There are not so many representatives of the middle class who actually understand the thinking and psychology of rich people. We, as a rule, think that prosperity is a good combination of circumstances, that wealthy people do not play by the rules, that they are evil and selfish. But hardly anything other than the emotions themselves is behind this statement. In fact, wealthy people think and act in a completely different way.
5 facts about the psychology of a rich person
1. Normally tolerate discomfort. Most people, of course, prefer to live in physical, emotional and psychological comfort, this is the main goal in life from the point of view of the representative of the middle class. As for rich people, on the contrary, they understand that making millions is very difficult, and the pursuit of luxury can be destructive. They also learn to live in a state of constant uncertainty. The future millionaire feels fine surrounded by cynicism and other negative factors. But one who has enough strength and patience to withstand such a pressure, gets in the end the means for a rich life.
2. The rich always think about the future. Most ordinary people grew up on stories about the good old days when the world was better, music is more beautiful, athletes are stronger, and businessmen are more honest. Such a tradition is passed down from generation to generation. People who are fixated on the past rarely succeed in business, often are depressed, they are tormented by negative thoughts. The psychology of rich people is somewhat different. They always have a plan for tomorrow, they study the mistakes of the past, but their dreams are connected with the future. They become so, as they are ready to put everything at stake and make their dreams, goals and ideas a reality. Most of what they planned becomes a reality after years, maybe decades, but it is these ideas that model the future.
3. Rich people are confident in themselves and in their abilities. For some reason, we constantly make poor heroes out of wealthy people. The main and common label hung on the rich: they are very arrogant and arrogant. But in reality they are simply successful and self-confident people who are constantly at risk and rarely disappointed. Even if they failed, they recognize their mistakes and return, but after the victory. It is more arrogance than arrogance.
4. Wealthy people are used to perceiving money as the key to freedom. The most common misconception regarding wealthy people is that wealth is, to a large extent, boasting about one’s status. But, despite the fact that the financial condition, of course, gives a person a certain weight in society, in the psychology of rich people this is just a tool for gaining personal independence. It is impossible to be truly free without money.
The middle class depends on the labor market, the state that dictates what needs to be done. It is quite difficult to be free when you have several loans that require monthly payments. Rich people do not need to work in poor conditions and harm their health, endure nasty bosses and so on. Moreover, they can afford to arrange charity auctions, events, collecting amounts for good deeds.
5. Rich people carefully choose their friends and partners. The psychology of rich and successful people is such that they prefer to communicate with influential people like themselves.In contact with successful people, you will certainly feel the increase in your dividends. After all, as you know, we become similar to those with whom we often communicate. As they say, winners attract winners.
The habits of rich people
Psychology is a complicated thing. Try to understand why one easily donates thousands and tens of thousands for good deeds, and the second, also not the last beggar, by the way, trembles over every penny. It all depends on the way of thinking. Truly wealthy people are generous. If you make an excursion into history, you can see that most of the millionaires are patrons, philanthropists, people who are involved in charity work. Among them are businessmen such as Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller. What you need to know about the habits and psychology of a rich person? These are the following facts:
1. The rich are purposeful. Any lucky person always has clear goals, which are a kind of pointer that tells what, when and how best to do. If he has no goal, he will not achieve anything. It is important to remember that you cannot make money in a random way.
2. The psychology of rich people is unique. From the outside it may seem that they spend money right and left, make rash purchases, and spoil money. You may be surprised, but they spend less than they earn. This is perhaps one of the most important rules of life for the rich. Ordinary people increase their expenses in parallel with income growth. If the salary is higher, then you can buy more expensive things, food, buy a car or just take a loan. As a result, all this leads to the same result. As for rich people, they regularly put aside part of the amount they made. They do not spend all their money at once, but on the contrary, they accumulate it. And then they invest, live on interest and have passive income.
3. Successful and wealthy - hardworking. People who have independently achieved financial success, work hard, are not lazy. A person who works for hire simply works out his working time, not showing much enthusiasm and interest in the matter, because he knows that at the end of the month he will receive a salary. But a major businessman or investor conducts his business energetically, with a sparkle in his eyes. This is the main difference in the psychology of a poor and a rich person.
4. Prefer risk. Many ordinary people fail, not having time to achieve victory, because they are afraid to put everything at stake in some business. However, successful people take justifiable risks. Therefore, be brave if you want to become rich. But remember this: courage and recklessness are different concepts.
Secrets of a Successful Business
Now let's move on to an equally important issue. How to learn to think like a rich person? Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Before you achieve what you want in real life, you need to get it in your mind. You will never become a millionaire unless you see yourself in this role.
- Your thoughts are your limit, they set the line of opportunity.
- How do rich people think? First of all, stop thinking like a poor person.
- It is necessary to change thinking and lifestyle in order to correspond to status.
- You need to do what will bring you success, truly rich people do this. The rest do what they want.
- Successful people have order everywhere: in the house, at work and in the head.
- Read more, look for information that is needed both to improve your business, and to develop appropriate thinking.
- Design your workplace so that it inspires you to work.
What do rich people think?
Truly wealthy people view the world differently than others. The author of the book “How Rich People Think” Steve Seabold examined this issue well and found the main differences in the thinking of the rich, which we will discuss below.
For the rich, selfishness is a virtue
Ordinary people sometimes have a desire, for example, to save the world or let another person go ahead of themselves, this just does not give them the opportunity to get rich. Wealthy people have different thoughts: “I can’t help the others if I don’t help myself at first.”
Wealthy people have “effective” thinking
It is unlikely that you will meet a successful person in the line for the lottery (even until the moment when he is enriched). The simplest person, as a rule, expects someone else to lend a helping hand to him and help him achieve prosperity (this can be a lottery, government, good friend or family member), and as a result remains poor. The rich do not wait for a handout, they act, and purposefully, and spend their time on solving complex tasks that are necessary to achieve the goal. Wealthy people prefer specific knowledge to the detriment of formal education. The average person is sure that wealth can be achieved only by obtaining a diploma or writing a dissertation. Well-off people earn their capital by selling their own specific knowledge obtained in the process of doing their own thing.
Dreaming of a better future
The rich give a lot of strength, energy and time to think about their goals and how to implement them. While ordinary people have thoughts in their past, they often become depressed and achieve nothing.
Think about money logically
An ordinary person, as a rule, thinks about money emotionally or dreaming only of a comfortable measured life. But a successful person will look at finances from a logical point of view - as a tool that gives concrete opportunities and opens up new prospects in the future.
The rich have hobbies that they follow
Once Oprah Winfrey said: "You need to follow in the wake of your desires and do what you love." These people always find ways to make money doing what pleases them. And ordinary people earn by doing what they absolutely do not want.
Do not stop there
Ordinary people have a limit of desires, they set themselves a kind of bar, and it is quite low - so that less frustrated. Rich people expect more from fate and strive to realize their wildest dreams. Also, successful people try to capitalize on the finances of others. Ordinary people are more than sure that it is necessary to make money, increasing their personal funds.
The rich live more modestly than they can afford
This seems illogical, but those who have earned significant capital on their own see wealth as a chance to spend less. Ordinary people usually live beyond their means, taking loans and borrowing. The wealthy focus on profit. Ordinary hard workers save up money and miss great opportunities, while the rich see the full picture and find a way to make big money.
At the end of the article, I would like to add that the verbal expression “wealth” comes from the word “God”, and the concept of “poverty” - from the word “trouble”. So we wish you to be truly rich people who have taken personal life into their own hands, despite the troubles and failures that somehow happen in the life of each of us.