
Construction and installation organization: types of work performed, personnel admission. Construction and installation management

Construction organization called an independent enterprise, constantly operating in the construction industry. It performs overhaul, reconstruction, construction, equipment installation, etc. The basis for the implementation of the activity is a contract. construction organization

Specificity of enterprises

It must be said that to construction organizations include only those that work for a long time and are isolated. Departments and management of capital construction, construction sites, other divisions of enterprises engaged in economic construction are not included in this category.

Contracting enterprises are state construction and installation, construction, specialized, repair and construction and installation departments and trusts, mechanization departments and other organizations equated to a management or trust.


Construction and installation management and trusts provide:

  • Implementation of the plan for the commissioning of facilities.
  • Increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing their cost.
  • Continuous improvement of organizational and technical measures, which, in turn, helps to increase the profitability of enterprises.
  • Improving the working and living conditions of specialists, increasing the cultural and technical level.

To implement the tasks construction organizations are provided with fixed and revolving funds, are vested with the rights of a legal entity, are on a full economic calculation. The activities of each enterprise are carried out in accordance with the charter.  construction and installation management

The main types of construction organizations

Depending on the economic and legal situation, the roles in the production process, contracting enterprises are divided into trusts and primary organizations. The first are economic administrative bodies.

The jurisdiction of the trust construction management, as well as households serving construction. The latter, for example, are housing and communal services, transport and other offices. In addition to the planning and administrative tasks, the trust solves the issue of interaction and settlements with suppliers, customers and between farms that are part of it.

Primary construction organizations are construction, specialized units, as well as plots equivalent to them. They are the direct performers of the work. The primary construction and installation organizations may include utility production and service units. The most extensive is the network operating in large cities. For example, construction and installation organizations in Moscow There are a huge number of units and service industries responsible for specific areas of the city. construction organizations in Moscow

Specialization Features

Construction and installation enterprises operating in different regions or industries are divided according to the type of work, the nature of the contractual relationship, and annual production volume.

So, there are specialized and general construction organizations. The latter carry out all work or most of them. Specialized enterprises, respectively, are engaged in a certain type of installation or construction work.For example, there are decoration, road, sanitary organizations.

Types of contractual relationships

Depending on them, there are general and subcontracting enterprises. The former may conclude general agreements with the customer for the construction of a particular facility. The general contractor, in turn, on the basis of a subcontracting agreement, may involve specialized organizations for the performance of certain works.

It should be noted that the general contractor will be responsible for complying with the rules and regulations when implementing the construction project. He is also responsible for the quality of the work of the subcontractor.

Homebuilding companies

They constitute a separate category of construction and installation enterprises. House-building companies, at their own expense and on their own, create designs for residential buildings and deliver them to construction sites. There they collect from the manufactured elements of the house until they are ready for commissioning. admission of personnel of construction organizations

Homebuilding companies are usually subcontracting organizations. Usually they specialize in the construction of the ground part of buildings.

Work in electrical installations and within the security zones of power lines

To fulfill them, the requirements for the admission of personnel of construction organizations.

All work must be carried out on the basis of a contract or other written agreement with the company. It should describe the scope, content and timing of activities.

Before starting the activity, the construction and installation organization provides a list of employees entitled to issue work orders and supervise the work. The list shall indicate the name and initials of each specialist, position, electrical safety group.

Certificate of admission

It is compiled before the work is performed by the head of the enterprise-owner of the electrical installation together with the representative of the QS The act shall determine:

  • The points of visible breaks in the electrical circuit created to separate the zone allocated by the QS from the electrical installation, sections of the protective grounding device.
  • Type of fences preventing the erroneous penetration of specialists of a construction and installation enterprise beyond the boundaries of the place of work. The act must indicate their location.
  • Plots of exit / entry, entry / exit.
  • The presence of harmful, dangerous factors.

The act or a separate order of the head of the enterprise owning the electrical installation must indicate information on employees authorized by the SMO personnel and the signature of the work permits. One copy of the order must be handed over to the representative of the construction and installation company.  types of construction organizations

Responsibility for observing safety rules when performing the work specified in the act lies with the heads of the enterprise-owner of the electrical installation and QS.

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