To confirm ownership of certain objects, citizens are issued a certificate of the established form. This paper is usually requested when making any legally important transactions with property. Today we will be presented with a sample certificate of ownership of the apartment. Where to get it? How to issue? What is required for this? The answers to all these questions can be found below.
Briefly about the document
What does the certificate of ownership of a new-type apartment look like? The thing is that this paper has a different look.
Nevertheless, it serves as a confirmation of property rights to real estate. The certificate indicates homeowners, as well as the address of the property.
The certificate may be presented as a separate document on sheet A4 of a pinkish or greenish color, or an extract on a white sheet. It is the second interpretation of paper that prevails in practice. Indeed, since 2016 in the Russian Federation, certificates of ownership have ceased to be issued. They were replaced by extracts from the USRN.
Where to get it?
Some people wonder where you can get a certificate of ownership of a house or apartment? This service is provided in different bodies.
Where exactly to ask for help? For example, in the following organizations:
- single window services;
- MFC;
- State registry.
Online request is available. Either third-party sites or the Rosreestr or Gosuslug services page will help here.
Terms of service
How quickly is a certificate of ownership of an apartment issued? A sample of this paper is presented to our attention.
The service is pretty fast. Typically, the waiting period for an extract of the established form does not exceed 3 days. In some cases, a certificate will be issued in 5-6 days, but no more.
Some third-party services offer registration of certificates and statements in a few hours. However, such suggestions are best neglected.
A sample certificate of ownership of the apartment in different interpretations is presented to our attention. You may notice that this paper may look different.
Some are interested in the cost of making a document. There is no definite answer to this question. After all, the primary certificate of ownership (extract of USRN) is issued free of charge.
Repeated requests for a document are costly. They depend on the information written on the extract, as well as on the presentation form of the document. Some sources claim that the certificate of ownership of the apartment (sample 2017) for individuals will cost less than for organizations. And it is true!
In some sources, it is indicated that the EGRP statement in electronic form costs 150 rubles, on paper - 200. Someone says that the certificate of the established form to organizations will cost 600-750 rubles, for ordinary citizens - 300-400 rubles. It is on such prices that you should focus.
For more information on the size of state fees for extracts from the Unified State Register of Enterprises, it is best to contact the Rosreestr. Only there they will report current information on this issue.
Preparation of documents
Nobody will give out the mentioned paper just like that. This is a normal occurrence. You will have to bring a small package of documents to the registration authority. During the initial registration of property rights, it will directly depend on the reason for the occurrence of property in the ownership of the applicant.Repeated requests are easier to submit. We will stop on them.
An approximate package of documents for issuing a USRN statement looks like this:
- passport;
- statement;
- receipt of paid state duty.
In some cases, title deed will be required for real estate. Organizations additionally bring with them the constituent documents and a power of attorney, certified by a notary public, drawn up in the name of the applicant.
Request Submission Algorithm
To obtain a valid sample of a certificate of ownership, a citizen will need to follow a certain sequence of actions. Consider the process of personal appeal for paper.
So, it is worth doing the following:
- To carry out the preparation of all necessary documents for the implementation of ideas. Their list was presented above.
- Write a request for a certificate of ownership of the apartment. The questionnaire form can either be taken at the Rosreestr / MFC and filled out in the same place, or write a handwritten application.
- Pay for the provision of services.
- Submit all prepared papers to the registration authority.
- Get a receipt of acceptance of the request.
- At the appointed time, pick up an extract from the MFC or from Rosreestr.
Perhaps this is all. A receipt may not be issued if a citizen submits a request to the Federal Registration Service. But at the MFC this paper is always handed.
Internet request
You will have to act a little differently if a sample certificate of ownership of the apartment is requested via the Internet. In this case, the introduction of a fee usually occurs non-cash, which greatly simplifies life.
The easiest way is to request an extract through the Rosreestr website. In this situation, management will help:
- Open
- Click on "Obtaining an extract from the state register of real estate."
- Fill out the form.
- Indicate the desired form and place of receipt of paper.
- Go to the duty payment page.
- Enter the information about the request (application number) and the text from the captcha in the designated places.
- Choose a payment method.
- Enter the details requested from the user.
- Confirm the operation.
It remains only to wait for a notification about the readiness of the document. If an electronic sample of the certificate of ownership of the apartment has been ordered, the corresponding file will be sent to the electronic mailbox specified by the user. Otherwise, you have to pick up the document yourself. A citizen must take all the papers listed above with him.
Now it’s clear how to order a certificate of ownership of any real estate, and not just an apartment. The proposed action algorithms work 100%.
If a person decided to use the "State Services", then the instructions for the Rosreestr website will help him. The difference lies in the fact that when using Gosuslug it is necessary to have a verified profile. This requires registration in advance. Obtaining a certificate of ownership is a simple task.