
Change of TIN when changing a place of residence - procedure, recommendations and requirements

Is there a change of TIN in Russia when changing a place of residence? The answer to this question we have to find today. In fact, this topic is of interest to many citizens. After all, moving to a new place is usually accompanied by significant paperwork for people. Therefore, it is better to know in advance which documents will need to be changed. Is the taxpayer number to be replaced? And if so, how can I get this service?change of identity when changing residence


What kind of document are you talking about? It is important to understand that in Russia there are several concepts - TIN and TIN certificate.

The individual taxpayer number is a kind of identifier of a citizen in the FTS system. This is a number consisting of some combination of numbers. It is assigned to every person at birth.

A TIN certificate is a document in which the individual number of a person and information about the recipient are written. Usually, it refers to A4 paper with relevant information and state marks. In Crimea and Sevastopol, certificates can be put together with a special stamp in the passport.

About assignment

Does the TIN change upon a change of residence? To fully understand this issue, you need to study the features of registration and assignment of an individual number to a taxpayer.

Each citizen has the mentioned combination. Only not everyone knows about her. TIN is assigned to a person once at birth. After that, residents can contact the Federal Tax Service to obtain information about their individual number.

Reasons to replace

Is a TIN replacement required for a change of residence or not? In Russia, many documents have to be exchanged from time to time. For example, upon expiration or when moving to another city.change of identity when changing residence

The reasons for the exchange of TIN are the following circumstances:

  • change of personal data;
  • detection of typos in the document;
  • theft / damage / loss of old paper.

It follows that there is no need to change the certificate of the established sample when moving. But there are exceptions.

Urgent replacement

In some circumstances, a change of permanent residence entails the need for an urgent replacement of the certificate with an individual taxpayer number. But not the TIN in general.

When is this possible? For example:

  • if the recipient is a public servant and the document is needed for work;
  • if there is a need for tax deductions;
  • when the old testimony is lost.

As you can see, changing the TIN when changing your place of residence is not a mandatory procedure. Therefore, if there is no good reason for that, you can take the time to implement the idea.change Inn when changing your place of residence

TIN and certificate

Nevertheless, changing the TIN when changing your place of residence will still have to be done sooner or later. The established certificate is issued by the regional tax authorities. The city in which the document was executed will be written in it. When you move to another region, you have to exchange paper. But not urgently. It's about evidence.

TIN with a change of residence remains the same. As previously noted, citizens are assigned an individual number once in a lifetime. It remains unchanged throughout life. Therefore, the TIN is not exchangeable under any circumstances. Information about the applicant will be transferred to the Federal Tax Service at the new place of registration. Accordingly, all tax notices will still reach the real recipient.

Where to change

Where is the change of TIN when changing the place of residence? In Russia, this issue is being addressed by:

  • tax authorities;
  • multifunctional centers.

You can also make or change a certificate with an individual taxpayer number by using a service called "State Services". No longer do any institutions in the Russian Federation deal with the task.Certificate of Inn when changing residence


Changing the TIN when changing the place of residence does not take place. As already mentioned, a citizen can exchange a certificate issued to him earlier, but no more. What does that require?

The instructions below will help in exchanging the TIN under any circumstances. Citizens will have to:

  1. To prepare some documents for introducing new information into the TIN certificate.
  2. Pay the state fee (not always).
  3. Send a written request along with documents to the Federal Tax Service or the MFC for registration.
  4. After some time, get a ready certificate with an individual tax number.

This is the procedure for exchanging TIN in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation to this day. This is a very simple operation that requires little preparation. In particular, regarding the provision of documents for the production of a certificate.

List of documents for TIN

Need a change of TIN when changing your place of residence? The procedure in this situation is already clear to us. The proposed instruction will help to obtain a new certificate with an individual taxpayer number, not only when moving, but also in any other case.change of Inn when changing residence

What documents are needed to receive the service? Among them are:

  • old evidence;
  • passport (or other identification card);
  • a receipt with a paid duty (300 rubles for individuals);
  • statement;
  • certificates in which the registration of a citizen is indicated (not needed if the applicant brought a civil passport).

This list of documents is not exclusive. Other papers may come in handy if the recipient is a minor child.

TIN and minors

It is possible to change the TIN when changing the place of residence as soon as possible, if you follow the instructions offered to attention. What documents do the Federal Tax Service require when exchanging certificates of established form for children?

Among them are:

  • passport of legal representative;
  • Application for exchange TIN written on behalf of the parent;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • certificates indicating residence permit (parent and minor).

From the age of 14, children can themselves receive a TIN and exchange it. If it is a question of re-issuing paper, you will have to pay the state fee in the prescribed amounts. Otherwise, the operation will be refused.

Waiting time

Certificate of TIN when changing a place of residence sooner or later will have to be exchanged. This service takes about 5 business days. That is how much you need to wait before taking the ready TIN certificate from the Federal Tax Service or MFC.

In some cases, the waiting time is extended. Usually, when a certificate with TIN is ready, the citizen is informed of the need to obtain it. For example, by phone or mail. The operation being studied is not too long.change of Inn when changing place of residence procedure

To summarize

Now it’s clear whether you need to change your TIN when changing your place of residence. This operation is not mandatory, but it is desirable to carry out it. Otherwise, if it is necessary to file tax deductions or obtain information about a person through the Federal Tax Service, problems may arise.

All of the listed nuances and features are relevant for each region of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in all cities the same rules and principles for issuing / exchanging TIN apply.

The tax authorities assure that the initial production of a certificate with an individual taxpayer number is the personal desire of a citizen. If he does not want, it is allowed not to draw up the appropriate paper. It is proposed to find out your TIN using a special service. It is located on the "State Services" and the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. It is called "Know your TIN."With its help, it will be possible to obtain data on the taxpayer number, based on the personal information of the citizen.

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