
Registration of the car in the traffic police by the new owner: procedure and recommendations

How is the registration of the car in the traffic police by the new owner? What should every citizen remember about this operation? How much time does the buyer have to register with the traffic police? And is there any punishment for not observing it? Answers to all these questions will be published below. The mentioned topic will certainly affect all owners of vehicles. Therefore, it must be treated with special attention.

Duty or right?

The rules for registering a car in the traffic police with a new owner do not provide for any special clauses. The process itself takes up little time. But the features of this procedure are of interest to many drivers.

registration of the car in traffic police by the new owner

Is it so important to register with the traffic police after acquiring a vehicle? Yes. According to the established rules, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have a car in their possession must undergo the registration process with the traffic police. This procedure is similar to registering property rights in the case of real estate.

It follows that registration with the traffic police is not a right, but an obligation. And you need to realize the idea as soon as possible.

The timing

How is car registration in Russia? What is the deadline for meeting the objectives?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation sets a strict framework for vehicle owners regarding registration. To date, a citizen must register a car no later than 10 days after its purchase. Otherwise, the negligent owner will face punishment.

A responsibility

Which one? If the registration of the car with the traffic police by the new owner has not been completed within the established deadlines, you need to prepare for a fine. Such a punishment is provided for under the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 19.22, Part 1). The exact amount of payment will be assigned depending on who the owner of the vehicle is.

How is car registration in Russia

So, the penalty may be:

  • from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles - for individuals;
  • from 2000 to 3500 rubles - officials;
  • 5000-10000 - legal entities.

A driver who drives a machine that has not been properly registered is also held accountable. It is administrative in nature and expressed in a fine. This violation is punishable by payments from 500 to 800 rubles. Repeated violation is suppressed harder. In this case, the driver will be fined 5,000 rubles and may be deprived of their rights for up to three months.


Are you planning to register a car in the traffic police with a new owner? The rules for bringing ideas to life will not be a hassle. Especially if a person buys a new car.

In general, the registration procedure is reduced to the following actions:

  1. Collection of documents required for registration with the traffic police.
  2. Filing an application for registration of a new car owner.
  3. Payment of state duty for the operation.
  4. Visit to the traffic police with a statement and prepared documents to submit a request.
  5. Passing a technical inspection of the car in the traffic police.
  6. Getting new documents on the car.

As a rule, these steps are not a hassle. Problems can arise if a person buys a vehicle that someone else has previously used. In this case, you have to act differently.

how to re-register a car to a new owner

Registration of a used car

How exactly? The new car registration procedure in force in 2017 saved buyers of used vehicles from some problems when registering with the traffic police.

Previously, you had to first remove the car from registration, then register it again. Now these operations can be carried out simultaneously, which greatly facilitates the implementation of ideas.

If a citizen buys a used car, then registering a car in the traffic police with a new owner will come down to the following steps:

  1. Filing by the previous owner of the car an application for deregistration of a car.
  2. Preparation of documents for registration of a vehicle.
  3. Filing an application with the traffic police for registration by the new owner.
  4. Passing technical inspection.
  5. Payment of state duty.
  6. Getting the numbers for the car.

Removing a car from the register and registering it with its new owner is two parallel operations. Now they do not cause special problems for the population.

new car registration procedure


Now a little about what documents will help to cope with the process under study. It is not so difficult to register a vehicle with the traffic police according to the new rules. Usually this task is easier to realize than it seems at first glance.

What documents can be useful in the process of re-issuing documents for a car? Among them are:

  • passport;
  • Title
  • purchase agreement (or other document establishing ownership of the vehicle);
  • CTP for the new owner;
  • application of the established form for registration of transport.

It'll be enough. But all the listed securities will need to be accompanied by an additional receipt of payment of the state duty. Registration of the car in the traffic police is not a free procedure.

About cost

How to register a car according to the new rules? This question is no longer a mystery. The main thing is that we have studied the basic principles of action. Now everyone will be able to register with the traffic police when purchasing a car.

how to register a car according to the new rules

But these are not all the features of the process. Some people wonder how much it costs to register a vehicle. The exact cost depends on what kind of services are required at registration.

In 2017, you need to pay attention to the following rates:

  • registration of TCP - 800 rubles;
  • registration of STS - 500 rubles;
  • data adjustment in the technical passport - 350 rubles;
  • issue of numbers - 2000 rubles;
  • license plates for trailers, motorcycles - 1500 rubles.

When buying a used car, you will need to enter new data into the TCP and get the STS. Thus, the re-registration operation will cost 850 rubles. You can leave the old license plates or order new ones. In the second case, you have to pay extra for the operation.

Application Methods

Explanations of the traffic police on registration of cars indicate that the application of the established form can be filed in different ways. Namely:

  • personally;
  • through a representative;
  • electronically.

The previously considered action algorithms are relevant for the first two scenarios. It is necessary to act a little differently if a citizen decided to file an electronic application for registration of a vehicle. How to do it?

Online application

A popular service called "Government Services" will help here. With it, a citizen will be able to file an application for registration with the traffic police without leaving home. It is very convenient! But not everyone knows how to act to achieve the task.

explanations traffic police about car registration

Step-by-step instructions will help novice users not to get confused and avoid mistakes when submitting an electronic application. It looks like this:

  1. Register at the State Services. You need to have an active profile in order to order the service being studied.
  2. Activate profile. To do this, the user must enter information about himself, and then wait a bit. It usually takes about two weeks to verify your profile.
  3. Pass authorization on "State services".
  4. Go to the "Transport and Driving" section.
  5. Select the service "Vehicle registration".
  6. Mark the desired line in the menu that appears.When buying a new car, you should select "Registration and issuance of documents." If the car is used, you need to contact the service "Change registration data".
  7. Fill out an electronic application. To do this, enter the appropriate data in the designated fields.
  8. Apply for processing.
  9. Choose a method of paying state fees.
  10. Indicate the details of the account from which it is required to write off funds. Today, "State services" allow you to pay for certain operations using bank cards and electronic wallets.
  11. Wait for the approval of the operation and come to the traffic police at the appointed time with the previously listed package of documents.
  12. Pass inspection of the car and get new papers on the vehicle.

Done! As you might guess, registration of a car in the traffic police by the new owner through the "State Services" can be carried out exclusively by citizens who, at the time of purchase of the car, had a profile on the mentioned service. Otherwise, the applicant simply does not meet the deadlines for submitting an application for re-registration.

Impact of registration

Some are interested in which particular traffic police or traffic police body you need to go to implement ideas. Does the registration of the owner of the car play a role here?

Yes. Experts assure that the new owner of the car must submit an application in the established form to the traffic police at the place of his residence or temporary registration. Otherwise, the service may be denied.

Broken cars

Is it possible to register a broken car? For example, which was purchased after the accident?

A definite answer to this question cannot be given. The thing is that before registering a citizen must get insurance for the car. To do this, have to go through a checkup. No insurance - no registration. This must be remembered.

It follows that if you managed to get a CTP policy, then you can continue to think about how to re-register the car to a new owner. In some cases, even broken cars can be insured. But this is an extremely rare occurrence.


For those who decided to use the "State services" when registering a car in the traffic police as a new owner, there is a pleasant surprise. In 2017, such citizens can receive a discount on state duty equal to 30%.

It is provided automatically upon depositing funds for submitting an application in the established form. It is impossible to reduce the state duty for registering a car with the traffic police.

registration of the car in traffic police by the new owner of the rule


We found out how to register a car for a new owner in Russia. This operation usually does not take much time. And with some preparation, it will be possible to realize the idea in a few hours.

The main thing is to remember that the registration of a car in the traffic police is the responsibility of each owner of a car. 10 days are allocated for the implementation of ideas. The fine follows!

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