Real estate is an object that is fixed in one place and cannot be moved, such as a house, land, apartment, commercial building, and so on. Now you need to understand what is the cadastral value and why it is needed.
Just imagine the situation: let's say you came to the bank, you want to take a mortgage. The bank representative says to you: "Please bring us a cadastral value certificate." And you do not know what it is and where to get it.
Cadastral construction
This is the cost of a particular object, and information about this object is listed in the inventory.
Cadastre data are state-owned. In short, the appraisers establish a cadastral valuation. How this happens specifically, see below. It’s very simple to find out the cost of your property: you need to go to the official website of Rosreestr, select a region, settlement from the drop-down list, then enter the street and other parts of the address.
Then you should click the "Find" button.
Why is the cadastral value needed? All people who own any real estate are required to pay tax on it, but it is calculated on the cadastral value.
Unlike apartments or houses, land value also affects rental. To determine how much land is economically viable, the cadastral value is taken as the basis. Therefore, the owner can lose a lot of finances if the value was calculated incorrectly.
How to find out the cadastral number
There are two ways to do this. Firstly, such a number should be located on the certificate of right to real estate. If the certificate is old, you can find out the number by contacting Rosreestr.
There is another way: a public cadastral map - you can find it on the Internet either on the page (do not forget to select the region) or type in the search engine “Public cadastral map of the city (such and such)”.
It is worth noting that the cadastral number is absolutely unique. To determine it, 1 (one) square meter is taken as the basis. Multiply the cost of this meter by the area of a particular room or site.
The cadastral number looks something like this - AA: BB: CCDDEE: FF. The first digits are a specific district, the second are a district. Next is the quarter, the rest is the code for a specific property.
For example: the code starts like this - 54:15. Thus, 54 represents the code of the subject of the federation, in this case, the Novosibirsk region. Next is the administrative district, codes that tell about the zone, about the quarter and so on. It is important to know that if at the end of 00:05, then this object is not registered with anyone and is temporary. When he is registered with someone, a different number will appear.
Cadastral number will be stored until such time as this object exists. The action is terminated if the object is destroyed for any reason. Also, the law sometimes permits the division of an object between two or more owners, in which case the cadastral number will also be changed. In general, the number is needed in order to record objects, including buildings and land.
What is a cadastral passport?
This is such a document, which includes the plan of the site itself and (or) the building, the cost of these objects, characteristics, all the facts about the owner, as well as existing burdens.
Currently, the cadastral passport replaces an extract from the USRN.
Where to get this passport?
Keep in mind that if you want to receive a document in Rosreestr, you can do it on the website and even print it, but it does not have legal force.If you want to receive an official document, or you do not have one, then only the cadastral chamber makes such a document.
You need to take:
- The plan of the facility.
- Explication.
- Original certificate of ownership or right.
- You will also need your passport.
Explication is the explanation made to the project. They indicate: how many rooms, what is the total area, what is the living area of the premises, for example, a bathroom.
As soon as you give it all to the cadastral chamber, after 5 days you will receive a certificate.
How is the cadastral valuation of real estate
The cadastral value is always calculated on the basis of laws.
The executive body takes this decision to make an assessment. This happens every 3 years. If the city is of federal significance, then every 2 years. Are required to consider 1 time in 5 years. This is one of the features that distinguishes cadastral and market value - a market owner himself can learn from several experts, ordering an estimate as much as necessary, if only there is enough money.
As soon as a decision is made, the authority sends a copy of its decision to Rosreestr. Then the Rosreestr selects the performers, concludes an agreement with them, and these performers determine the cost, then draw up a report. The appraiser is always selected independent so that his opinion is not affected by anything.
It is important to know that the customer has every right to challenge the result of the cost - either in an arbitration court or in a special commission.
Now you can understand how the cadastral value of real estate is taken into account, market value is taken into account a little differently.
Real Estate Market Valuation
This assessment depends on several factors:
- Where is the apartment or other object located (different areas - different prices).
- The presence of a number of social institutions (kindergarten, school, hospital).
- The shops.
- Bus stops.
- Service providers (gym, pool, etc.).
- For some it is important that there are ATMs nearby.
- Parking.
- Repair, technical systems (it is important for someone to repair, someone on the contrary prefers in a clean state).
- Park areas, playgrounds, green spaces, sports grounds.
Real estate is most often valued by realtors or professional appraisers. The valuation of the market cadastral value begins with the conclusion of a valuation agreement, then the appraiser must come and look at a specific object. He studies the plan, gets acquainted with the technical documentation and so on. If there are any additional points, they are all taken into account.
If this is a small apartment, then the inspection will take a maximum of an hour. Next, the appraiser should consider the proposals that came about the sale of any real estate in this region. The appraiser must do their analysis, then select 3 transactions that are similar to this object, then an assessment is presented.
A lot depends on the repair, design and so on. Not all people like the first and last floor, so they often cost much less. Of great importance is the view from the windows, which does not matter in the cadastral valuation.
A big difference?
Sometimes it happens that the cadastral value is higher than the market value. Why is this happening?
For example, take home number 1 and number 2 (photo in the article below).
In appearance they are almost similar. Let's say that house number 2 is built from innovative materials. It is clear that this material is very expensive, that is, the structure is estimated expensively in the inventory. But the market refers to this structure differently. First, it all depends on location. There is no infrastructure, it takes 3 hours to go to the center, there are no social institutions, 2-3 stores at best.
In this case, the market and cadastral value of the apartment are different: the market will be lower than the cadastral. However, this is not entirely good for the owner, because taxes will be high.
Can costs be equal?
The cadastral value is equal to the market value at a particular moment when the valuation occurs at almost the same time. For example, the cadastral value is considered, then a certificate is obtained in which the market value is indicated. If there is such a certificate, then it is possible to challenge the cadastral value with the help of the court, or you can submit an application to the Rosreestr.
Land plot
In the same way as with an apartment or other housing, land is subject to taxation. That is, you have a land plot, you pay tax. If you rented, then, of course, pay the rent. To purchase land in the property you need to pay a ransom. However, all these payments depend on one indicator - the cadastral value.
But at the same time, again, it is worth bearing in mind that the market value and cadastral value may not coincide. Therefore, the payment may be low, or, conversely, too high. Repeatedly there were examples of very large rental taxes and land taxes. Therefore, the cadastral value of real estate should be verified. If an independent assessment has issued a certificate from which it is clear that the cost is too high, you should contact the commission or the court.
Hence the conclusion
In this way, market and cadastral values are determined, the difference between them is significant. The fact is that the cadastral value has nothing to do with the sale and purchase of any particular property. The cadastral value is intended for one purpose only: for taxation.
Whereas the market is specifically for buying and selling. Do not ever confuse them.
In addition to tax, the cadastral value is taken into account if there is a purchase, inheritance, gift or a person went to the bank to take a mortgage.
It is also important to understand why the cadastral value may change. For example, there is a building on Ivanovskaya Street. But they evaluated this building in 2015. More than 5 years have passed since then, the cost has changed. Also, the building on Ivanovskaya street is, for example, in the Tsvetochny microdistrict. 1000 people left the microdistrict in another city and sold (or are selling) their housing. Thus, real estate prices in the residential district of Flower have fallen. In this case, the cadastral value will also be less.
In any case, if the court has satisfied the claim, the commission has reviewed your application, the appraiser will come and make a reassessment. It is very important to understand how much your apartment, your land or building is worth. After all, taxes, as well as other issues, depend on this. For example, you want to sell your land and you need the cadastral value of this plot.