Making any accident involves the preparation of numerous documents. The process can be carried out by car inspectors or direct drivers if they decide to use Europrotocol. In any case, an accident diagram is required containing a schematic representation of cars during a collision.
When is the pattern formed?
It is advisable to draw up this document immediately after the occurrence of the incident, since only under such conditions it is possible to capture all the nuances and objects related to the accident. Therefore, it is often the drivers who make the decision to independently draw up an accident scheme. This is due to the fact that it takes a long time to wait for car inspectors.
Drivers after a car collision may make one of the following decisions:
- citizens prefer to use the help of traffic police, therefore they leave cars on the road, after which traffic inspectors wait;
- a scheme is independently drawn up by the drivers, but this is allowed only on the condition that there are no disagreements between the participants, and the culprit pleads guilty;
- drivers take pictures of the scene of the accident and draw up a diagram, after which they are sent to the traffic police department, where the incident is made on the basis of the available evidence.
If an accident scheme for an insurance company is drawn up independently together with the Euro Protocol, then this document should be signed by the participants of the accident and witnesses, if any.
When can a document be prepared independently?
In case of small accidents, drivers can independently arrange clearance, so they do not have to wait for the traffic police to arrive at the scene. For this, a Europrotocol and an accident diagram are compiled. This design method can only be used if certain conditions are met:
- there are no more than two participants;
- damage is done exclusively to property;
- the drivers have no disagreements, so the culprit agrees with his guilt;
- citizens have valid OSAGO policies.
If a decision is made to arrange an accident on their own, then drivers should be well versed in the rules of this process. If there are significant errors in the Europrotocol or the accident scheme, this may become the basis for refusing to assign compensation to employees of the insurance company.
Clearance requirements
When drafting documents related to a traffic accident, it is important to consider numerous requirements. It is advisable to study well in advance a sample of a traffic accident scheme so that there are no difficulties with its preparation.
The main requirements for this document include:
- done on a separate sheet of A4 format if the document is drawn up by a traffic inspector;
- if the Europrotocol is filled, then cars are schematically shown on a special section of the document;
- the title of the document is indicated on top;
- the date of compilation of the documentation is prescribed;
- the plan reflects all the elements related to the accident, therefore, cars, road signs, markings on the road surface, buildings or other objects located in the immediate vicinity are drawn;
- the document is signed by the traffic police and drivers, and witnesses, if any, are involved in this process;
- various errors or corrections are not allowed, as they can become the basis for the refusal of the insurance company to pay compensation;
- it is allowed to make various amendments or additions if necessary, but they are certified by the signatures of both drivers.
If the plan is drawn up with violations, then the employees of the insurance company will not be able to get the necessary information. This will lead to additional investigation, so drivers should be well versed in how to draw up a diagram of an accident.
What designations are used?
So that the circuit does not have too large a size, it is recommended to use clear and convenient symbols during its formation. These include:
- cars are usually designated as rectangles, and they are also assigned letter values, for example, A and B;
- at the bottom of the document there should be links that describe what these or those signs on the plan mean;
- links to road marking, traffic light or signs are left.
A sample traffic accident scheme can be studied below.
What is necessarily drawn?
The correct accident pattern should contain a lot of information, on the basis of which employees of the insurance company will be able to verify the appropriateness of compensation for the injured party to the accident. Therefore, when compiling this document, the following information must be entered:
- name of the street where the incident occurred;
- the numbers of buildings located next to this section, as such data allows you to determine where exactly the collision of vehicles occurred;
- markings available on the road surface;
- Traffic lights or traffic signs located near the scene;
- pedestrian crossings or stops, as well as large pits available on the road are drawn, and the more information can be obtained using the scheme, the more thorough and prompt the investigation will be carried out regarding the incident;
- the arrows indicate in which direction the cars were moving before the collision;
- The locations of other vehicles on the road are recorded to determine if drivers were able to prevent a collision;
- marks the place where the first blow fell;
- braking distance is indicated;
- it is drawn whether any parts of the machines have fallen off.
After the final preparation of the document, it is signed by both participants in the accident. If any driver does not agree with the available information, then he does not put a signature on the document, so he will have to use the help of traffic inspectors to arrange an accident. Scheduling an accident is considered a simple process, as it is enough to indicate all the elements related to the incident.
The nuances of the process
During the formation of the accident pattern, some nuances are taken into account by citizens:
- all elements and objects are reflected schematically, so you do not need to pay much attention to small details, car colors or other elements;
- all objects related to the incident are drawn horizontally, but if after the impact the car turns over on its side, then you have to use a vertical projection;
- to accurately display the most important details, the coordinate axis is often used, so that after studying the plan you can easily understand where exactly the different objects were after the collision of cars.
If you understand how to draw a diagram of an accident, then there will be no difficulties with the independent registration of the incident.
Often, disagreements arise between car owners regarding the correct layout of the scheme. To prevent them, it is recommended that each driver initially form a document. After that, conflicting data is corrected. Only after this is the exact scheme of an accident made. The form is handed over to the insurance company by the affected party to the incident.
When can I challenge?
Situations may arise when different important circumstances are not taken into account when drawing up the scheme.The process can be carried out by the participants in the incident or by the traffic police. Accident patterns in this case can be challenged. There must be good reason for this. The main reasons for contesting a document include:
- all data on the place where the accident occurred is not indicated on the diagram, for example, there is no information on weather conditions or street names;
- it is revealed that the document contains inaccurate information, for example, the wrong color of the traffic light is reflected, and such data can be entered accidentally or intentionally, therefore, if a citizen can prove the guilt of another participant in the accident, the culprit of the accident can be prosecuted on the basis of Art. 303 of the Criminal Code;
- when compiling the scheme, the basic requirements of the law were violated.
Typically, errors are identified after signing the plan.
How to make changes?
Under the above conditions, challenging a document is not difficult. To do this, you will have to go to court, for which the following documents are prepared:
- evidence confirming that the information in the diagram is really false, and they can be represented by testimonies of witnesses in writing, recordings from a DVR installed on a car, as well as recordings from other cameras located near the place where the cars collided;
- a lawsuit is filed and submitted to the court for consideration.
If, on the whole, the scheme has been drawn up correctly, but one of the participants in the incident is sure that additional data is required, then, in agreement with the traffic police, the process can be carried out without trial. To do this, you must obtain permission from the second participant in the incident.
Under such conditions, an investigative experiment is conducted at the scene of the accident. For its implementation, accident participants are invited. After it, the necessary additions are made to the scheme.
Rules for the use of standard schemes
On the PCA website there are several standard schemes that can be used by traffic inspectors or direct citizens who have decided to fill out the Euro-protocol themselves. Accident patterns proposed by SAR are used in the absence of casualties. They contain basic information about the most common situations on the road.
More than thirty schemes are proposed that describe the circumstances of the incident and also have a conclusion. To use such documents, it is important that there is no disagreement between the two parties to the accident.
When is it not allowed to use standard plans?
Typical schemes are not used in the following situations:
- the order or conditions of registration of a traffic accident is violated;
- there is a contactless accident;
- it is impossible to establish the accident mechanism according to the available standard documents, therefore it is required to draw up an individual scheme;
- signatures of the parties are not put on the euro protocol, confirming that both participants agree with the specified information.
In most cases, standard documents help citizens easily fill out the necessary documentation with an insurance company.
What to do after drawing up the scheme?
As soon as the scheme and other documents drawn up after the accident are ready, the injured participant in the incident must contact his insurance company within 5 days to receive compensation under the insurance policy. For this, the company receives the documentation:
- certificate of accident compiled by traffic inspectors, if they were involved in the design of the accident;
- if the accident participants decided to make an accident on their own, then the accident report submitted by the Euro Protocol is transmitted;
- accident diagram;
- Correctly written application for compensation;
- a valid MTPL policy purchased at a company to which a citizen applies.
If there are victims, then compensation is additionally charged for treatment and rehabilitation, therefore, a medical report containing information on how much money is needed to treat a citizen is included in the package of documents.
If the insurance company underestimates unreasonably compensation, it is advisable to challenge such a decision in court. To do this, an independent examination of the car is carried out, for which all the documentation related to the accident is handed over to the expert. After that, the compensation is increased by the insurance company on the basis of a pre-trial claim or a court decision.
Accident scheme is an important document drawn up after a traffic accident. It contains a lot of information, with the help of which any expert can understand exactly how the accident occurred. It can be compiled by direct participants in an accident or traffic inspectors.
If necessary, corrections can be made to the circuit, which requires the consent of the second driver. If he refuses to change the document, then adjustments are made through the court, but for this the second party to the accident must have good reason.