
Methods and means of advertising distribution

A special type of human activity that accompanies him for centuries is called advertising. The translation of this word is "screaming." It is not possible to determine the true nature of advertising, since it includes psychology, art, sociology, statistics, logic, and several other sciences. Advertising is one of the marketing tools.

Ad History

The prototype of modern advertising can be considered cave paintings. More than 2,500 years ago, an advertisement of the following content was discovered in Ancient Egypt: "I am Reno from Crete, by the command of the gods I interpret dreams." The first printing press was invented and implemented in 1450 in Germany. Twenty-seven years later, the first advertisement was published in England, and in Russia in 1703, in the first Russian newspaper. distribution of advertisingSince the beginning of the twentieth century, posters have appeared, radio advertising sounds, group interviews are conducted. The 90s are characterized by the advent of outdoor and political advertising. The United States has been a leader in this industry since the mid-nineteenth century. Currently, the development of this type of activity is taking place successfully in England, France, Italy, Germany and Japan. The requirements for the distribution of advertising in each country are established by legislative acts.

Advertising development in Russia

The first mention of the need for advertising can be attributed to the sixteenth century. The end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century is a period of successful development of Russian advertising. And the outdoor has a history lasting more than a hundred years. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people, namely, sentimentality, compassion, spirituality, fidelity, there were no aggressive moments in advertising. Russian advertising is original. In Soviet times, it practically did not exist. And only from the end of the eighties began the restoration, the revival of advertising. With the adoption of the federal law in 1995, the advertising business has degenerated into a civilized one and currently has a great future. With a certain regularity, statistics are collected and analyzed on the volume of advertising in the means of its distribution: television, print media, the Internet, etc.

Advertising activity

The American professor of international marketing Kotler F. gave the following definition. Advertising is non-personal forms of communication that are carried out through paid means of disseminating information and have a clearly indicated financial source. Advertising activity and means of distribution of advertising - this is the opportunity to influence the consumer in order to force the acquisition of products or services. The following types of advertising are distinguished:

  • trade;
  • commodity;
  • corporate;
  • political.

One of the first tasks of the manufacturer is to bring product information. The second is to be able to convince to acquire it. At all stages, a different type of advertising is used:

  • informative - to bring a product or service to the market;
  • exhortation - during the period when the product has gained popularity;
  • reminding - at a time when the product has firmly established itself in the market;
  • reinforcing - in the form of various rewards for the purchase of this product or service.

ways of advertising distributionAdvertising Distribution Classification:

  1. Straight - hand-delivered handouts, letters, flyers or mailing lists.
  2. Print - posters, booklets, leaflets, calendars, postcards, catalogs and many other types of printed materials.
  3. Screen - television, cinema, slide projection.
  4. In press - in magazines, directories, phone books, newspapers, in special magazines, company newsletters.
  5. Outdoor - placement of large-sized posters on structures, running lines, specially installed display cases.
  6. By public transport - Printed announcements or flyers, inscriptions and drawings on the outside or inside the vehicle, all kinds of display cases with products in the airport halls, train stations and subway stations.
  7. At points of sale - decorated showcases, signs, signs, packaging with logos applied to them.
  8. Small forms - souvenir products, including packages, pens, rulers, notebooks.

These are the most common ways of transmitting advertising information. Advertising activities must comply with certain rules. A complete list of requirements for the distribution of advertising is set forth in the federal law governing this type of activity.

Responsibility of the participants in the advertising process

Three participants take part in this process and each carries a certain degree of responsibility:

  • advertiser - for the informative part of the information material;
  • advertising producer - in case of violation of the law during its preparation, production, as well as execution;
  • distributor - in terms of means of placing an advertising product, place and time.

Thus, responsibility for the distribution of advertising is provided for all participants and is presented in more detail in the relevant federal law. Citizens whose interests and rights have been violated as a result of unfair advertising can apply to the judicial authorities with relevant requirements, including compensation for non-pecuniary damage, compensation for lost profits, etc.

In addition, liability is provided for the dissemination of advertising about narcotic, psychotropic drugs and their precursors. Violation of the legislation on advertising by participants in the process is fraught with administrative fines, the amount of which depends on who it is imposed on: legal entities, citizens or an official.

Advertising media

Using the sources of distribution of advertising, the advertiser has an impact on potential buyers and seek to encourage them to purchase the advertised product. The success will depend on how correctly the means of transmitting advertising material is chosen. All advertising media in different ways affect the minds of consumers, have disadvantages and advantages. For the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, various methods and techniques of a psychological nature are applied when influencing the audience. According to statistics, about 15 percent of the budget allocated for advertising is spent on the production of advertising information. The remaining finances go to their placement in the selected sources. In the conditions of fierce competition, the promotion of goods encourages manufacturers and traders to choose the most effective and advanced methods of influencing consumers and methods of delivering advertising products.

Means of distribution of advertising information

At the planning stage of an advertising campaign, the means of its distribution are selected. There are a huge number of ways to transmit the necessary information. Among the main methods of advertising distribution on the Russian market are:

  • a television;
  • print media;
  • radio;
  • reference books of a specialized orientation;
  • sales notice, flyers, coupons, brochures, i.e. direct mail;
  • publications in magazines, newspapers, business meetings, interviews, club memberships;
  • telephone marketing, questionnaires (questionnaires);
  • discounts, coupons;
  • advertising pages, facilities;
  • presentation material, personal letters;
  • souvenir promotional items.

responsibility for the distribution of advertisingOf course, each advertising medium performs its task and has certain specifics. When choosing a means of distribution of advertising, they evaluate it according to certain criteria: this is the exposure time, audience coverage, cost, quality of information material.

Advertising success forecast

In order to check the advertising media use different methods. The forecast is carried out to determine the effectiveness of the means of distribution of advertising. Several different options are compared and the best one is chosen. The results of the analysis allow us to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the advertising product, find out the causes of failures, finalize and formulate concrete proposals for direct improvement. One hundred percent chance of success is difficult to predict on the preliminary run of advertising, but the likelihood of failure is significantly reduced. Forecasting methods are divided into:

  1. Subjective. Based on the ratings of consumers and experts. The former focus on emotions, while the latter analyze advertising as professionals. Thus, to make an objective conclusion about the quality of the product is quite difficult.
  2. Objective. They allow you to determine the intensity and type of action of advertising and then evaluate its quality. This is achieved by attracting the look, remembering, emotional sound and impact, processing information.

sources of distribution of advertisingIn addition, the forecast is influenced by the methods of its placement:

  • Left, right page, top or bottom corner. It has been established that attention is drawn to the information located in the upper right corner on the right page of the print publication.
  • At the beginning, middle or end of the magazine. Materials placed in the middle of the publication are not perceived.
  • The size. The larger the size of the medium, the better its attractiveness, despite the content.
  • Color spectrum. It is better remembered in contrast to black and white.

However, if a consumer is interested in a certain product, he pays attention to advertising regardless of its attractiveness and correct placement, but the need to attract a larger audience forces marketers to look for new ways and methods of forecasting an advertising product.

Characteristics of advertising media


Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • prestige;
  • high quality playback;
  • long existence;
  • many "secondary" readers;
  • demographic and geographical selectivity is high.

The disadvantages are:

  • no guarantee of posting information in a better place;
  • a long period passes between the acquisition of a place and the appearance of advertising material.


The benefits of this distribution medium include:

  • high reliability;
  • confession;
  • fairly large coverage in a particular area;
  • timeliness;
  • flexibility.


  • small audience;
  • playback quality is poor;
  • short duration.

Outdoor advertising


  • low price;
  • little competition;
  • high degree of repeated contacts;
  • flexibility.

Negative points:

  • creative limitations;
  • audience selectivity is missing.


The advantages of this type are determined by the following points:

  • mass use;
  • financial availability;
  • audience selectivity, including demographic and geographical.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • hard to get attention;
  • only sound media are used;
  • speed of advertising contact.

A television

The preference of such a means of disseminating advertising is as follows:

  • impact affects the feelings of the audience;
  • extensive coverage;
  • sound, image, movement - everything is combined with each other;
  • perfectly attracts attention.

new methods of advertising distributionThe imperfection of this tool lies in the enormous cost, fleeting and significant overload of advertising material.

Basic means of commercial advertising

The methods and means of disseminating advertising include the following types:

  • Printed. It is widely used at exhibitions, various presentations, when negotiating or at business meetings. It is a booklet, catalog, poster or flyer.
  • Outdoor. The most affordable and effective - in the form of banners, billboards, backlit signs, screens, various displays, including electronic ones, as well as advertising on public transport. Pluses: attracts attention, bright, affordable, understandable.
  • The Internet. With this type of advertising, there are no territorial restrictions.
  • Television. A very expensive tool and a constant tendency to increase costs. Strongly, like a magnet, affects the audience. Television advertising comes out with a running line, a television screen saver, an ad, a video or the whole program.
  • Audiovisual. It allows you to reach a huge audience and is actively used in the advertising campaign of everyday goods or various services.
  • In press. Advertising publications are published in periodicals, designed as advertisements or review and advertising articles. This way of advertising distribution is quite large and is in second place after television. The main advantages: accessibility, low price, efficiency, wide coverage and selectivity of the audience, can be read many times.
  • On the radio. Represents a broadcast or video, or an announcement. The main advantages are not intrusiveness, unlike television, a rather large audience reach, cheapness, speed, low selectivity.
  • Souvenir. This way of distribution of advertising is considered image-building and is widely used at exhibitions or fairs.

Consumer impact

Means of distribution of advertising is divided into the following communication channels:

  • Impersonali.e. without feedback and personal contact. These include the means of selective influence and the media. These channels are designed for specialized audiences.
  • Personal involve individual meetings, correspondence, communication by phone, radio, television. They allow feedback and allow you to personally communicate. A personal channel gives a good effect and is designed for an indiscriminate audience.

It is important for the advertiser to choose the distribution of advertising information. Due to the fact that all financial expenses for an advertising campaign are included in the cost of production, you should minimize the cost of each advertising contact, but at the same time maximize their number with a potential buyer. In this process, the following points should be taken into account:

  • determine the breadth of advertising coverage;
  • decide on the strength of the impact and frequency of the appearance of advertising messages;
  • to select means of distribution of advertising products;
  • calculate the economic benefits.

Thus, in the planning process should focus on the tool that would achieve the desired result.

Features of outdoor advertising

This type of distribution of advertising is considered the most popular and is widely used in different countries of the world. It is located in the open air, it has a number of indisputable advantages, such as a huge number of advertising contacts, flexibility in the placement of advertising posters, the duration of exposure to the audience, the low price of one contact. The geographical boundaries of the advertising impact have a clear outline. Outdoor advertising is designed for visual perception of information, and the rules for the distribution of outdoor advertising are determined independently in each region of the country. Key Features:

  • the plot is fixed in memory thanks to color, beautifully designed and realistic posters;
  • effectiveness is achieved by precisely selected placement of advertising materials;
  • the scale of posters attracts the attention of a large number of consumers.

distribution requirementsFormats of outdoor advertising: installation on a billboard, on the roof, the use of a banner, video screen, signage, three-dimensional structures and structures, and more. The disadvantages include: the high cost of rent and manufacturing, regular monitoring of advertising structures, due to the short advertising contact it is possible to transfer a small amount of information, the impracticability of a short-term campaign.

Exhibition Advertising

The distribution of advertising at the exhibition pursues the following goal: to demonstrate the means that the company has for educating the public and participants in the event. A wide advertising campaign is carried out at sales exhibitions, participation in which implies a whole complex of marketing communications:

  • the work of sales representatives, standmen;
  • conducting seminars, presentations, press conferences with the public;
  • means of distribution of advertising through signs, films, booklets, leaflets;
  • discounts, free distribution of various souvenirs.

Immediately before the opening of the exhibition, there is an active advertising campaign in the media, as well as by sending invitations and developing mockups of stands, training of standmen.

New methods of advertising distribution

The transition from several television channels to dozens, the new features of cell phones, personal computers, televisions are changing the advertising process. Mobile phones in the modern world can be used as:

  • cameras
  • devices with which text messages are transmitted;
  • electronic organizers.

In recent years, research on advertising products has focused on analyzing advertising on websites. Studies are being conducted to inform consumers about products using various media advertising: personal messages to an e-mail address, via the Internet in order to ensure interactivity, television to get the emotional component. One of the features of the new advertising media is virtual research, with the help of which there is a unique opportunity to collect information in real time. The methods of distribution of advertising do not stand still, but are constantly being improved.

distribution of advertising at the exhibitionIn the era of the development of electronic communications, the possibilities of advertising are expanding, which allow communicating with consumers at a more modern level. Digital advertising is the latest way to promote company products through the Internet and mobile applications.

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