
How much is a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist? Basic requirements and terms

Today, it has become a common practice to obtain health certificates issued by a narcologist and psychiatrist. Why are they needed? What are the requirements for them, and how many certificates from a psychiatrist and narcologist are valid? Consider all this in more detail below.

How long is the certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist

Why do I need a certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist

Currently, they are often interested in the presence of a person’s information from the considered specialists in the field of medicine. This is due to the fact that for the execution of certain certificates and certificates strict requirements have been established, including compliance with the mental health of the person concerned with the norm.

As practice shows, certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist are required to obtain:

  • rights to drive a car;
  • specific workplace;
  • permits for the purchase and storage of weapons;
  • Visas
  • places to study at some universities in the country.

Also, the documents under consideration are necessary for entering the service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the country. How long does the certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist get for the above purposes? Let us consider this in more detail below.

How long is the certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist

Validity period

Speaking about the validity period of the certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist, it should be noted that the patient's age affects this indicator. The reason for issuing a certificate is of significant importance, since the law establishes different periods of validity, depending on this factor. In addition to all of the above, the conclusion indicated in its contents by a psychiatrist and narcologist can affect the period of legal validity of a document.

The validity of a certificate issued by a specialist is established only until such time as the goal of issuing the document is achieved. A striking example is its receipt for employment in a particular position. In this case, the document is issued for 30 days, during which the interested person must present it to the potential or real employer.

To date, the result of the examination by a narcologist and psychiatrist is entered in the employee’s health book. In this case, the specified information is considered valid for one year, until the next scheduled medical examination.

How long is the certificate issued by a narcologist and a psychologist for a visa? In this situation, everything directly depends on the country to which permission is required. As practice shows, the standard validity period of such a document is 3 months.

How to find out the validity period of a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist? To do this, you should pay attention to the final part of the document following the reflected results of the survey - it indicates the exact date until which the certificate is recognized as valid.

Where to get a certificate from a narcologist

Where to get help

In order to obtain the necessary information, the interested person must go to a specialized dispensary, which keeps a record of drug-addicted and mentally unhealthy people, which is located at the place of residence. After this, the person needs to undergo an examination with the appropriate specialist, who will make an appropriate conclusion based on his results. In order to receive certificates, the interested party must pay its stated cost.

It should be noted that the types of documents under consideration are issued by many medical centers operating in different cities of Russia.Practice shows that the procedure itself is much faster, and the duration of the certificates from the narcologist and psychiatrist issued by them remains the same.

How long does the certificate from a psychiatrist

Receiving documents in private centers

In order to avoid a long stay in queues awaiting admission, many people prefer to visit private medical centers, which are legally involved in issuing the certificates in question.

In order to save yourself from unnecessary difficulties, it is best for an interested person to make an appointment in advance for such an institution for a certain time, and to clarify the list of documents necessary for issuing a certificate. After that, with the prepared kit, you need to come to the specialist for examination at the appointed time.

As practice shows, using this method of obtaining documents, you can save a lot of time, due to the lack of the need to wait in line, as well as finding the right specialists in the same building.

How long is a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist issued by private medical institutions? Exactly the same as the one that was obtained in the state clinic. The only drawback of such a document is that the cost of issuing it can be much higher than that established by the state organization, but, as practice shows, this circumstance worries only a small part of the Russian population.

How is the examination process

The examination process by a psychiatrist, as a rule, is presented in the form of a conversation, during which the specialist has the opportunity to form for himself a certain idea of ​​the state of human health. Also, to prepare a conclusion, specialists must make sure that the person is not registered in a psychiatric dispensary.

As for the visit to the narcologist, during the patient’s biomaterial is compulsorily conducted to check for the presence of traces of psychotropic and narcotic drugs, as well as alcohol.

How long is a certificate issued by a narcologist and psychiatrist

Getting help from the driver

Today, drivers most often need to receive certificates from the experts in question - this document is required to obtain a certificate of the right to drive a vehicle and extend it.

How much is a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist for drivers valid? The law establishes a general legal period of 1 year. Such a document is issued on a special form in the form 003 / B-y.

In the event that a certificate from a psychiatrist is required to obtain a driver's license of categories C and D, then the interested person will additionally need an electroencephalography (EEG) procedure. In all other respects, the admission process is standard.

In the process of being examined by a narcologist, in addition to the standard examination and blood sampling, the doctor may require that urine and feces be provided. It should be noted that in practice such requirements are put forward only in cases where the doctor has some suspicions regarding the presence of prohibited components in the blood.

Obtaining certificates for employment and obtaining a license to purchase weapons

In accordance with the requirements established by law, persons holding positions providing for the regular carrying of weapons (security guards, bodyguards, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and others) must be examined by a narcologist and psychiatrist before taking up the position, and according to their results, they must receive certificates and provide them among other documents.

How many certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist are valid in this case? The legislation established that it is necessary to receive such documents once every six months.It should be noted that the same period of validity of the certificates is established if they are received to apply for a permit to purchase and store weapons.


It should be noted that the experts in question issue certificates solely on a paid basis. As for their cost, it directly depends on the region of the country in which the clinic is located, as well as on the status of a medical institution.

How to find out the validity of a certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist

So, the average cost of a certificate issued by a psychiatrist is 500 rubles. In cases where an interested person needs to undergo an examination procedure using electroencephalography, the price of the document increases sharply to 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the region. The average cost of visiting the right specialist in Russia is 800 rubles.

The indicated prices are set for receiving both types of documents, regardless of how much a certificate from a narcologist and psychiatrist is valid, and why it is issued.

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