Today we’ll talk about the rules for catching stray animals. Experienced and professional people who know not only the subtleties of their work, but also the legislation that regulates their activities should do this.
General principles
The procedure for catching stray animals is based on some general principles, which we will talk about now. To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that stray animals are protected by state power. In addition, they are an integral part of the ecological environment. The basic principle on which any work with animals is based is that they must be treated as creatures that can feel fear and pain, that is, sympathetically.
Regulation of the presence of stray animals requires humanity, morality and a modern approach to business. This means that the biological characteristics of our smaller brothers must be taken into account, and there should be no room for cruelty to animals.
Organizations for the capture of stray animals use the basic method allowed by law to regulate the number of stray animals. This is a method of sterilizing females. In this case, after the procedure, the animal returns to its natural habitat. All stages of work are accompanied by documents. Each animal has a separate form, which indicates all the necessary information about what, when and where it was done.
Who is entrusted with this work?
Catching stray animals is necessary in order to regulate the number of stray animals. They are taken to a hospital, castrated and returned to the natural environment or placed in a shelter. Sterilization is mainly females and animals that behave aggressively.
An organization with any form of ownership can carry out such work. The main thing is that there should be an appropriate license for conducting veterinary activities for medical and preventive purposes. The organization must go through a city competition and get approval from the local administration. This agreement is concluded with the winners, in which all conditions are stipulated. It is very important that the given number of castrated animals is commensurate with the capacity of the hospital and the shelter. After that, the customer issues documents to the selected organization, which indicate the number of animals, their color, gender and habitat. If the animal gets into the shelter due to aggressive behavior, this must be confirmed by complaints of people.
Work stages
The rules for catching stray animals include several basic steps. First you need to collect applications for trapping animals, and then draw up an action plan. After this, a car, equipment, specialists are prepared. There is a meeting with government officials, the customer and other interested parties. After that, they all go to the place of capture. Then the process begins.
By the way, immobilization is possible only if other methods do not help. The animal is placed in a cage, then loaded into a car and fill out the necessary documents. They are verified and signed by authorized persons. If immobilization is necessary during capture, the team of specialists should consist of a driver-catcher, a catcher-veterinarian and a catcher-dog handler. Representatives of the organization for the protection of animals must also be present.
Measures to capture and keep stray animals can only be carried out by mentally healthy and balanced people. They must undergo a mandatory course of special training in order to be able to obtain a certificate. Catchers are obliged to work with animals humanely, to deliver them to the hospital for castration on the day of capture.
Catching of neglected animals is carried out by a specially trained team, which is equipped with the necessary tools. It can be:
- means for fettering movement;
- pneumotube and “flying” syringe;
- nets;
- cages for dogs and cats;
- kotolovka;
- grips with a self-tightening loop.
Other means used for trapping and keeping stray animals must comply with standards and technical documentation. It is forbidden to use homemade means for trapping or those that are not specifically designed for this. Trapping should be carried out by fishermen in special clothing. It should be a cotton suit and leather gloves with leggings. In winter, the clothes are the same, only a suit on a warm lining. Reflective strips should be applied to the pants. The jacket is marked with the name of the trapping organization and its number.
Keeping animals
Not only the capture of street animals, but their keeping is very important. In a shelter or hospital, animals are kept in accordance with all the rules. For each there is a form in which all information is located. Keeping animals according to standards means that they must be caught alive and unharmed. They must not be intentionally hurt if this can be avoided.
For each animal that died at any stage of the work, an act of death is compiled. At the same time, at the request of the customer, employees of the organization must at their own expense perform an autopsy of the animal and provide results. Trapped animals must be kept in hospitals or shelters at the place of capture, that is, within the city or village (no further than 30 km from the border of the settlement). All animals must be labeled, subject to registration and accounting, not only according to internal documents, but also through the GIC.
In some cases, organizations have their own website on the Internet, on which they post photographs of captured animals so that owners can find their pets in case of loss. In addition, an individual form for each animal is also accompanied by a photograph.
Difficulty catching
It is advisable to involve guardians of animals for trapping. If this is not possible, the use of a gripper with a self-tightening loop is allowed. If this also fails to catch the animal, traps with bait can be used. If all of the above methods do not work, the catcher can use immobilization. It is achieved using a pneumatic tube and a syringe. At the same time, it is recommended to use antipsychotic drugs, which we will talk about below.
During the capture and during the stay of the animal in a hospital or shelter, the veterinarian must provide him with the necessary medical care. Animal catchers also need to know how to provide emergency care. On a day, a team of catchers should catch about 3-5 dogs and 5-8 cats.
Used drugs must be completely safe for humans and animals. Do not use dithylin and other muscle relaxants for trapping. When keeping dogs in a shelter or performing surgery in a hospital, it is recommended to use anesthesia to reduce the likelihood of side effects and toxicity.
Most often, in practice, the following drugs are required:
- "Ketamine";
- Rompun;
- Rometar
- "Calypsovet".
"Ketamine" is easily soluble in water, it is a white powder. Solutions with it will turn colorless and transparent. Used for general anesthetic effect. A feature of the drug is that it acts quickly, but not for long. "Calypsovet" is a white, easily soluble powder in water, which has no color.Rompun is a white powder with a bitter aftertaste, it dissolves in methanol and water, causes sleep, which is accompanied by analgesia and muscle relaxant effect. The effect of the drug begins 5-15 minutes after administration. At the same time, the animal slows down breathing and cardiac activity. Rometar is an analogue of Rompun.
When carrying out euthanasia, the use of cruel methods is prohibited (asphyxiation, poisoning, poisoning, drowning, etc.). It is forbidden to kill an animal that is in a state of wakefulness.
The procedure for trapping and keeping stray animals has strict rules that cannot be violated. It is forbidden to catch animals that are not in the order. It is impossible to accept applications from citizens and organizations for trapping and castration of animals directly. It is forbidden to appropriate cats or dogs, resell them, pass them on to third parties. Also, animals cannot be removed from private territories and apartments if there is no court order. Catchers are forbidden to remove dogs from leash near pharmacies, shops and public services.
Summing up the article, I want to say that the problem of stray animals is very common. Despite the fact that they are actively fighting it, street animals continue to suffer from abuse. Perhaps only close monitoring by punitive bodies of state power is able to withstand atrocities.