Material support for military personnel is the most significant advantage of this category of citizens. Joining the army can be seen as a certain act of manifestation of love, as well as caring for your home country. In any case, such a step is an extremely responsible act. With all this, it is no secret to anyone that the service involves numerous trials for a person and adversity. Therefore, such work is characterized by high pay along with some undeniable advantages.
The rights of the military
The military has the right not only to the established rate, but also to additional payments that are provided for conscientious service. In this article, we learn about who, in addition to contract employees, is entitled to cash payments in military families. And also find out how a report is prepared on material assistance from a military person.
Legislative regulation
According to the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 61, which is called “On Measures to Strengthen Social Protection of the Armed Forces of Russia,” each soldier who has signed a contract is provided with a certain amount of material assistance annually. Thus, military personnel are provided with two salaries. It should be noted that cadets who do not have officer ranks do not belong to this category. Often paid financial assistance in connection with the death of a relative. The basis for its provision is an order from the commander of a military unit. Most often, it is published due to the fact that a soldier intends to go on an established vacation or plans to undergo treatment, as well as in some other cases. We will consider a sample report below.
Terms and conditions of service
Federal Law No. 306 stipulates the following conditions, and in addition, the order of service:
- The size of cash payments to military personnel.
- A number of certain payments, taking into account the occupied military ranks.
- Assignment of ranks.
- Total duration of service.
- Necessary to complete the task.
Bonuses to the military for the proper approach to performing their services, as well as the provision of annual material incentives, are described in detail in Government Resolution No. 993.
Now let us consider in more detail the question of who can file a report on material assistance.
State aid to pregnant wives of military personnel
Wives whose husbands are in contract service have the right to receive government payments subject to the following requirements:
- The marriage was carried out according to the family code.
- Pregnancy lasts at least six months.
It should be borne in mind that pregnant women whose husbands are cadets and study in military educational institutions are not entitled to lump sum benefits.
Help for military children
A financial assistance report can also be submitted in other cases. The mother also has the right to receive monthly child benefits in the event that the baby's father performs military service on the basis of a contract. But if the mother, due to certain circumstances, has no opportunity to raise and support the baby, then the guardian or another person who is a relative of the military child may apply for state assistance. The circumstances according to which the mother cannot continue raising her child are the following factors:
- Deprivation of parental rights.
- Recognition of a mother as legally incompetent.
- The onset of death.
The Russian legislation clearly stipulates the terms during which the state is obligated to provide assistance to military personnel, namely child allowances. Thus, the mother has the right to apply for payments from the moment the child is born, but not earlier than his father enters military service.
Until the child reaches the age of three, they will be paid a state allowance. In the event that the report for financial assistance is submitted by another person, for example, a relative or guardian, then the beginning of payments must necessarily coincide with the day the mother passed away or made a decision to deprive her of her rights to the child or recognize her incompetence, and so on. The cessation of benefits should also coincide with the child reaching the age of three.
Material assistance on vacation
Among other things, the military may apply for financial assistance in connection with the intention to go on vacation, due to a wedding, the death of a relative, or due to other circumstances related to supporting the financial situation. To receive cash assistance, which is confined to the main leave, the military must submit an appropriate report. The amount of material benefits provided, as a rule, is one monthly salary.
By the way, it must be emphasized that in the event that, due to certain circumstances, a military man who is in the service did not apply for financial assistance for a vacation during the year, then it will be paid to him along with the money transfer for December.
Payout amount
Material assistance is a kind of bonus paid to the military for conscientious service. They accrue cash assistance in strict accordance with a number of specific rules, which are based on the following principles:
- They are charged monthly or every quarter, which depends on when the military turned for money and expressed his desire. In this case, the payment is combined with the monthly salary, which follows after the paid period.
- The amount of material assistance cannot be absolutely the same for all military personnel, since its size directly depends on the degree of effectiveness of the performance of official duties.
- The calculation of bonuses is based on the monthly rate of the army, along with the rank and military position.
- The Ministry of Defense is directly monitoring the accrual and payment of bonuses.
Provided material assistance to servicemen under the contract. What does this mean? Only those citizens who perform their service under the contract can count on receiving it for a fruitful and high-quality service. Emergency service does not imply the provision of this privilege. The amount of cash assistance can reach three salaries. They are based on the monthly material maintenance of the military for one year.
In the event that a contracted citizen leaves the military unit, then the subsequent expulsion order shall include information on the material assistance provided, namely, the amount and month of payment shall be recorded. If monetary support was not provided in the current year, then this fact must also be indicated in the relevant order. An extract from the order is usually invested in the personal file of a military citizen.
If a person is transferred to further military service in some other federal agency, then material assistance is paid upon departure. An important condition is the lack of payment earlier this year.
Sample report and procedure
In order to receive financial assistance, a soldier is obliged to write a report to the commander who is above him at the rank, for example, in the name of a captain, general or colonel.The procedure for compiling a report on material assistance to military personnel is almost no different from any civil statement that contains a request for cash assistance.
What information should be indicated?
It is important to indicate the following information:
- Personal data of the superior to whom the report is being written.
- The word "report" should be located in the middle of the sheet.
- It is required to briefly and succinctly state the reason for which the military asks to pay him financial assistance.
- The position of a soldier counting on material assistance is indicated.
- The date of writing the report is fixed, which, as a rule, is put on the left side of the sheet.
- They indicate the military rank along with the signature, this is usually done on the right.
In the event that a positive answer is given in relation to a military man, an order will be issued to issue him a certain amount of cash assistance.
Next, we will examine what privileges military pensioners enjoy.
Providing cash assistance to military pensioners
Military pensioners make up a huge stratum of the total mass and are also interested in future changes, namely, indexation or reduction of pension provision. According to recent comments, it is safe to say that the military pension will be subject to significant indexation in the coming year. Therefore, adverse economic factors should not affect in any way the financial situation of this category of citizens. How to compile a report on the provision of financial assistance, we have examined.
By the way, it must be emphasized that the monthly supplement to military pensions since February 2017 was doubled. This news was joyful not only for pensioners, but also for those citizens whose service is carried out in such structures as drug control, fire service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal system, as well as the Russian Guard.
According to the decree of the President, the monthly supplement to the pensions of military pensioners from February 2017 amounted to 4900 rubles. For comparison, it is worth noting that before the amount was 2500 rubles. In addition, the supplement to pensions for this group of citizens was increased last year. Then the increase amounted to 3700 rubles. How to write a report on material assistance to military personnel, it is better to find out in advance.
In general, it must be said that, compared with other categories of citizens, military pensioners have several advantages. For example, this category of persons has the right to use tax benefits. In addition, military pensioners are provided with all kinds of benefits in the health care system. The law also reports on the size of the total length of service for at least twenty years. Thus, the military, who retired in accordance with the length of service until the beginning of 2015, can apply for compensation payments that directly depend on previously paid taxes on land, as well as on property of individuals.
As for the transport tax, each region has its own circle of entities that have the right to use this benefit. Military pensioners may not pay the transport tax, for example, due to disability or the presence of veterans, which is associated with direct participation in hostilities.
Family Benefits
Family members of military retirees also have the right to enjoy various privileges. For example, children in such families have the right to be enrolled in pre-school or educational institutions and summer health camps out of turn. It should also be noted that military pensioners can use the following options for social benefits:
- Getting free medical care.
- Providing annual spa treatment in military medical institutions. At the same time, the military additionally pays compensation for the round trip.
- Possibility of free travel on any type of public transport.
In general, it can be said that military pensioners have the right to numerous benefits in various social spheres, for example, in taxation, medicine and so on.
Thus, in conclusion, it should be emphasized that the state highly appreciates the military going to contract service, which is expressed in the provision of decent cash payments not only to soldiers, but also to their families.
You can also file a report on material assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.