Checking the balance is very important, because, knowing the balance of funds, you can not be afraid that they will be completed at the most inopportune time. How to check the balance of MTS will be described in this article using different methods and combinations. The method of detailing the data of other MTS customers will also be described.
Phone Verification
MTS telecom operator subscribers can check their funds using only a mobile phone.
To do this, you do not need the Internet, and you can perform the procedure by the following methods:
- Use the SMS Assistant service. To do this, you will need to send a text message by phone 111, in which to indicate the code 11. A few seconds after sending, the operator will send a counter SMS, where the necessary data will be indicated.
- It is possible to use service combinations. For this, the team * 100 # is used, by which any person who is served at MTS will be able to find out the balance of money. After entering the request, a call is necessarily made, for sending it to the network and for processing.
- Users can also expand the combination described above. For example, if a person dials the code * 100 * 1 # on the device and then makes a call, not only information about money will appear on the screen, but data about package services (SMS, Internet, minutes, etc.) will be available. You can also specify the remaining packets by the command * 100 * 2 #.
- If the client uses a service for which funds are provided in debt, then you can find out about the debt to the operator by entering the request * 100 * 3 #.
- For those who do not know how to check the balance on the corporate MTS, it is recommended to use the combination * 129 #. If it does not work, then you just need to make a printout request with the necessary information, because in corporate plans, funds are spent by several people at once.
Other phone verification methods
If the methods described above do not work, you need to know how to check the balance of MTS in other ways using your phone. To do this, the following apply:
- You can use the mobile assistant. It will be enough for the customer to call the service number 111 and then follow the instructions of the robot to detail the data.
- Each client can call support and ask the operator to voice the funds that are available for use. The operator's number is simple - 0890, and calls to it are not charged. This method for clarifying such information is not the most convenient, since in addition to a long wait for an answer, the operator will need to provide passport data, as well as indicate the word "code" that was written when registering the SIM card. Otherwise, the employee will not be able to establish a personality and will not say the necessary information.
- On your mobile device, you can record “My MTS”, with which it will be easy to find out about the amount of funds and simply control your phone. The application is an analogue of your personal account, but only on a mobile phone. How to check the balance of MTS through the application? It is enough to enter it and in the main window all the data will be indicated.
- On the phone, you can connect an additional option called "Balance on the screen." The balance will be shown in real time, but for use you need to pay 10 kopecks / day. To activate the service, use the command * 152 * 3 #.
PC check
It is very convenient to use your personal account on the MTS website.How to check the balance of MTS using the account? It will be enough to go through registration, which will not take much time and, having logged in to the system, the information will be indicated next to the name of the subscriber in the main menu. Of course, this method is not always convenient to use and will receive information faster through the phone.
Another person's balance
Often there are situations when you need to check the balance of a friend of MTS. It can be friends or relatives, children, in any case, you will need to use the service “Balance of another subscriber”. True, this option has certain limitations and conditions. On the mobile phone of the user from whom the information will be taken, the Favorite Number function must be enabled. Only in this case it will be possible to monitor the expenses of other people. There are no other ways to check the balance on another MTS number, unless there is a password and login from your personal account, where you can go in and find out all the data.
If you use the described service, then it will be possible to refine the information using a regular request: * 140 #. The service itself is provided free of charge, and money will be charged for the Favorite Number service, the cost of which can be clarified on the operator’s website. To clarify the information, enter the command * 140 * customer number #, after which you need to make a call.
Knowing all the methods of checking the balance, you can use any of them and find out the balance at any time of the day or night. If a service request is entered, the number of entries is not limited and all the described methods are provided free of charge.