
How valid is a copy of the employment record? Validity

Every officially employed citizen has a work book. And it should be stored at the place of work where the person is currently working. There are situations when some organizations require a labor or a copy of it. How to make it correctly, is it necessary to certify and how much a copy of the work book is valid?

Why make a copy

Let us consider in more detail those situations where a copy of the labor may be required. After all, if the document is with the employer, it is impossible to just come and take a copy. Firstly, you need to send a written request indicating the need for a copy, and secondly, you must correctly certify the submitted document. Or the requesting authority will refuse to accept documents.

how long is the copy of the work book valid

A copy of the work book may be needed:

  1. To provide a loan. Basically, a copy of the labor will be able to confirm the solvency of the borrower. But if a citizen is a member of the salary project, then the financial institution will not require a copy.
  2. To prepare documents for leaving Russia. The authorities will not strictly demand a document, but when filling out the questionnaire, it will be necessary to indicate all their places of work. Therefore, for more reliable information, it is better to request a copy of the document.
  3. For the device to work part-time. In this case, the original will be kept by the main employer. All information about seniority, awards and any career advancement in additional work will be filled in at the main place.
  4. For a pension fund when assigning a pension.
  5. To obtain a visa.
  6. Other cases. You can make a copy just for yourself. There are situations when the original may be lost, and data on seniority will not be so easy to recover. A photocopy of labor will help to save data for a specific period of time.

The employer does not have the right to refuse to issue a copy in accordance with Art. 89 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Copy for the bank

Each financial institution has its own requirements for providing a package of documents for a loan. A copy may be needed in the following cases:

  • for a mortgage;
  • for a large cash loan;
  • for subsidies.

A copy is needed so that the bank can make sure that the citizen is employed and is able to repay the loan on time (for which money is needed). The bank is obliged to warn the future borrower in advance what package of documents should be collected and what is the term of each copy, including the financial institution must inform how long a copy of the work book is valid.

how much is a copy of the work book for a mortgage

In almost all banks, copies are valid for up to 30 days. But depending on certain conditions, a copy can last from two weeks to three days. Such requirements apply to large cash loans. And if a citizen provides a copy that is certified with an expired limitation period, the bank has the right not to accept the entire package of documents.

The main rule when certifying a copy of the labor for the bank so that at the end of the document there is a note that the person is currently employed in a particular organization.

To date, the most pressing question is how much a copy of the work book for a mortgage is valid. It is valid for a month.


You can apply for a passport at the Federal Migration Service. For this, among other things, a list of documents a citizen must provide a copy of the labor. However, it is provided only by employees. If a citizen is unemployed, he is obliged to show the original form where the last workplace is recorded.

How long is a copy of a work book for a passport valid? As well as for mortgages, a month. But unlike banks, the FMS allows you to renew a copy. To do this, contact the employer with a copy of the document already made and put a reprint on it.

how valid is a copy of the work book for a passport

All information should be easily readable and recognizable.

Other structures

To apply for a visa, you must also provide a copy of the labor. In this case, slightly different rules apply. If for all documentation the terms are up to three months, then for labor it is again a month. However, some pages must be translated into a foreign language.

Those who have encountered the design of social security benefits know that this is always a collection of a huge number of documents and certificates. A work book is no exception if you need to apply for child support or a lump sum payment. The validity period of the copy of labor in social security is the same as the valid copy of the work book for a loan - 30 days. The same deadlines apply to documents collected by the courts.

Who assures

A copy of the work book must be certified either by the head of the organization or by a notary office.

On the last page of the copy, you must indicate whether the citizen is currently working in the organization or is already fired.

How valid is a certified copy of the work book? As much as required by organizations requesting such documents.

How valid is a certified copy of the work book

It is only necessary to certify the employment record with a notary when applying to a pension fund.

Certification Algorithm and Regulatory Documents

A clear copy is made from the document, and the stamp “copy is correct” must be affixed on each page. Next, the signature of the head and seal of the organization is affixed. All stamps must capture text.

On the final page indicate whether a citizen is currently working in the organization or not. In the event that the person does not work and the original document is on hand, it must be certified at a notary's office.

How long a copy of the work book is valid has been considered earlier. Let us turn to those documents that govern the procedure for handling work books.

These regulatory documents include:

  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a personnel document, an entire article is devoted to the labor book in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Art. 66.
  2. Government Decision No. 225 of 04.16.2003. This document takes into account the procedure for accounting forms, their storage and completion.

Alternative certification

There is an option of document certification where you do not need to stamp and sign each page. You can do otherwise:

  • each photocopied sheet must be numbered (in the order in which they appear in the original);
  • stitch the resulting copy (the thread should be displayed for the last sheet);
  • on the last page, tie the thread and stick a sheet on it, indicating on it how many pages are stitched and numbered, the signature of the authorized person and the stamp of the organization (it must be put so that one half of it is on the sheet with information, and the second on the copy itself );
  • Be sure to set the date of certification of the document.

How valid is the copy of the work book

Typically, a copy is certified fairly quickly, as any authorized person knows how much a copy of the work book is valid.

Do I need a statement

In order to get a copy of the labor, the employee of the organization must write a statement.

The statement itself can be written in free form, but it must necessarily indicate:

  • full details of the head of the organization;
  • employee details;
  • a request for a certified copy of the work book;
  • the reason why the copy should be issued;
  • date of preparation of the document;
  • employee signature

How valid is a copy of the work book for a loan

Since the information about how much a copy of the work book is valid is known to both the manager and staff employees, a statement of this nature is considered quite quickly. Orally, the request is not accepted.

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