
RES - this ... What does the abbreviation mean and in what areas is it used?

In the specialized literature on radio electronics or in the electric power industry, the special term RES is used. This is an abbreviation that also occurs among teachers who practice the Russian encyclopedic dictionary in the classroom, and among biologists. Consider each direction and provide an overview for each area of ​​use of the reduction.

The abbreviation RES in the electric power industry

The decoding of RES for the electric power industry is given as the area of ​​electric networks, less often - the area of ​​the operational service. To understand the essence of the definition, it is necessary to know the features of the development of the energy sector of the USSR:

1. The initial formation of the energy sector was distinguished by the appearance of separate power plants, which began to enter a larger network. The combination of generating capacities, distribution network assumed a connection on a geographical basis, and by district - RES.

2. To manage the electric grids, enlargement of the components of the power system began to be combined into enterprises, or PES. The latter are united in regional organizations, concerns and so on to the very highest level.

Note that such a decryption is considered the most common for this abbreviation in terms of frequency of use.

Electronics - Iphone X

Radio-electronic means: complex household equipment

RES is a common abbreviation for electronic equipment. These include complex household appliances, including microwave ovens, cordless phones, antennas for various purposes. It should be noted that the abbreviation presented is often found in regulatory documents, acts and product passports.

Biology: reticuloendothelial system

Reducing RES is not spared the biology and processes studied by this science. The abbreviation refers to the reticulo-endothelial system, a special type of tissue called macrophages. The process takes place after pregnancy, and the term itself has long been outdated and has almost gone out of use by modern scientists.

Biology - reticuloendothelial system

Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary

Some teachers in schools use the abbreviation RES to refer to the Russian encyclopedic dictionary. That is why in the diaries of many students you can find such an abbreviation. It should be noted that such a reduction is not common.

These are the main designations and purposes that relate to the concept of RES. Therefore, use the decryption view as efficiently as possible, choosing the appropriate value from the context of the literature.

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