Scheduled inspections of SES (Rospotrebnadzor) are carried out in accordance with a preliminary schedule. Their frequency is three years. This does not apply to medical enterprises. This schedule can be found on the official website of the organization. The head of the company or individual entrepreneur should be warned by the supervisory authorities about the planned scheduled audit no less than three days before it. This is due to the fact that in the absence of the head such a check is impossible.
All newly organized firms and registered individual entrepreneurs are subject to a routine audit. The verification commission can be both on-site and off-site (documentary).
Unscheduled inspections of SES
Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has been empowered to conduct unscheduled inspections without prior warning. This happened in connection with the amendment of the Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products". Such an unexpected check of SES theoretically threatens absolutely any of the enterprises of trade, catering or production.
What are their reasons? You should wait for a check if the quality of the services or products sold is poor. In addition, the SES is often checked at the request of the buyer in connection with the complaint. Who is entitled to file such a complaint? Almost anyone - from individuals (ordinary consumer buyers or government employees) to control organizations. The legal literacy of the population is growing, and most consumers now know how to call an SES for verification, using this measure for the slightest violation.
The purpose and meaning of unscheduled inspections is to confirm or refute the facts contained in the complaint. Heads of organizations are also notified of such events, as a rule, during the previous day. As an exception, an urgent check is possible if a dangerous infection or serious poisoning is suspected.
Who is checking us
What is this formidable Rospotrebnadzor (or SES - sanitary and epidemiological service)? Under this name lies a state structure whose function is to control the activities of various organizations in order to protect the rights of consumers and their health. As part of it - a network of territorial SES, their task is to respond to complaints from the population about non-compliance with sanitary standards.
Where exactly is it authorized to control the situation of the SES? Check "shines" to absolutely all points of public catering - from large restaurants to small canteens and cafes, manufacturing enterprises, one way or another connected with grocery goods, non-residential and residential premises, construction sites.
What will require SES
Rospotrebnadzor is authorized in organizations belonging to different forms of ownership to request any documents for checking SES. We are talking about labor contracts, medical books, conclusions of the fire service, etc. The SES requirements relate to the availability of a sanitary register, available licenses and certificates for services and goods. Maybe she can check the work of KKM at any outlet.
Based on the results of the discovered violations, the SES issues instructions on how to correct them, draws up protocols and writes out fines. It is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the consumer protection law. Engaged in SES, in addition, monitoring of air and water, soil, waste disposal.
What all this threatens
What sanctions are provided in case of violation? The measures taken by the supervision service based on the results of the audit may consist in issuing a prescription for the correction of all identified inconsistencies, a fine, as well as a temporary suspension of the activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur for the period required to eliminate the violations. In the event of the discovery of a mass disease or its threat, the sanitary-epidemiological service has the right to file a judicial application - this depends on the scale of the epidemic.
If the violations are not of such a global nature, but only inconsistencies with sanitary standards are revealed, the size of the fine will be less - from 5 to 10 minimum wages. It can be replaced by a suspension of the enterprise for a period of three months for the purpose of correction. With errors in the state of the room or operating standards, such a penalty will be from 10 to 20 minimum wages. Gross violations, in addition, are also fraught with imprisonment by court order.
The size of the fine depends on who is found guilty. If this is a legal entity, its value will be a larger amount than from the person (seller, individual entrepreneur, institution representative).
What specific violations are detected by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and where?
Consider a list of the most common discrepancies identified by SES. Verification of different types of institutions and organizations has its own characteristics. In hairdressing and beauty salons, the occupied area may not correspond to sanitary standards, there may be no bactericidal ultraviolet light irradiators used for air disinfection. Perhaps the institution does not have a special room for storing waste, hair or there is no place for washing clothes. Storage rules for fluorescent lamps may be violated, there may be no triple set of tools laid down by the standards or a foot bath in the pedicure room. It is considered a violation to conduct pedicure and manicure procedures in the same room. Its poor state in the sanitary plan or the lack of a medical examination among employees, as well as signs at the entrance to the building, are subject to sanctions.
Check in a medical facility
What violations can be detected in an SES medical facility? Verification in them often concerns documents - possibly incorrect drafting of contracts for paid services (for example, dental). They sometimes lack a lot of necessary information regarding the timing of the provision of such services, guarantees, etc. The information stand of the clinic must contain detailed information about the qualifications of the medical staff. Lack of such information is also fraught with punishment.
They are fined for violation of the special regime during epidemics, insufficiently thorough processing of equipment and sterilization of instruments or improper concentration of disinfectants. The fine will be imposed for anything - for example, for the lack of necessary conditions for personal hygiene of workers. Auditing authorities can also find fault with non-compliance with the size of premises that do not comply with the standards of a medical institution, incorrect design of price tags for the sale of related medications, and the absence of official instruction for employees before special operations (for example, with radioactive radiation sources).
Pharmacy Check
And for what can a SES pharmacy be fined? The check most often concerns violations of the temperature and humidity conditions, improper washing of overalls and linen, and the lack of timely medical examinations of personnel.
The fine threatens the pharmacy if there are violations of the terms for the sale of drugs, the conditions or the permissible temperature for their storage, there is no any necessary information for customers about each drug available for sale, its price, composition, indications and side effects.
Check SES in the grocery store
The closest attention is paid to SES by catering enterprises and those that sell products.This is understandable - after all, the products consumed by the population should be at least safe for health. The most common errors detected at public catering enterprises include malfunctions in ventilation systems, disruption of technological processes (intersection of finished product flows with semi-finished products and raw materials), lack of medical examination by employees or the necessary equipment or personnel to maintain cleanliness.
This also includes violations in product technologies (such as re-freezing fish or meat products), the presence of expired semi-finished products, the reception and sale of goods without documents or labeling. The grocery store is fined for discrepancies in the sanitary-technical characteristics of the occupied premises with the approved standards, the lack of measuring instruments for monitoring the humidity and temperature conditions, storage of food products outside a special warehouse, sale and storage of goods with broken labels or missing Russian-language information.
In addition, the SES actively checks schools, kindergartens (especially private), gas stations, car washes, regardless of the legal form.
What is the result?
Based on the results of each inspection, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the SES is issued. This is a mandatory document confirming the conformity of the goods or products with all required sanitary standards. In addition, an audit report is drawn up. All violations and inconsistencies found must be recorded by the protocol, which is certified by SES employees. One copy of the inspection certificate remains at the enterprise or at the individual entrepreneur, the other is intended for inspectors. Each of these events is recorded in a special control journal.
About Validation Rules
In its inspections, Rospotrebnadzor is obliged to follow the regulations, which, when carrying out this procedure, are required to remain within its own competence, not to conduct planned on-site inspections in the absence of the organization’s leadership, and not to request information that is not relevant.
He is forbidden to carry out inspection or sampling without recording each of the actions, to disclose information on the results of the audit, which is a state secret, and also to violate the deadlines for the event.
How to prepare for checks
What can be advised to those individual entrepreneurs or heads of organizations that are afraid of inspections? What is the best way to prepare for them? The most reliable means is to constantly maintain cleanliness, comply with all necessary sanitary standards, have meticulously executed documents for checking SES and conduct all sanitary and hygienic measures in time. If you are not sure of the need for certain actions, you can get advice from the SES bodies.
At the time the inspectors appear, check that they have permits. If those are missing or framed, you have the right to refuse inspection. We remind once again that only the head or a specially authorized person whose rights are confirmed by a power of attorney is entitled to represent the organization during such inspections. So, for example, inspectors are not allowed to act in the presence at the outlet only of a seller who is not authorized to receive them.
To secure the rights and obligations of each employee should be clearly stated in advance in his job description. Ordinary employees do not have the right to sign any documents.
Informal moments
Communication with the commission should be conducted in a calm business tone. The best line of behavior is open communication, but without submitting unnecessary (redundant) information that can provoke unnecessary questions.Inspectors should not be given reasons for additional sanctions.
Tune in advance that the commission will conduct its work scrupulously enough. If a dispute arises, do not try to fuel a conflict. Own rights should they be violated in a confident, calm tone, relying on legal information.
The imposition of a fine must be reasoned and reflected in the minutes. Without documentary evidence, the delivery of a fine turns into a banal bribe. Each enterprise should have a logbook of audit records, which contains in detail all the information about each such event, including the findings of the SES.