
Change of driver’s license when changing surname: terms, instructions

Transport management in Russia provides a huge variety of rules. Among them, you can find the norm, which indicates that the driver can not drive a car without specific documentation. Among such a driver license. This is an extremely important document, but it has to be exchanged from time to time. Not everyone knows how to achieve the desired goal. Below will be described a change in a driver’s license when changing his name. What time frame does a citizen have to meet? Where to go for help? What papers are useful for adjusting information to the applicant in this situation?

Replaced I / O

Rights are ...

First of all, you need to find out what a driver's license is. Every driver, without exception, is familiar with this document.

V / u is a small card with information about the driver. It also provides information on driving skills.

Without rights, a citizen will not be able to drive a car of one category or another. Under certain circumstances, a driver card is reissued. And a change of surname at the driver is one of the possible layouts. Next, we consider a similar situation in detail.

Terms of circulation

Replacing a driver’s license when changing your name in Russia raises certain questions. For example, how quickly you need to seek help from the registration authorities.

No deadlines for the replacement of rights have been established. You just need to remember that after adjusting your personal information, non-replaced documents will be invalidated. That is, the use of rights is prohibited. If the driver is stopped from the airport with old data, you will have to pay a fine.

Replacement Documents

It is because of this that a change in a driver’s license when changing a surname should be carried out as quickly as possible. It is advisable immediately after receiving a new passport. Otherwise, the driver will have to remain in a pedestrian status for some time. For some, this alignment is critical.

Place of issue

Where is a driver’s license replaced in connection with a change of surname? Each driver can apply to one of several available organizations. Where exactly? The answer depends on the personal preferences of the applicant.

You can choose from the following registration authorities:

  • MREO branch;
  • Traffic police of the Russian Federation;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • Single Window or My Documents Services.

This is not an exhaustive list of places to reissue rights. You can request a private intermediary company or resort to working with the ESIA "State Services" website. All these techniques provide their own characteristics.

How to exchange v / y

Should I change my driver’s license when changing my name? Yes, if a citizen does not want to become a pedestrian for an indefinite period. Fortunately, reaching the goal is not so difficult.

To begin, consider the process of reissuing a driver’s card by personal appeal to the registering authorities. Applicant needs:

  1. Collect documents on the right.
  2. Fill out an application for a driver’s license.
  3. Submit a petition to the registration authority from the previously indicated list.
  4. Pay for the issuance of rights. The operation being studied is not free. It is subject to state duty.
  5. At the agreed time, to receive a driver’s card of the established form with new information about the applicant.
How to replace rights when changing a surname

As a rule, such a guide is suitable for direct appeals to the traffic police and for cooperation with intermediaries.It will be necessary to act somewhat differently if a citizen decides to receive an electronic service for reissuing a high school.

Getting ready to work with "State services"

Replacing a driver’s license with a change in the person’s last name gives a minimum of problems. Some difficulties arise when applying online.

The thing is that only at Gosuslugi drivers can receive state and municipal services remotely. This portal requires for normal operation from the user:

  • free registration on the website gosuslugi.ru;
  • filling out a user profile;
  • verification of the identity of the account holder.

Is all this done? You can start filing an application for the re-production of rights. The procedure takes only a few minutes!

Government Services and Electronic Services

A driver’s license in connection with a change of surname is exchanged only when the citizen really needs the said document. If a person plans to stay in the status of a pedestrian, you can not rush for the rights.

Do I need to change the rights when changing the name

How to apply in the established form via the Internet? To achieve the desired goal, the applicant will:

  1. Log in to your pre-prepared public service profile.
  2. Find the section "Driving License" in the archive of available electronic services.
  3. Click on the line "reissue v / u".
  4. Choose the line that most accurately describes the upcoming service. In our case, this is "Substitution in connection with a change of last name."
  5. Indicate in specially designated fields information from pre-prepared documents.
  6. Decide where you want to ultimately pick up a driver card. In some regions, a step is skipped, and somewhere the choice of place and time of the visit becomes available.
  7. Wait for an invitation to the registration authority.
  8. Pay for rights re-training services. It is recommended to do this in advance so that the traffic police do not have unnecessary questions.
  9. To come for the rights to the chosen place of issue of documentation. The applicant needs to have a number of papers with him to replace the w / o.

Thus, a driver’s license is obtained after adjusting the name in Russia remotely. The real difficulties for the applicants arise mainly in the preparation of the Gosuslug profile and during the formation of the documentation package for the provision of the studied service.

Government Services - Driver License Replacement

Issue Speed

In connection with the change of surname, the driver's license and a number of other civil papers are subject to mandatory adjustment. Otherwise, the documentation will be invalidated.

How fast do new rights make? The speed of service is different in all regions. According to the law, the waiting time for a w / c must not exceed one month. At this time, a citizen can apply for temporary rights.

In real life, a driver’s card is issued within 1 to 15 days. At the same time, applying to the MREO or the state traffic inspectorate directly significantly speeds up the procedure. Filing applications through the State Services or the MFC forces people to wait for rights to be ready longer.

How much is

Another point that worries all drivers is the cost of changing a driver’s license when changing their name. Without payment of the fee, the corresponding service will not be provided.

Citizens who filed applications for rights before August 1, 2018 paid 2,000 rubles to the STSI in the form of a state duty. From this date, the payment amount has been changed.

Now, for a national type driver’s license, you need to pay 3 thousand rubles. If there is an adjustment of national rights, it will be necessary to transfer 1,600 rubles to the state treasury.

Replacement Application

Discounts for citizens

This is not all information regarding the reissue of a driver’s license. Under certain circumstances, a citizen may receive a significant discount on services.

What is this about? On the transfer of funds to the treasury of the state through "State services". This technique will allow the applicant to receive a 30% discount on state duty.The rule is valid until the end of 2018.

There are no more ways to reduce rights fees. For temporary rights they usually charge 500 rubles. So far, nothing is known about raising this payment.

Documents for the service

Another important point is the preparation of documents for replacing a driver’s license when changing his name. If you do not prepare a specific package of papers, the traffic police will refuse to issue a driver card.

Typically, the following documents are required to adjust national rights:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of duty;
  • Identifier of the applicant;
  • old rights;
  • photos (4 pieces);
  • military ID (only liable for military service);
  • extracts from the place of residence of the person;
  • basis for adjusting personal information.

There is no need to undergo a medical examination or retraining of transport management. If a person reissues international rights, you will first have to update national ones.

The process of replacing rights when changing a surname

Ground Documents

Special attention will have to be paid to papers that allow you to change your last name. Among them, the following may occur:

  • certificate from the registry office about changing personal data;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • statement of divorce.

This is the most common paper. All listed components are recommended to be brought to the traffic police along with their copies.

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