
Theory of success. How people become successful

Successful people are not those who have high intellectual indicators, but those who can get up after the next, albeit thousandth, failure, smile and start all over again. Man can do anything. True, not everyone is aware of this, but the theory of success is basically the realization of this simple truth.


In the book “The Brain of Winners,” scientists at Harvard University, namely, psychologists D. Brown and M. Fenske put forward the following theory: “Success has never been dependent on intelligence, financial situation, or prevailing circumstances. Even luck does not guarantee success. It is often associated with a person’s ability to control his consciousness and be resistant to defeats and failures. ”

Therefore, we can say that success is primarily an activity that is aimed at achieving results while enjoying it. And secondly, success is the recognition by the public of the results achieved.

The theory of success is nothing more than a sequence of events that lead to an ultimate goal. And no matter what the situation, the one who really strives for real success must draw conclusions and find benefits for himself.

success theory

Common misconceptions

Very often the concept of “success” is confused with professional success in the narrowest sense. Simply put, this word means prestige and money. Professionally successful people always occupy high positions and are completely devoted to work that they do not really like. These people are known in person, they are respected in society, but no more. Leaving all the forces at work, they do not develop in other aspects of social life.

As for professional success as a positive phenomenon, it is characterized by the following principles:

  • A person enjoys work and achieves personal goals.
  • He earns exactly as much as he needs.
  • He always finds time for a good rest and communication with friends and relatives.

Victory begins with failure

Any successful activity begins with a successful launch of the idea. Getting to the implementation of any business, you need to immediately set a goal and indicate the final result. Naturally, brilliant ideas are the lot of the elite, and therefore, before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, you need to thoroughly prepare. By training we mean courses, trainings, or development of a theoretical knowledge base of relevant topics. After the preparations are completed, a specific action plan will be identified, in most cases it still requires additional adjustment, but the main path will be outlined.

But this is only the beginning. Before proceeding with the measures, it is necessary to determine the risks as far as possible and to consider ways to level them. To do this, you can use the knowledge about the experience of other people (it does not matter whether it is positive or negative). The main thing is to understand that there will be situations that are not provided for in the plan. And this is normal. Defeat is natural, and the path to success in life begins with it.

motivation for success

How to motivate yourself?

But not every person is able to rise after failure. Many lack the motivation and desire to fight. And if a person knows how to choose an action plan, then the next question that requires disclosure is motivation for success.

Motivation is a state of mind that reproduces a desire to act. But she does not appear at the click of her fingers. Success motivation is a feeling that is developed by special skills for some time. The main ones are:

  • Wake up early. The sooner a person wakes up, the more time he will be allotted for business. This rule also applies to weekends.
  • Give yourself an installation. After sleep, you do not need to drink coffee, but give yourself a positive attitude to win.
  • Positive thinking. Whatever happens, you need to think positively and wrap another failure in your favor.
  • Help. Helping others, a person primarily helps himself.
  • Keep your word. And it doesn’t matter who the promise was made to, yourself or your business partner.
  • Alternative. It is worthwhile to understand that there are no alternatives in terms of achieving success; you cannot put it off for later.
  • Progress. The rule of thumb is to get better every day.

how people become successful

Get to know yourself

Successful people insist that a person must first know himself better. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. The human brain is a flexible and customizable tool, therefore, during introspection, the subconscious mind accepts the negative characteristics of the person on the part of common sense and tries to correct them. Simply put, a person does not want to acknowledge his weaknesses and tries to pretend that he does not have them. And he pretends to be until really weaknesses are not dispelled. Important is the ability to control your emotions. It is unlikely that you can find a successful person who will burst into a whirlwind of discontent when he does not succeed.


An important stage in success theory is prioritization. No matter how well a plan has been drawn up to achieve the desired and no matter how well a person has “pumped” his motivation and succeeded in introspection, he needs to be able to work in critical situations. Unforeseen circumstances often happen, because of them the planned action plan for a certain period completely changes: tasks no longer have such urgency as before, new urgent matters appear, and old tasks are gradually forgotten.

This is the main problem. No matter how serious the changes in the workflow are, you don’t have to lose your head. First, tasks of primary importance are solved, which will help stabilize the situation. And this stable situation, which is in complete chaos, must be structured by a person. Yes, it is important to solve those problems that interfere with the work, however, it is not necessary to discount the work itself. Otherwise, such behavior leads to collapse.

school of success

What is the difference between a successful person?

Successful people are different. This is evident both in gaze, and in gait, and in manners. How do people become successful? Just follow a few recommendations:

  • They value their own time.
  • Watch your image. The proverb “by clothes they meet” was coined clearly for a reason.
  • Take full responsibility for their own actions.
  • They concentrate on performing one task, and not all at once.
  • Don't let yourself be late.

Learning is Light

Since people become successful in the process of everyday activities, and are not born that way, there have long been special trainings that help in this matter. At such courses they talk about how to properly organize their work, to unite the team, and most importantly, how to believe in yourself. Schools of success have long been popular. In general, they advocate a strategy for personal growth, the correct presentation of themselves as a successful person.

Success schools can have a different thematic focus. For example, some focus on training future managers, others focus on private entrepreneurs, others simply work with children and adolescents, helping them to express their “I” and become a significant person among their peers. In such classes, they mainly teach how to portray success, but, as mentioned earlier, the main thing is to pretend, and then everything will become real.

Success Technique

In such establishments, the so-called technology of success is often used in training. This technique is borrowed from the practice of school teachers.They artificially create a success situation in the classroom, so that it is easier for students to adapt to the new environment, memorize material and be diligent in achieving significant results.

Since the situation of success is nothing more than a deliberate combination of conditions that make you want to work for a certain result, this technology of success is also used in courses. It consists of successive stages:

  • Emancipation, removal of feelings of fear.
  • Announcing future success.
  • Providing hidden instructions on how to achieve what you want.
  • Motivation.
  • Mobilization of vigorous activity.

Using this technology increases working tonus and increases productivity. Simply put, in the courses a person is charged with optimism, acquires useful knowledge and is ready to bring them to life.

ladder of success

To the big - in small steps

One of such knowledge is the concept of “ladder of success”. This is nothing more than a psychological device, which consists in dividing a large-scale plan of action into small consecutive steps. Another name for this technique is "how to eat an elephant." It is logical to assume that such a large beast as an elephant cannot be swallowed at a time. But if you cut it into small pieces, then over time it will turn out to "eat". So with the task at hand - grandiose designs require appropriate action. But, rushing from side to side without clearly defined steps, you can simply stagnate. Therefore, such a technique as the ladder of success must be adopted by everyone who wants to achieve it.

success technology

Great people's advice

A lot of information on how to become successful can be gained by exploring theories of success of great people. Particular attention should be paid to the habits with which they live, and if possible, to educate them in yourself:

  • Solve all problems as they arrive, without delay. This will allow less effort.
  • To set high standards. The higher the query, the faster the desired result will come.
  • Sociability is an important element on the path to success.
  • The poor environment pulls to the bottom and discourages from risk. Therefore, it is better to deal with like-minded people.
  • To take responsibility.
  • Be equal to the best figures in their field.
  • Start a diary in which you will need to write down all the ideas that come to mind, as well as break down large tasks into small stages.
  • Never give up.

life success

The theory of success is a series of ups and downs, without which it is impossible to move forward. To achieve the desired, you need to stumble more than once and try again. That is how people become successful. They are constantly fighting on two fronts: with themselves and with obstacles. But only they can boast that they know what he is, this sweet taste of victory that comes after a person has done everything that depended on him. And if this did not happen, then someone somewhere was fumbling. People become successful thanks to their own efforts, and if these efforts are applied wisely and under the clear guidance of cold calculation, then success will come twice as fast. Checked!

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