
Directions to red: fines and their sizes

Many drivers, approaching a traffic light, sharply accelerate when they see that green begins to blink. This means that soon there will be a yellow color, so there are a couple of seconds left in order to slip through the intersection. Every driver at least once in his life did this.

red fines

Inspectors claim that the frequency of detecting a violation is the second after exceeding the maximum speed. The consequence of this violation is very sad - traffic accidents at intersections (sometimes even with a fatal outcome). That is why a red penalty is stipulated by the rules. And it is right. Doubts arise only about the size of the fine, since it is so small that drivers are not particularly afraid to violate this requirement and often do it.

What is the size of the fine?

Driving to red in accordance with article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses will entail a fine of 1,000 rubles. It doesn’t matter how exactly this violation will be recorded - automatically or by inspectors. In the event of a repeated violation (within 12 hours after the first trip to the red signal), the fine increases to 5,000 rubles. It is also possible to withdraw rights for a period of 4 to 6 months.

If the violation was recorded automatically, the driver will be notified of this by registered letter.

Is deprivation of rights possible?

Unfortunately, the traffic police inspector cannot deprive the right to drive a vehicle in case of such a violation. He has the right only to draw up a protocol and write a fine, but if he wants, he has the right to try to achieve deprivation of the driver’s rights through the court. Naturally, the court will have to argue its position, because just like that, even through this instance it will not be possible to deprive a person of the rights to control the vehicle.

fine on red

Note that not all drivers understand well what a prohibition signal is. It is not only a red light. In particular, the driver is prohibited from traveling, including in the following cases:

  1. Red with yellow light.
  2. Yellow light.

The latter case is ambiguous, as many drivers believe that driving on yellow is allowed. Therefore, they are trying to slip in this, although this can not be done. The rules allow the completion of the maneuver by the driver, who drove up to the intersection at a speed and without emergency braking will not be able to stop before the specified stop line. In this case, he can complete his maneuver, however, starting a new one with a yellow traffic signal is not allowed. This will be regarded as driving on red. The penalty for such a violation will not be long in coming.

In most cases, accidents at regulated intersections occur precisely because drivers try to slip into yellow, violating the rules. Frankly rude passage on a yellow signal or the beginning of traffic at an intersection during a double signal (yellow and red) is punishable by a fine. This must be remembered by each driver.

fine under red


Crossing the railway is one of the most dangerous maneuvers to which drivers do not attach much importance. If the barrier is blocked and the red signal is on, it means that movement is prohibited. And although the train may not be within sight, it is impossible to pass through the railway in any case. Not only is this just dangerous, but it also relies on a fine. Driving on red in this case will be treated as a normal violation.

Reverse lane

In many cities, there are special reverse roads, which you can ride in the morning, for example, in one direction, and in the evening the direction of movement changes.When driving on such roads, you need to be vigilant, and if a red signal is lit on the lane, this means that this lane is currently oncoming. Ignoring the signal in this case will be equated not only to driving on red (the penalty for this is provided for by the standard), but also to leaving for the oncoming traffic.

red traffic light

It is known that going into the oncoming lane is a serious violation for which deprivation of rights for up to six months or a fine (5000 rubles) is possible. And if there is a repeated violation, then you can lose your driver’s license for the whole year.

The reversing traffic light only permits movement when the green light is on. Yellow requires the driver to immediately move to another lane, and the absence of any signal prohibits driving to the reverse lane.

The penalty for driving to a red traffic light and then leaving for the oncoming lane (reverse traffic) is the largest.

Stop after stop line

Many drivers ignore the stop line, but in vain. According to the rules, it is forbidden to cross with a prohibiting signal. Ignoring this rule may result in a fine for driving a red signal, but the fine will be only 800 rubles, since the violation is less serious than the classic ignoring the signal.

Drivers who ignore the stop line make it difficult not only for cars, but also for pedestrians. In some cases (when a congestion has formed behind the intersection), it is forbidden to cross the stop line even at the green traffic light.

red light fare


Considering that today in Russia at many crossroads cameras are installed to automatically record violations, for driving a red fine will follow immediately. Therefore, you must follow the rules, and in no case should you try to slip the intersection into the yellow signal. In most cases this is a violation of the rules. Unfortunately, many drivers ignore such requirements, since the size of the fine under the red does not scare them at all.

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