day before the conclusion of the transaction.
Advantages over other brokers
The commission is withdrawn from the client’s account on the day the transaction was concluded.One of the main reasons for the positive feedback from bank users about Tinkoff Investments is the complete absence of various additional commission fees that other brokers providing similar services may have.
An advantage of the service is that there are no payments when opening or closing an account. Also, absolutely no commission, you can replenish your account and withdraw funds from it. There is no fee for maintaining and using the account.
The target audience
The Tinkoff Investments service was created for people who have been investing in deposits for a long time, but are considering options that can bring more profit. According to the representative of the bank, this project is not suitable for those traders who prefer earnings on intraday fluctuations. The reason for this is the relatively high commission.
The bank declares that for more or less serious earnings, transactions worth 40-50 thousand rubles should be closed. Otherwise, the profit will be insignificant. A deal worth over forty thousand rubles will be able to overtake deposits in terms of profitability. At the same time, the Tinkoff Investments commission will amount to only 150 rubles.
Tool selection
When choosing instruments, the main criterion was their liquidity. Bank customers can buy and sell only those securities that are the most popular in the markets.
The peculiarity of the service lies in the fact that there is no data available to the investor that is available to customers of classic trading terminals. Before the user of the Tinkoff Investments service, only the price of the instrument is displayed. The investor must choose whether he will buy it or refuse to purchase.
The bank declares that this value is the price of equilibrium. It was determined taking into account the exchange situation, taking into account demand, supply and all prices. This makes it possible to guarantee the price of an asset.
How to make an investment
When buying, the client displays investment ideas that he can use to guide the transaction. The tool page displays the value of a security. Also, the investor can get acquainted with the profitability of instruments and how its value changed during the year.
If you open the bonds page, then coupon payments will be shown. The accumulated coupon is subtracted from the amount of income. This allows inexperienced customers to better understand how much money the conclusion of a transaction will bring him.
There are two ways to repay an instrument purchase. Firstly, money can be transferred from a brokerage account. Secondly, funds can be sent directly from a bank card. The purchase must be confirmed via SMS, which comes to the phone number attached to the card. When buying stocks or bonds, their price is fixed for two minutes. This time is given to the fact that the investor was able to enter the code received in SMS. If during that time the code is not entered in the field provided for this purpose, quotes may change again.
Withdraw funds
Withdraw money to a bank card from an account in the Tinkoff Investments service can be carried out once a day. Moreover, the maximum withdrawal amount may be less than two million rubles.
According to representatives of the bank, the withdrawal of funds from an account to a card can take about fifteen minutes. But there are situations when it drags on for up to two days. The reason for this is that the bank must determine the size of the client’s profit, and then deduct the tax in the amount of 13 percent of the investor’s profit.
Advantages and disadvantages of the service
Many experts agree that the simplicity of the service can attract new investors. The small number of players in the market is due to the fact that many people find trading terminals difficult. There is also an opinion among investors that the stock market is closely linked to fraud.However, the main reason is the reduction in income and profits.
Another advantage of the service is remote trading. To carry out transactions, the purchase / sale of a financial instrument can be carried out by an investor without leaving home. Also, a broker representative comes home to the client to sign the contract.
A wide selection of shares of Russian and foreign companies. The service provides an opportunity to purchase shares of such well-known corporations as Gazprom, Rosneft, McDonald’s and others.
Many users in their reviews of Tinkoff Investments note the comfort of working with the service, since it became possible to invest in foreign companies without opening an account with a bank in another country.
The service can be useful for experienced investors as well as for novice traders who have a desire to make money. Another common tip about investing in Tinkoff Bank is transaction security, which cannot be guaranteed by not all intermediaries in the stock market.
The service also has its drawbacks. Some analysts argue that the simplicity of the interface and the greatly simplified access to baiting on the stock exchange can be dangerous for private investors, since stocks are high-risk instruments. A bank client can count. That he was deceived, since the value of the stock portfolio can be reduced by a quarter in a couple of weeks.
Also, many investors say that at Tinkoff Investments dividends are significantly cut due to the high commission for the transaction. There are a number of other brokers that provide similar services, with a lower commission.
One of the well-known brokers offers novice investors to make a deal at a commission rate of 0.0177% in the first thirty days with a turnover not exceeding 1 million rubles. Then the rate is doubled. Tinkoff Bank has ten times this size. However, representatives of Tinkoff Bank said that long-term investments will make commission fees in the service not so overhead. Some experts believe that the commission can play a positive role, because it forces investors to pay attention to long-term investments and refuse speculative investments. Other disadvantages of the service are the lack of the ability to purchase shares on credit and a small selection of financial instruments.
Tinkoff Investment 2017 innovations. Overview
In the early summer of 2017, the Tinkoff Investments service created a new tool called ETF. It makes it possible to combine several companies in one category.
The bank said that this makes it possible to sort stocks by the selected parameter. For example, by the fact that the shares belong to a particular country, to a particular segment.
In the event that an investor buys ETF securities, he simultaneously invests funds in the shares of several companies at once. And in a situation where the value of one share falls, the price of another may increase.