One of the most interesting activities is breeding California rabbits. They easily adapt to the conditions of detention, so this breed is ideal for those who have just decided to engage in rabbit breeding, and those who have been engaged in this type of activity for more than one year.
A bit of history
California rabbits appeared in 1920 in California. Initially, this breed was considered a hybrid, but gradually it began to be perceived as an independent.
A new breed was obtained by crossing the Russian ermine, New Zealand white and Soviet chinchilla. Initially, the aim of the breeding was to obtain a fast-growing rabbit with high quality fur.
Californians have a special appearance that distinguishes them from other breeds of rabbits. They are characterized by a two-tone color. Moreover, the main shade of the fur is white, and the ears, tail, paws and nose are black. The spots have clear boundaries, even outlines. Sometimes, but rarely, there are colors with brown and gray-blue spots.
Californian eyes are red. The physique is well developed, the body is cylindrical in shape. Representatives of this breed have a short neck, short and thick legs. In appearance, they are ideal as a meat breed.
The body shape of Californians must meet standards. According to them, animals should have a small short head, straight ears and a humpbacked nose. The body is enlarged, with a well-developed lumbosacral region.
The peculiarity of the breed representatives is that they have a strong skeleton, although the bones themselves are light and quite thin. The rabbits have very well developed muscles.
Rabbit breeding
A feature of the breed is that the breeding of California rabbits is possible in any part of the world. They have early ripening, which allows them to happen at five months old individuals for offspring. Rabbits breed are highly fertile. In one round they are able to bring from ten to sixteen babies. With an average intensity of breeding, one rabbit per year can bring about forty cubs. All animals that are used as producers are kept for about five years, after this period they are changed.
Rabbit growth
The average size of a California rabbit (just born) is about forty grams. With good and proper nutrition, by the age of two months, the weight of rabbits reaches two kilograms, and in three or four months young growth weighs up to four kilograms.
Once the rabbits reach this weight, the growth rate decreases. Therefore, they begin to be used for their intended purpose from the age of three months. When forming a breeding herd, individuals feed for up to five months, and only after that they happen. However, animals stop growing only by the age of seven months. At this time, their weight reaches six kilograms.
The correct content of California rabbits allows you to get the following growth rates:
- two months - the weight of young animals from one and a half to two kilograms;
- three months - weight two and a half kilograms;
- four months - weight more than three kilograms;
- five months - the weight of almost four kilograms;
- six months - a weight of four kilograms.
From six to seven months, the growth of animals either stops completely, or occurs very slowly.
Considering that the size of a California rabbit has not changed since 6 months, it is not profitable to keep them longer than this period. When breeding for meat, slaughter occurs in 4.5 months. At this age, young growth weighs more than three kilograms.Moreover, after slaughter, the weight of a clean carcass is about 60% of the live weight of the animal. The percentage of fat in the carcass depends on the quality of the feed used. Usually its weight is 2% of the total mass.
Prescribing and feeding the breed
Californian breed rabbits are intended for meat production. Immediately after the babies are left from the mother, they begin to feed them intensely. In this case, a high-calorie diet is selected, which includes meat and bone meal, vitamins. Also included in the diet are brooms, hay, vegetables, solid feed. There should always be clean and fresh water in the drinkers.
When choosing a breed, many are guided by the fact that Californians are growing rapidly. Given their early maturity, these rabbits can only be compared with broilers. With proper fattening, they quickly gain weight, and by the age of four months they will be ready for slaughter.
Proper breeding of California rabbits involves the preparation of a diet immediately after the end of the suction period. From the very first days, babies are fed high-calorie food with protein. It helps to quickly build muscle.
The diet should include meal, grain feed, fish or meat and bone meal, grass, hay. Access to food for those rabbits that are fed for meat should be constant.
If it is planned to leave individuals for breeding from the litter, then their feeding should not be so intense, as obese animals are not suitable for breeding.
When growing, only high quality feed should be used. The following types of food are given to rabbits:
- Up to 50% of root crops may be present in the diet. However, not everyone can provide so many pet vegetables. Therefore, root crops can be replaced with grass.
- Compound feed - up to 10%.
- Hay - 10%.
- Grass, leaves - 30%.
- Meat and bone meal or fish meal - up to 1.5%.
In winter, animals need vitamins.
Green food (grass, leaves) usually consists of forest, meadow, field grasses. You can give grass from your site, but without roots. Giving freshly cut rabbits is not recommended. It needs to be slightly faded.
Rabbits are recommended to give clover, wormwood (but not all species), plantain, burdock, dandelions and other types of herbs.
From root crops animals prefer carrots, swede, zucchini. Cabbage can be given to rabbits, but only in a limited quantity, and only to those individuals who are more than 4 months old. You can not give cabbage to nursing females, as this product causes bloating in children.
With proper feeding, the animal will grow rapidly, because this breed is a California rabbit, the characteristic of which implies a “broiler” type of development, is characterized by the fact that its representatives gain weight by the age of 4 months.
Home Content
The most common animals of universal purpose are California rabbits. Breeding at home is possible not only in cells, but also in aviaries, sheds. Some contain them as pets, settling animals in cages as decorative breeds.
Californians have a lot of positive qualities. They are soft, have an unusual color, their life expectancy is about ten years. Representatives of the breed are smart and quickly attached to family members.
Individual selection
It is best to get animals for breeding from a trusted breeder. They will not only show the conditions of detention, will introduce how the breeding of California rabbits is carried out on their farms, but will also give valuable recommendations for care.
When choosing an adult, it should be borne in mind that they are more susceptible to stress from moving than young animals. There are cases when adult animals died after moving to a new place.
To choose a rabbit, you need to pay attention to the following:
- First of all, you need to study the conditions of detention. If the cells are dirty, then you should refuse to buy animals from this breeder.Dirty contents are a high probability of acquiring an infected rabbit.
- If possible, see the parents. They must have a standard constitution without deviations. You should not buy rabbits from individuals with clubfoot, with a curved back, ears down and other external defects.
- Next, you should pay attention to how the animal behaves. Healthy individuals are active, inquisitive or, conversely, cowardly and try to escape, hide.
- Assessment of appearance. A healthy animal should not have any discharge from the nose or eyes. His coat should be even, without bald patches. Be sure to look under the tail of the rabbit to make sure that the animal does not have diarrhea. However, it is worth considering that diarrhea may be the norm during the transition from hay to grass.
- Color. The rabbit must have a color characteristic of its breed. In this case, you should look at the proportions of the body.
- Rate weight. In well-developed animals, age, size and weight must be consistent with standards. Deviations up or down by ten percent are allowed.
The easiest to care for and fast-growing is the California rabbit. The description of the breed and its characteristics should be known to anyone who has decided to breed these animals.
Cages for rabbits
For normal health and rapid growth, cells for Californian rabbits can be small in size. This is due to the fact that animals have small dimensions.
In the cells there can be a grid floor with an area of 0.3 square meters, and for mother cells the area should be slightly larger - 0.4 square meters. m
Mesh floors are easy to clean and do not cause pododermatitis (corns).
Good to know
Breeding rabbits is a simple matter, the main thing is to have a desire. At the age of two months, babies are vaccinated to prevent the occurrence of various dangerous infections. Usually vaccinations are given to those individuals who remain at the plant. It is not profitable to vaccinate fattening animals, since their slaughter usually occurs in 3-3.5 months. The maximum period before which animals are fed, x - no more than five months.