Animals have become pets ever since they were tamed. People engage in pet breeding for different purposes. For some, this is a fascinating hobby, while for others it is a profitable business. What methods of breeding animals exist, how to keep them at home, read the article. You will learn a lot of useful information.
Animal breeding
In the household, man has been breeding animals since ancient times. Some for receiving meat, milk, raw materials, and others for faster movement or transportation of goods.
Farm animals are bred in households and on farms. For this, horses, rabbits, cows, pigs, sheep, goats and others are raised.
Rabbit breeding
Breeding animals namely rabbits, is easy to grow. They do not need a special room, free range and pasture. It does not take a lot of time to prepare feed, as their main food is hay and herbs that grow everywhere. Rabbits feed on yarrow, dandelion, asterisk and plantain.
Animals are divided into meat, down and fur. For breeding a meat look is better, since you can use meat and fur. You should choose healthy rabbits with a strong body and shiny hair. The eyes, ears and nose of animals should be kept clean. Healthy kids are mobile, their ears stick out. The best time to buy rabbits is summer, when they grow up and can winter outside.
Rabbits are kept in cages that can be placed in a barn, outdoors, under a canopy or under the shade of trees. For babies, the cage should consist of two parts: in one - a shelter, in the other - a walk. Rabbits of different sexes are placed in different cages, as their readiness for childbearing begins early, as soon as the animals reach three months of age. Mating animals up to six months of age is impractical: the development of young rabbits will stop, and the offspring will turn out to be weak. The readiness of males for mating is year-round, and females - only during estrus. In one year, an adult female has up to five spells, each with about eighteen babies. The best females, about eight individuals, and one male are left for breeding.
To increase the weight of the animals should be well fed. Their diet should not only consist of grass. A few fresh vegetables, fruits, berries should be added regularly. Rabbits feed on leaves and stems of raspberries, lilacs, black currants. That greens were all year round, they harvest it from autumn.
If animal care and feeding are good, there will be no problems with breeding and rearing. But if the cells are not processed properly, the food constantly fouls, rats and other insects overcome, rabbits can get sick. The content of a large number of animals in one cage leads to bad consequences. They can get hurt. Wintering on the street during severe frosts leads to frostbite, and in the rain - to colds.
Horse breeding
Breeding and keeping animals, such as horses, is carried out in two ways: herd and stable. In the latter case, stalls are attached to the stable, in which manure is cleaned daily. Every month, compulsory disinfection of the stable is carried out. An unscheduled procedure is carried out as necessary, when the formation of horses by sex is completed, when there is an urgent need to get rid of rodents and insects.
Before the mating procedure, horses should not be fed, as the offspring of obese animals will not be good.The stallion must be in good physical shape, for which he should provide good nutrition, but not fatten.
Mating is carried out in the spring, March-July is considered the best time. Healthy mares of three years are allowed to this process. Mating of horses is carried out during estrus at the mare. Signs of this phenomenon are anxiety and excessive excitement, constant neighing and attraction to stallions. The mare becomes in the appropriate position. This period is characterized by viscous discharge of yellow color or transparent.
Horse feed
Breeding animals involves feeding them. The horse is a very neat animal in everything. Food should be benign, not frozen, not rotten and not moldy. If the horse is fed with cold water, it will have colic in the stomach, so the water should be warm. It should be given before feeding, for 30-50 minutes. Food should be balanced.
In addition to grass and hay, horses feed on vegetables, berries, and fruits. They need lump salt, vitamins and minerals. Feed horses three to four times a day, and drink much more often. During winter cold weather, the main food in the diet is hay from meadow grasses and cereals. Better not to give straw, it is rough and it has few nutrients. In the warm season, the horse eats fresh grass.
Horse Care
Pet breeding impossible without regular good care. Horses need to be grounded and constantly monitor the condition of hooves and horseshoes. Animals need a bath. This hygiene procedure is required. It should be carried out weekly, once only. Frequent bathing can lead to skin disease. After water procedures, the horse needs to be wiped and heated in the sun.
Cleaning the mane and the entire skin is carried out at the end of each race. The horse must have personal care products. It should be remembered: at the same time feed and clean the animal is unacceptable.
Goat breeding
Breeding animals is carried out to obtain meat, milk and fluff. Depending on the desired goal, select the appropriate breed. Goats are unpretentious and profitable animals for breeding in the household. It is not necessary to keep goats in warm sheds; they also winter in non-insulated rooms with a harsh climate.
The benefits of goats are as follows: their milk exceeds the cow's content of beneficial substances, and the meat surpasses mutton. Warm clothes are knitted from fluff, and sheepskin coats are sewn from the skins of young animals.
For breeding healthy animals are needed: one goat for twenty-five to fifty goats. The manufacturer should have high productivity and no family ties to the uterus. Goats ripen early, they are ready for childbearing in five to seven months. But it’s better to happen when they are eighteen months old. Offspring will be healthier. During sexual hunting, goats behave uneasily, often bleat, wag their tail, and more. Before the breeding season, animals are well fed. Downy breeds of queens cease to milk.
A month before birth, the goats are kept in order: they clean, whiten, warm, drafts are eliminated, and the litter changes. Before the birth, the goat is very worried: it lays down, then it rises, the udder increases, and so on. A healthy uterus is kitten itself. Usually one or two kid are born.
Goat food
Depending on the maintenance period, the number of feedings is different. In the stall period, goats are fed four times a day, and in the pasture - two. The main food of summer is grass grazing. In addition, concentrates, root vegetables, vegetables and dry hay are added to the daily diet. In winter, when animals are kept in stalls, food should be diversified. To the summer diet is added salt, twigs, dried in advance.It is imperative to withstand the drinking regime: they give water three times while keeping animals in the stall mode and once in the pasture.
To get a good result, breeding animals requires proper care. To do this, the room should always be dry and clean. The floor is covered with straw, peat or brick, depending on the flooring material. In the barn you need to place sunbeds for sleeping animals. Straw them should be only for kids. Goats need trimming hooves. This is done as needed.