
Calculation of the monetary allowance of servicemen in the Russian Federation

The monetary allowance of servicemen who serve under the contract is the main means of providing them with material resources and stimulating their actions, as well as fulfilling their duties in the service.

A military secret

What money allowance consists of

It consists of a monthly salary for the qualification of a soldier, as well as the assigned military rank and position. The higher you are in rank, the higher the salary (for example, ordinary soldiers will have a salary of two thousand rubles, and a corporal will already have three thousand or more). The calculation of the monetary allowance of a serviceman in 2016 is simple. Just add up all the revenue, such as:

  1. Bonuses for working with securities, for achievements.
  2. Salary by rank. The higher it is, the more the board.
  3. Prizes. They are given for the conscientious performance of actions, as well as for the fulfillment of the tasks of commanders.
  4. Wage. She is given for work in the army. For example, a janitor, accountant, or other profession.
Soldiers take pictures


The monetary allowance of a soldier who came to the service of the Motherland on an annual draft consists only of a salary in rank (private, corporal). The higher it is, the higher the amount. And also the payment includes a monetary allowance, which consists of additional payments of a military man. It is worth noting that the uniform amounts of payments are established by the Government of the Russian Federation itself, as well as by the Ministry of Defense.


Soldiers marching

Everything is more complicated here: the size of their salaries by rank is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, but only together with the Minister of Defense. The whole difficulty is that the Minister can increase the salaries of conscripts independently, without reporting to the President on the country. And in the case of contractors, he must ask permission, and then raise or lower salaries.

As it became clear, everything works differently with conscripts: the calculation of their monetary allowance occurs without the participation of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Minister of Defense himself can, on his own order, lower or increase the salaries of draftees in the Russian Federation.

Atypical posts

If you are in the army working in a profession that you received at a college or university, then you may be paid extra cash allowance. It can be set by the Minister of Defense without the permission of the president, so everything can change. Of course, the Government of the Russian Federation can also establish a salary for the work of military personnel, but this is not their responsibility.

Cash allowance: how to calculate

The procedure for calculating the monetary allowance of servicemen in the Russian Federation is very simple: the draftee / contractor needs to add up all the income that the accountant accrues. It can be such finances coming to your account:

  1. Qualification salary.
  2. Salaries by rank.
  3. Prizes.
  4. Allowances.

When you have added all these incomes, you get a ready calculation of your monetary allowance. Whether it is a lot or not is up to you.

Bad conditions

Soldier is armed

Draftees who were sent to live in very poor conditions expect large payouts. Indeed, the law of the Russian Federation establishes that such conscripts can, in accordance with Article 23 on unfavorable conditions for military personnel, count for large allowances for their monetary allowance. And they also have privileges: all calculations, formulas and premium and premium ratios will be calculated by the standards of contractors, and therefore they get quite a lot of money in the service in adverse conditions.However, think twice before agreeing to serve like this: conditions and discomfort can really cost more than you get paid.

Economic problems

Political unrest, of course, affects the salaries of conscripts and contract soldiers in the service. However, if you have reduced monetary allowance, do not rush to blame everyone around it: sometimes this happens due to inflation. Several decades ago, the payment was one, but already at the time of 2019 - it was different. And all this because of economic problems and inflation.

Draftee payout list

Front war

A conscript soldier has legal grounds to rely on such payments:

  1. Every 30 days an allowance is given for his qualifications (category, class).
  2. Award for the conscientious fulfillment of the tasks of commanders.
  3. A certain percentage of salary for service in special, adverse conditions and the northern territories of the Russian Federation.
  4. Award for work related to state or military secrets. The amount depends on the importance of the information you worked with.

Length of service

Soldiers in the ranks

Being a conscript or contract soldier, you can stay in the army not for a year, but for a longer time. For this you add a percentage to your salary. Here is a list of these allowances:

  • They served from 2 to 5 years - 10% of the previous salary.
  • They served more than 5 to 10 years - 15% of the previous salary.
  • Service from 10 to 15 years gives you a 20% increase in your previous salary
  • Military service from 15 to 20 years - already 25% of the previous salary.
  • Military service in the army for more than 20 to 25 years - already 30%
  • If you have been serving for more than 25 years, you will be given a bonus of 35% to the previous salary.
  • If you have served your homeland for more than 30 years, the percentage salary premium will be 40%.

Qualification, work

The amount you will be given depends on your category:

  • Third grade - 5 percent to the previous salary.
  • Second grade - 10 percent of salary.
  • First grade - already 20 percent of the previous salary.
  • Master class - give 30 percent to the salary.

How to improve skills

The rules for the assignment of a new class are determined only by the Minister of Defense, unless other options are provided for in our army. Typically, a soldier simply in the form of a report makes his progress in work, and the better they are, the higher his qualifications.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the monetary allowance of military personnel under the contract can be easily done using just a calculator and the components mentioned above.

Work with military / state secrets

Soldier marching

A bonus for working with such information is issued every month in the amount of 65% of a certain salary. Yes, this is a very large percentage. However, it is worthwhile to understand: this figure varies depending on the degree of importance and risk of the work that you are given. The more important the information, the more you will be paid.

It is worth noting that the salary of an ordinary soldier (salary) can be an average of five thousand Russian rubles.

Special conditions

For the fact that you are serving in the north of the country or in the territory of military operations, you receive a 100% bonus to your previous salary. However, do not immediately dream of such a service. First you will need to undergo drill training.

High risk jobs

Those tasks given to you by the commanders can also add one hundred percent to the existing salary. However, the amount still depends on the risk and importance of your task. If you just saved a cat who fell on a tree, you will not be given a one-hundred percent surcharge, you need to understand this.

Payment for such actions is regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation itself, as well as by the Minister of Defense. It is worth noting that the salary of a soldier always fluctuates, because someone is higher in rank and qualification, and someone is lower. Someone performed an important task, and someone lay down, not doing anything risky. Therefore, no one can tell the exact amount of monetary allowance and salary of a soldier.


For them, you can be given up to one hundred percent of the premium to the previous salary. It all depends on what heights you have reached.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the monetary allowance of military personnel in the Russian Federation should be compiled on many points, such as:

  1. Qualification premium.
  2. Salary.
  3. Prizes.
  4. Length of service.


For your good behavior, as well as the conscientious fulfillment of the tasks of commanders, you can receive a total of up to three salaries per annum. The specific size depends on the quality and effectiveness of the military personnel performing their duties in the month for which the bonus is paid, taking into account the existing disciplinary sanctions for committed disciplinary misconduct, the results of professional and official (command) and physical training, as well as violations in the financial and economic and economic activities that entailed damage to the Armed Forces and reflected in the audit certificates.


If you, while serving in Russia, were redirected to another city / country, then you can count on an increase in salary. A soldier may be in a state of emergency in armed conflict. In such cases, cash allowance is paid taking into account increasing ratios.

It is worth noting that in these territories the following tasks can be assigned to a serviceman:

  1. Emergency response.
  2. Performing martial law tasks.
  3. Ensuring civil security.

All payment rules, regulatory legal acts are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation itself. Also, the percentage and allowance will depend on the place of service, the risk of completing the tasks of the commanders, as well as other factors.

How is the calculation of the monetary allowance of the military? Accounting in the army is conducted by specialist accountants, on the basis of regulations and laws on the payment of cash allowances to military personnel.

Northern military personnel

If you are a fighter who serves in the Far North, where the temperature in Celsius reaches -40, then you should be paid allowances and bonuses for such service. All this is due to the fact that in such territories very harsh living conditions and service. Therefore, for such conditions, a special coefficient is assigned to the soldier, which is calculated individually and depends on the salary. Even if you are a conscript, you will still be paid increased allowance for service in these territories.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the monetary allowance of a soldier can be done independently, without any professional skills. You should know your coefficient by which the salary is multiplied.

What is considered a monetary allowance

The total amount includes the following indicators:

  1. Salary by rank, by position.
  2. For the length of service.
  3. For qualification.
  4. For work with information that contains military / state secrets.
  5. Extra charge for special conditions of service, if any (in the North, at the scene of hostilities)
  6. Award for risky tasks entrusted by the highest ranked military personnel.

Contractor's monetary allowance refers to the civil circulation of money. This is stated in article 26 on contract soldiers.

Service Abroad

All military personnel, whether a contract soldier or a conscript, should know: if a soldier is stationed in another country, then on his territory he can receive a salary in foreign currency or in rubles, as anyone, or as the higher authorities decide. When following a soldier from the territory of the Russian Federation, the day of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation is included in the days for which the daily subsistence allowance is paid in foreign currency, and when following the territory of the Russian Federation, the day of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation is included in the days for which the daily allowance is paid in rubles.

Using the military allowance calculator in 2017 (or any other), monthly payments can be calculated. The necessary columns must be entered with the necessary information regarding the salary, the corresponding military position, length of service, bonuses and so on. Thanks to this, the exact amount of monetary allowance will be obtained.

Family moving

Contracted military personnel (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), including those who have entered the military service under a contract from a reserve, when moving to a new place (place) of military service in another settlement, including the following payments are made to or from the territory of a foreign state:

  • lifting allowance - in the amount of one salary for a soldier and one fourth salary for each family member who has moved to a new place;
  • per diem for a serviceman and each member of his family moving in connection with the transfer of a serviceman to a new place of military service for each day on the way.

Upon dismissal

For servicemen who have performed military service under a contract, upon dismissal from military service, a lump sum is paid in the following amounts:

  • with a total duration of military service of less than twenty years, two salaries of money maintenance;
  • with a total military service of twenty years or more - seven salaries of money.

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