Bank employee - employee of the bank. Education has a higher economic degree, it bears responsibility for performing operations related to banking: accepting deposits, making settlements, issuing loans.
In their work, bank employees perform a number of operations that can be divided into several categories:
- Settlement and cash services, banking operations, lending to legal entities and individuals, accepting savings and deposits;
- verification of the documentation of payments, preparation of various statements of current accounts, sales of securities, currency exchange;
- timely maintenance of the operational journal;
- Providing background information for bank customers.
Important qualities
The profession of a bank employee implies a variety of personal and professional qualities, without which the performance of the work would not be effective.
In recent years, the fashion for working at the bank has changed the approach to the selection of candidates. More and more specific vacancies appear in vacancies that have nothing to do with objective functional responsibilities. Some banks are looking not only for smart and beautiful, stress-resistant employees, but also for those who “will explain the inaccessible”.
Commonly recognized important qualities:
- perseverance;
- sustained attention;
- analytical thinking;
- self-control
- tendency to scrupulousness in working with numbers;
- honesty;
- accuracy;
- exactingness both to oneself and to others;
- adherence to principles;
- emotional stability;
- good operational as well as long-term memory.
Features of work
Any bank employee, regardless of the position that he takes, must be able to delve into the details and solve disputes with lightning speed. Long-term concentration, especially important in this area, should not quickly lead to fatigue. The slightest mistake can entail both great financial or material liability, or simply trouble for the employee and for the client.
Separately, for an employee of this industry, leadership qualities can be distinguished. Possessing a passive character and statement, the employee will not be able to work with clients, and in the event of a conflict, he will not respond quickly, and most importantly, so that both the bank and the client are satisfied.
An employee of the banking sector must have an education - secondary vocational (college, technical school), higher (most often - economic), sometimes two higher (relevant for managerial positions and managerial staff).
Studies show that in this area the largest percentage of work is by profession or in related industries. However, in recent years, the trend is such that the growth of graduates with a banking education is not equal to the number of open vacancies.
Typically, former students of economic universities are employed in large companies, banks, concerns or special institutions. Some of them open private practices in this area and do business.
Satisfaction with the profession is more than 80% - this is the percentage of employees who plan not to change their chosen field of activity. And 20% are ready to change direction or get a related education.
Career growth
A bank employee starting a career in this field has great career opportunities.Most private banks prefer to hire 3-4 year students from institutes or graduates with no work experience. So they get hardworking, "greedy" for the work of employees. By educating them to fit your needs and instilling in them corporate values, the company in this case receives a loyal employee who is ready to grow and develop within the same structure.
Starting work with a junior employee of the department or assistant, for several years each employee has the opportunity to grow into the head of the department. Well-defined career programs make the banking industry highly attractive to employees.
Who doesn’t fit
Employees note that this industry is not suitable for creative people who want to make independent decisions, work at home or do their own business. Clear regulation and strict procedures oblige people to be on time at the workplace, and working with clients in this case is associated with more stress than in the service sector.
Also in this area it is difficult to work alone and not team players. The economic sector is built in such a way that consultations from colleagues with extensive experience are periodically required. A bank employee who does not have a high level of communication skills will not be able to function effectively.
The sphere is tightly connected with the use of modern IT solutions and technologies. Those who are not too friendly with computer technology will find it difficult to understand the essence of the work.
Resume Example
A bank employee is often required at large banks. In order to get a job there, you need to send a resume. The resume of a bank employee is his business card, which not only reflects the professional qualities of the future employee, but also talks about how he relates to the performance of official duties.
When analyzing a resume, the personnel manager pays attention even to trifles: errors in cases and declensions, typos, illiterate formatting, and negligence characterize the employee from a negative side and reduce his chances of finding a job.
An ideal sample resume of a bank employee should contain a list of key skills, a description of the functional responsibilities that were performed in previous places, and the type of education.
For example:
May 2014 - February 2015, LLC "MasterPostroy", accountant.
Responsibilities: conducting cash transactions, payroll, maintaining "Client-Bank".
February 2005 - December 2013, Transnistrian Savings Bank, Senior Accountant-Cashier.
Responsibilities: cash services for individuals, work with deposits, loans, legal entities, currency exchange, issuing plastic cards.
Education: Moscow State University, 2002-2007, "Economics and Finance of Small Business", master.
Banking Benefits
The work of a bank employee has both pros and cons.
- High profit payment. Since employment and salaries are official, it becomes easier for an employee to get a loan. In addition, many banks stimulate their employees by providing interest-free housing loans or by guaranteeing purchases.
- Good social package. A wide range of additional stimulating factors, from corporate mobile communications to medical insurance.
- Career growth and professional development. The development of personnel in this area is given great attention. For the young specialist in the first 4-5 months of work, up to 60% of all trainings that are held throughout his career are held.
- Reliability. Foreign investments, which are actively pouring into this sphere, make the banking industry stable and reliable.
- Prestige. The proud name of “banker” and the belonging to the “white-collar workers” of many employees stimulate work better than the bonus from the management.
Disadvantages of the sphere
The skills of a bank employee require a narrow specialization.Many employees note that after 3-5 years, professional burnout begins, associated with the uniformity of work.
The main disadvantages are:
- The monotony of functions. Work in the bank is rather routine, it requires high concentration and responsibility. Every day you need to say the same phrases, perform the same actions, ask the same questions. Most often, this situation occurs in the sector related to customer service.
- Narrow specialization. Most often, the skills acquired in the banking sector, it is not possible to apply in another industry. This does not apply only to sellers.
- Difficulty of career growth. Despite the possibility of rapid career advancement, many employees note that in order to receive a promotion it is necessary to have a different education than the one that has already been received. Additional study due to high workload is not always possible.
Opinion of employees
Bank employees are not inclined to comment heavily on the advantages or disadvantages of their professional sphere. For some, this industry is unacceptable due to personal characteristics, someone dreams of becoming a banker.
To decide for yourself whether it is worth connecting your career with a bank, you need to analyze all the possible shortcomings in this area.