In an ever-evolving world, it is very important to be mobile. Because of this, at the moment, almost all middle-income families have at least one car per family. Due to the constant growth of vehicles, the demand for their service is growing. This has become the reason that car services or service stations are opening more and more. It is worth saying that a car service is a small station with a certain range of services and personnel, while a service station is a huge service in which there are a large number of repair boxes and personnel, and the range of services is much wider.
Fundamentals of licensing and certification at a car service enterprise
Of course, in order to open your car service or a service station, you need to collect a package of documents. In addition, you need to get a so-called certificate of conformity. List of documents required to get started:
- You must provide a copy of the certificate of registration of the company.
- Provide the charter of the workshop.
- A certificate is required that the car service has become tax registered.
- A document is required on the rental of the premises or on the right of ownership to it.
- It is necessary to prepare a document with the contents of all equipment. And also indicate its brands and models.
- It is necessary to present the details of the company and its seal.
In addition, there is a certain fee for obtaining a certificate of conformity. The cost of a certificate for the provision of services for a year is 6,000 rubles, as well as 1,200 rubles for each area of work. If the certificate is issued for 3 years, then its cost is 9,000 rubles and 2,500 for each individual direction.
Car repair services market
Due to the fact that more and more automobile workshops are being opened, it becomes more difficult for vehicle owners to make choices where to repair their cars. The thing is that certification of a car service in the Russian Federation is not mandatory. Because of this, you have to make the choice most often at random. Someone chooses on the basis of terms and prices, and someone analyzes in detail many services, and then chooses one that is suitable. However, no matter how carefully the selection is completed, it is possible to make sure that the services are rendered efficiently and quickly, or of poor quality and for a long time, only from our own experience. All due to the fact that car services are not confirmed by any papers, respectively, their quality is unknown. But it is worth noting that the possibility of voluntary certification is successfully operating. However, unfortunately, there are not so many car services and service stations that have such a document.
Car service certificate
You can pass the certification and get a certificate in any office that has documents confirming that it is an organization with independent expertise and assessment of the quality of the services provided. There are several reasons why car service certification is required, although it is voluntary:
- Significantly increases the competitiveness of a service or service station.
- Insurance companies enter into contracts only with stations that have this certificate.
- Participation in tenders is possible only if certification is passed.
- Obtaining the status of an official dealer is also possible only with a certificate.
You can send a package of documents to the office for verification by e-mail.The price and terms that will be needed to complete the certification will directly depend on the number of services that the station plans to provide.
Certification of services in the Russian Federation
Car service certification in the Russian Federation can be carried out through the Institute of Consulting and Certification. The system in which this office works is the "First Register". A car service or a service station (STO) is an enterprise that provides vehicle repair services. Also in the Russian Federation, the same conditional division into car services, that is, small organizations, and in service stations, large enterprises, applies. Since the demand for car maintenance is growing quite quickly, the voluntary certification of a car service has become a guarantee that the station provides only high-quality and highly qualified assistance.
Refusal of uncertified
In order to more clearly explain the need for a certificate, we can give an example. Before a person buys a product in a store, he chooses between different manufacturers for a long time, considers the product and evaluates it according to its criteria. What to do with the services? After all, it is impossible to consider them, just like to feel or see the previous result. In other words, the service stations have nothing to show their consumers, she has no sample. It is on the basis of these considerations that the question arises, is a car service needed a certificate? Indeed, without this document, the person who arrives at the station must take a word that his vehicle will be repaired in a quality manner. Passing voluntary certification is a "model" of goods and proof that only high-quality services are provided here.
What is the station's interest
Due to a certain change in the market, it happened that consumers have a fairly wide and free choice. Due to the large growth in the number of companies that provide the same services, this choice has appeared. This was also facilitated by the fact that new entrepreneurs do not develop and offer something new, but only improve the quality of existing ones. And at the moment, statistics indicate that the consumer chooses precisely by quality. It is in this situation that certification of service quality plays a crucial role. Since the evaluation of the services provided is carried out by independent companies, the documents issued by them have become a weighty argument in the competition for each consumer.
The hidden motives of car services
Car service certification is currently voluntary, if you go deeper into the matter. If everything is clear with the voluntary side, then what is the essence of coercion? Everything is simple. Due to the rapid growth in the number of companies providing the same services, large customers are increasingly insisting that any car service or service station that wants to participate in the tender must have this certificate.
Naturally, this is pushing enterprises to receive this paper. The design of such a document suggests that all the actions that the station performs will not harm the vehicle or human health due to a car breakdown. It is also worth mentioning that the company that issues such a certificate takes enormous responsibility. Therefore, the verification is carried out very, very carefully. In addition, the services of a car service that has received a certificate will be constantly subject to periodic inspections. As soon as the organization for quality control doubts the service station, it will immediately withdraw its certificate from the enterprise.
What does an independent organization check?
Carrying out the procedure for obtaining certification is a long and complex process, during which comprehensive measures will be taken to verify the operability of the enterprise.The beginning of the audit always falls on organizational documents. These are papers that confirm that the company has the right to provide any kind of services, in this case, the maintenance of vehicles. In addition, experts will conduct checks of operations during the implementation of repairs, which are designed to guarantee the safety of the person managing the serviced tool. To this it is also necessary to add a check, which all measuring instruments will necessarily pass. Particular attention will be paid to the timely verification of these tools in the metrological services, which confirm the correct and complete operability of the instrument.
Staff check
Upon receipt of a certificate for a freight car service or a car, it will be mandatory to check the personnel who work there, as well as increased attention is paid to their workplaces. They must be fully equipped to provide a certain type of repair work. To provide qualified repair, very often expensive equipment and many spare parts are required. And all this costs considerable money which not every company has. The staff work process will be subject to careful verification. All employees must have the appropriate qualifications or diplomas for the provision of auto repair services.
What is the difference between a truck and a car service?
The difference between opening a car service for cars and trucks is mainly in finding a room. The paperwork and collection of other papers is about the same. But with the room everything is a little more complicated. It is important to remember that there is a law that prohibits the opening of such enterprises near water bodies or houses. The minimum distance between a truck workshop and the nearest body of water or a house is a minimum of 50 meters.
In addition, a freight car service, by law, must be equipped with a sewer system and a centralized water supply. Another difference is that some services for freight vehicles are seasonal. If we turn to statistics, then the greatest demand for such service stations falls on November-December. But in August he reaches his minimum. Since trucks have much larger dimensions, it is necessary to take care of equipment for repair. This is very important, since a lot of things can be done by yourself at a passenger service station, but this will not work with freight vehicles.