
Generic benefits and benefits

Today we will be interested in the generic payments due to the population in a particular case. We will study possible measures of state support, as well as the procedure for requesting funds. What features of operations should I pay attention to? What is a working woman entitled to after birth? And can non-working citizens receive benefits? To understand all this is not difficult.

Maternal capital

Who is eligible for support?

Maternity benefits are the name of the various benefits, benefits, and compensations claimed by families with small children. Usually implies the postpartum period.

Who can request such government support? The bulk of payments made out to a new mother. But, as practice shows, the laws in force in the Russian Federation allow you to draw up benefits for the father or for any other close relative who cares for the newborn.

In real life, families ask for support either on behalf of the father of the children, or from their mother. Less common is the design of benefits for grandparents. It’s worth just remembering that this scenario takes place.

The role of employment

What is the payment of patrimonial due to residents of the Russian Federation? It is problematic to give a definite answer to this question.

The thing is that child benefits are different. There is regional support for families with children, and there are monetary compensations on a federal scale. In addition, a huge role in the issue under study is played by employment.

For women who worked at the time of replenishment in the family, the calculation of the amount of state support is made taking into account the average monthly earnings for 2 years of cooperation with the company. And they are supposed to have more generic payments.

Unemployed girls also have the right to receive certain forms of compensation for childbirth and for the appearance of the baby in the family. Only they get paid "minimum wage." In addition, the amount of support provided is less than that of working mothers.

Baby and money

Short list for the unemployed

Now let's get acquainted with the possible scenarios. What benefits can a woman who did not work at the time of delivery receive? They, as we have already said, are supposed to receive less state support. But you can still count on her.

If you list everything that is supposed to be a woman who has become a mother, the following compensations should be highlighted:

  • for childbirth;
  • for registration in a medical institution for women in early pregnancy;
  • baby care allowances.

Also, the girl has the right to issue a maternal certificate and municipal generic. In the first case, it is enough for the family to have two children. And regional support can be claimed, as a rule, even with one baby.

Workers Compensation

Next, consider the list of what a woman who previously worked for the company has the right to. As we have said, under such circumstances, citizens are entitled to more benefits.

MFC to issue children's payments

In general, the list of state support includes:

  • one-time maternity allowance;
  • payments for the care of a newborn up to 3 years;
  • maternity compensation;
  • money for treatment in the LCD in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Of course, one can also hope for regional state support, as well as for maternal capital. This is a normal occurrence. It is recommended that you find out more about municipal support for working and unemployed mothers in a specific locality.

The military and their wives

Separately from the rest, the wives of the military are distinguished - both those who work in the military sphere, and those who have left for military service. A similar category of recipients of state support is not too common, but it exists.

Wives of the military have the right not only to the benefits listed above, but also to certain compensations. Namely:

  • survivor benefit;
  • additional payments for the care of babies.

Why is the monthly allowance for caring for and raising a child allocated separately? This is due to the fact that the wives of the military the size of the corresponding compensation is much higher than that of the unemployed.

Having many children

What are the generic payments for the first child to the population? We have already met their list. This is federal compensation. Regional benefits are individual, it is better to learn about them in a particular region separately. For example, in Kaliningrad, for the appearance of the first baby, you can receive a lump sum payment of 3,000 rubles.

Benefits in 2017

Families with many children in Russia have much more opportunities than units of society with one child. As a rule, the mentioned status is assigned after the birth of the third baby.

In this case, low-income families can apply for child allowance for children under 18 years of age. This innovation appeared in the Russian Federation in 2018. There is also a one-time compensation for the 3rd minor.

Only for low-income families

We have already studied the birth payments for the first baby. In 2018, a new presidential decree entered into force. According to him, low-income families have the right to additional state support. This rule applies only to citizens who have given birth to a child in 2018 and later.

The allowance is paid until the child is 1.5 years old. In this case, it will be necessary to submit the application in the established form 2 times - in order to draw up state support from birth to one year, as well as from 12 to 18 months of a minor.

How much is the size of such a generic payment? It varies and depends on the specific place of residence of the family. Citizens are paid a living wage per child. On average, it is about 10-11 thousand rubles. Over time, this compensation will be gradually increased.

Benefit Sizes

Maternity benefits for the second baby rely exactly the same as for the first. The only difference is that the amount of state support will be higher. In addition, after the second birth, as a rule, parents have the right to maternal capital. But about him a little later.

Baby money

To begin with, you should pay attention to the size of the previously listed funds. This is an important point. After all, some are ready to abandon state support due to serious paperwork. People simply find stupid to collect documents with a small child in their arms for processing miserable payments.

In 2018, one can hope for the following compensations (non-working / employed):

  • for registration - 613 rubles 14 kopecks;
  • maternity - 100% of the average salary for each day of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • the minimum “maternity” - 43 615 rubles 65 kopecks for 140 days of vacation, 48 600 rubles 30 kopecks for 156 days, 60 438 rubles 83 kopecks - 194 days of vacation.
  • unemployed in connection with the liquidation of the company - 613 rubles 14 kopecks per month sick leave;
  • maternity allowance - 16 350 rubles 33 kopecks;
  • for child care (up to one and a half years) - 3 065 rubles 69 kopecks / 40% of monthly salary;
  • care for two children (up to 1.5 years) - 6 131 rubles 37 kopecks / not less than 40% of average earnings;
  • payments for maternity leave up to 3 years - 50 rubles / 40% of earnings.

As practice shows, in some regions the payment of leave until the child reaches the age of three is not always present. And many unemployed refuse such state support. But benefits up to 1.5 years are drawn up by almost all mothers, without exception.

Maternal capital

Maternity payments for the second child include the so-called maternity capital. He relies on all families in which officially raised from 2 children or more. Adopted babies are also counted. The main thing is that they are not 18 years old.

Payment of savings book benefits

Both fathers and mothers are able to make mothercapital. Single parents can also claim this form of compensation.The amount of payment of the generic mentioned type is set at the federal level. It is indexed over time.

Today in Russia, the mother’s capital is 453,026 rubles. The benefit will not increase until 2020. So far, only this is known.

Spending the capital (in contrast to the previously listed labor payments) is allowed only for specific needs. For example, the following scenarios are possible:

  • to improve living conditions;
  • to expand housing;
  • to treat a child;
  • for mom’s pension;
  • to educate children.

These are the main areas that are allowed when using the maternal generic certificate. Payments of this type are not allowed to be spent on yourself. Cash is also prohibited. More precisely, it cannot be done legally.

Where to issue

Now a few words about how to get one form or another of state support after childbirth. Where to go to implement the task?

Disabled mothers can ask for help from the social protection center, as well as at the MFC and the “one-stop-shop” services. Employed parents make relevant statements to their employers.

Maternal-type capital is drawn up either through the MFC or through an appeal to the FIU. There are no other options for the development of events.

Practice shows that regional compensation for children is most often assigned through one-window services, as well as after contacting multifunctional centers.

Documents for basic manuals

Generic payments to workers and unemployed are made out only after the submission of a certain package of documents. We will have to familiarize themselves with their list below.

To request the main forms of state support for families with children (monthly and one-time compensation), you will need:

  • identity cards of parents;
  • SNILs of children and parents;
  • birth certificates;
  • certificate from the registry office in the established form (issued upon registration of the baby);
  • statement;
  • details of the account to which money must be transferred;
  • labor books;
  • a certificate from the place of work of the second spouse that he does not receive any benefits;
  • extracts from the university about training (if any);
  • certificate of marriage (if any);
  • certificate of registration of the child.

This package of documents will be enough to cope with the task. Additionally, for payment for early registration, a medical certificate of the established form will be required. She is issued at the 30th week of pregnancy in the antenatal clinic.

FIU and matcapital

Of course, in order to prove their poverty, it is required to present income certificates. If you have a certificate of a large family, it will also be useful.

Capital formation

Maternity payments for the second newborn in the family, as already mentioned, include maternity capital. It must be claimed in the FIU.

Parents should have with them:

  • passports
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • adoption documents;
  • confirmation of the conclusion or dissolution of marriage;
  • statement;
  • SNILs of all participants in the process.

Within a few months, citizens will receive a certificate with the appropriate amount of money. There is nothing difficult or special about this. Especially if immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital to deal with maternity benefits.

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