Advertising is relevant where sales are conducted. In places of sale of goods, its effectiveness is maximum. The most affordable and easy-to-use option - advertising signs - is presented in the form of posters that do not require much space and provide only basic information about the product.
Clarify the terminology
Let's talk a bit about the concepts accepted in this area. By advertising product is meant one of the types or genres of the final medium. It can exist in the form of a leaflet, a newspaper module, a poster, a video or audio clip.
Under the technology refers to a certain verified sequence of those operations that are necessary for the production of advertising. Each of the technologies implies a certain type of equipment and the use of certain specific materials. It also includes the modes and conditions under which the output of the final product in the planned quantity is possible.
About forms of advertising
There are two forms of expression of an advertising product. The first of them has a material (material) essence, the other component is of a communicative and informational nature, which has a direct effect on the consumer. The creators of the advertising product are repelled from the installation that he is obliged to inform the potential recipient about those properties of the service or product that may prompt him to make a positive decision. Simply put, the task of an advertising product is to sell us something.
Let's see what stages this process is made up of.
Development and production technology of an advertising product
The first of them is called preparatory and consists in the study of similar creations, including advertising and information products created by competitors. And not only them. It is important to know what promotional materials are used by colleagues and trading partners when the subject of goods or services is the same.
At the same stage, technologies and forms of the production process are selected, information on the sales structure is accumulated, and characteristics of the target audience of consumers are specified. That is, those people who are selected as the direct recipients of the future masterpiece of advertising.
Development stage
At the second (marketing) stage, the basic concept is developed, according to which an advertising and information product will be created. Consumers-recipients are specified more specifically, marketing goals are set and formulated, a product structure and options for its constructive solution are developed. An approximate media plan is planned here, according to which it is necessary to use visual and audio means.
If advertising is supposed to be on exhibition stands, scenarios are planned for those who will accompany and present the advertising product, several options for slogans are selected, which are to be included in the final version. All requirements are put together in a detailed terms of reference.
Further stages
The third stage is the design of an advertising product. If we are talking about printed products, it includes the development of the necessary diagrams and graphs, writing a text part with its subsequent artistic processing and structuring for easy and convenient perception by a future consumer.
At the fourth stage, advertising producers are busy designing their brainchild.If this is a printed or any static visual product, text is made up, an electronic original layout is created, a test product (a print print) is tested for a small audience of an independent nature, consisting of 10-15 people, whose characteristics are similar to the intended target group. According to the results of testing, the original layout of the product should be adjusted.
At the fifth stage (last), the direct production of advertising begins. In our example (static visual or printed products), a printing house is selected, an order is placed in it, if necessary, the original layout is adapted to the existing technical conditions. Then the circulation passes quality control and acceptance, is stitched and folded if necessary.
Creative concept of an advertising product.
What is meant by the main creative idea of an advertising product? It is a kind of speculative conceptual image that should be created as part of the strategy of the message that this advertisement bears to the addressee. Such an image is intended to revive a sold item and unobtrusively fit the accepted concept of a product or service into the consumer expectations of persons recognized by the target audience.
This image speaks in a certain language, attracts attention, causes a series of certain emotions and thoughts. Its task is to make people remember what the strategy of this advertising message is called to introduce into the consciousness. That is, the main creative idea can be considered the most serious and complex part of all advertising, requiring a creative approach and a well-thought-out strategy.
What is her task
It acts as a communication between producers of goods and services and buyers (consumers). This idea serves as the same conceptual core, on which the artistic appearance of the message, advertising text and other components are then “put on”. The composition of the product must exist as a single whole, have a clear relationship between the main constituent elements, that is, graphics, text with its title, logos, etc.
Only in this case is the whole effect of the message possible. If this unity cannot be achieved, the advertising product does not look "monolithic". It is scattered before our eyes into separate, weakly interconnected parts. As the main principle of design, unity of style is accepted - this is one of the necessary conditions for the success of advertising materials.
Harmony and reasonableness
Another important postulate of advertising is a harmonious combination of its components. Elements must be compatible, only in this case the whole composition seems effective. For example, an advertisement should not contain too much variety of fonts, varying in size or type. Examination of the number of illustrations also does not bring any good in the end.
It’s important to streamline the ad. It should be easy to read from top to bottom and from left to right. The elements located in a precisely thought-out sequence are capable of moving the reader’s gaze in the desired direction - according to a given trajectory.
More on Posters
What are advertising signs or posters? These are non-folded editions with no restrictions on size and circulation. Most often, their topic is dedicated to a particular product or service. Less commonly, a series of homogeneous advertised products.
The poster must be readable, including from a long distance. Its task is to visually stand out from other information sources in order to attract and retain viewer attention and interest, to activate perception and direction in a certain direction of consciousness.
A wide variety of artistic and visual means are used in posters.It can consist of commonly understood symbols, pictorial metaphors, combinations of images of different scales or events, different in time and space. An important component of the poster content is the size and nature of the font, the form of the advertising text and its location, the brightness and relevance of the color decorative solution.
How and where you can see them
The conditional pictorial means of a poster include photography, which can be completely independent, or can be combined with elements of graphics, painting, etc. If you start from the goal, then any of the posters can be advertising, image, informational or propaganda.
This classic advertising product is distributed in many ways. They are often decorated with shops, offices, stands and exhibition halls. Sometimes, in order to extend the life of an advertising poster, it is printed in the form of a calendar.
Posters, often large posters that form a bright color spot, are often posted at points of sale. Such advertising cannot be overlooked, and the impact on the consumer can be quite high.
Other types of advertising: creation plan
In general, what does the scheme according to which any advertising product is produced look like? It is not only about the example of print advertising that we are considering. The original layout may be an audio or film script.
At the end of the creative stage, as a result of which the original layout is launched into production, the advertising agency proceeds to the main practical steps. The action moves beyond its walls, the supplier or contractor who will be involved in the technical implementation of the project is selected. It can be a printing house, where both ordinary and large-format advertising posters are to be printed. The latter are used for outdoor advertising.
This can be a photo studio, a model agency, or a film company, within the walls of which an advertisement is to be shot. Such agents, in addition, include companies engaged in the production of a variety of souvenirs and related materials.
How is printing
Returning to print advertising, it is necessary to mention the need for highly qualified specialists - printers, typesetters, manufacturers of printing forms. A significant role is played by high-quality modern printing equipment. Sometimes you need to resort to the services of other specialists, such as an engraver.
According to the original mock-up, the so-called signal copy of the future product can be made at the printing house. After the adjustment procedure and making the necessary changes, according to the wishes of the client and the conclusions of the advertising agency, such a copy becomes the basis for the release of all further circulation. The client evaluates the advertising product, approves color samples, text and material for illustrations. These components must be approved, including from a legal point of view.
Attention, ether!
If we talk about radio and television, the process of making advertising there is somewhat more complicated. Its stages include the selection of actors, compilation of the musical composition and its recording, the actual filming, in which, apart from the actors, the director and other specialists take part, audio mixing and the final editing of the video.
Specialized film companies are engaged in all this work. The task of the advertising agency is to develop the idea and script of the video, compose the text, and the artist-designer to sketch the main scenes. The screenplay always contains the most detailed description of the shooting procedure with an exact indication of the characteristics of the production, the used props and all important angles.
For example, a 30-second video will require at least 12 sketches from the creators. This is due to the fact that each of the key scenes does not exceed 5-6 seconds in duration.A draft clip can exist and be shown to the client in the form of animation, accompanied by a voice reading the text.
Work at movie studios
According to the accepted scenario, the film company removes the final version of the advertisement. In our country, such film companies are mainly located in the capital and St. Petersburg. These are large associations of the film industry, with extensive cinema venues with good equipment.
When a director is appointed to shoot a video, the approval of the client-client is required. The preliminary stage of film production takes place in the search for nature and approval of the shooting schedule. Separate scoring of the material that happens is filmed. As a rule, the whole process (from approval of the script to receiving the first copy for installation) lasts for 7-8 weeks.
Having received approval, the final version is replicated in the required number of copies. Sometimes a client who observes the creative process during the production of a video wants to make changes according to their own subjective assessments. Sometimes serious creative disputes arise on this basis, and a compromise is reached in a difficult way.
About sound advertising
In the production of radio advertising, most of the points are similar. They make audio clips in special studios, often available at radio stations. The production process of such advertising is somewhat simpler than its cinema and television options. Professional actors are involved in those difficult cases when the script provides scenes with dialogs, etc. But most often the text of sound advertising is simply read by the host of the program or DJ in the airtime specially allocated for this.