
Reference Letter Example: Samples

Letters of recommendation are presented by special documents drawn up for employees or students. They list all the positive aspects of citizens. Various achievements at a previous job or place of study are given. Employers or teachers can draw up a document, and it is often generated by different companies for other organizations that have performed specific work or rendered certain services. Before preparing a document, it is recommended that you carefully study the example of a letter of recommendation. In this case, it is possible to draw up really competent documentation with the optimal content and structure.

Rules for compiling a document

Letters of recommendation are widely used in foreign countries, but increasingly they begin to be found in Russia. Citizens who are specialized specialists, nannies, or accountants often collect portfolios that include recommendations from past employers. Such documents often act as a decisive factor in deciding on the employment of a citizen.

Examples of letters of recommendation allow each head of the company or an individual to correctly compile this document. When forming it, it is advisable to take into account some rules:

  • when writing text is used exclusively business style;
  • if the head of the company is engaged in compiling a letter, then it is advisable to use the company letterhead;
  • You can start the text by contact, if you know who will read the letter;
  • it is undesirable to use different artistic techniques or to cite metaphors;
  • it is necessary to list the specific skills that a citizen possesses, which will allow the future employer to determine the advisability of using the services of a specialist;
  • It is recommended to fit all the text on one sheet;
  • at the end of the document, the contact information of the originator is listed, provided by email or phone number, which will allow the future employer to verify the accuracy of the information;
  • a letter of conviction will be convincing, listing the concrete successes of a citizen at his previous place of work, for example, raising sales by several percent or successful and timely preparation of documents.

The content of the document depends entirely on who and for whom it is being prepared. First you need to study examples of a letter of recommendation for different specialists.

reference letter nanny example

Content of the letter

Most often, such documents are prepared by employers for former employees. When writing any letter of recommendation, the correct structure of the text should be taken into account. Therefore, the document consists of elements:

  • the title represented by the title of the document;
  • Information about the company or individual involved in the preparation of the documentation;
  • data is provided about the direct specialist for whom a letter of recommendation is being generated;
  • lists the positive qualities of the candidate, successes and other necessary information for the future employer;
  • job descriptions that are implemented by a citizen at a previous place of work are indicated;
  • different achievements of a person in a company are given;
  • the reason why the specialist left work is prescribed.

At the end, a manager’s signature is necessarily put, which confirms that it was he who was involved in the preparation of the document, therefore I agree with all the data given.It is advisable to study the example of a letter of recommendation from the company to the employee in order to draw up a competent document.

Rules for registration

All points in such a document should be drawn up taking into account certain rules, which allows you to create a truly correct recommendation. The information should be comprehensive and interesting for the future employer. Studying examples of a letter of recommendation from the employer, we can draw conclusions regarding some of the rules for writing:

  • The title should be in the middle of the page;
  • the adviser, presented by the employer, must indicate his contact details so that, if necessary, the future head of the citizen could contact him to confirm the information in the document;
  • information about the employee should be understandable, and this includes not only his name, but also the position he held at his previous job;
  • It is advisable to indicate how long the citizen worked in the company;
  • all the duties performed by him are listed, which will allow the future employer to determine whether it is advisable to draw up a specialist for a specific position.

The emphasis is on the positive parameters of a specialist, which include education, punctuality, learning ability or other characteristics. With their help, the new leader will be able to understand how suitable the candidate is for the planned work.

reference letters for organizing examples and samples

How is it certified?

The document is certified by the direct supervisor of the citizen at the previous place of work. Additionally, the process can be performed by the person in charge of the enterprise.

In small companies, the procedure is implemented by the CEO.

What mistakes are made?

When drafting a document, managers of various companies often make serious mistakes, therefore, to prevent them, you need to carefully study the example of a letter of recommendation. An incorrectly made recommendation can harm the candidate, therefore it is important to take a responsible approach to its creation. The following errors are not allowed:

  • the use of pens of different colors;
  • application of diagrams or drawings;
  • writing text on a regular sheet, and not on a company letterhead;
  • the presence of numerous artistic additions and designs;
  • mistakes in words;
  • excessive exaggeration of the positive characteristics of the employee.

If the text greatly praises the employee, then such a letter raises suspicions and doubts among the future employer.

employee reference letter example

How to write a letter for a former employee?

Most often, a letter of recommendation is drawn up for former employees who leave for various reasons. If a good relationship is maintained between the specialist and the employer, then the head of the company can write a recommendation. To do this, it is advisable to look at an example of a letter of recommendation to an employee, which is located below.

organization letter of recommendation

When compiling this document, some features of the process are taken into account:

  • it is precisely the professional qualities of the citizen that are necessarily described, since the letter will be used in the process of searching for a new job;
  • provides information about different skills;
  • indicates how easily and quickly a citizen learns;
  • the achievements recorded at the previous place of work are listed.

It is often even indicated how sociable and sociable a citizen is. This allows you to determine whether he can freely join the established team.

A correctly drafted recommendation often allows citizens to find a truly high-paying and good job. A document is usually drawn up on behalf of the past employer. Often the procedure is performed by the general director.

Some employees independently make a recommendation, which is further signed by the head.In this case, he studies various examples and samples of a letter of recommendation for an organization or an individual, therefore he does not make serious mistakes. Before signing the document, the head of the company must make sure that it contains reliable information.

Is an employer required to draw up a document?

There is no information in the TC that company managers are required to draw up this document for their former employees. Therefore, employers themselves decide on the need for recommendations. This is not their duty.

Often, employees themselves ask former managers for documentation. If good relations are maintained between people, then usually the leader agrees to draw up a document, for which he studies examples of letters of recommendation in advance. The sample allows you to maintain the correct structure and enter the necessary information into the letter.

Rules for preparing a document for companies

For many reasons, organizations are forced to use the services of other enterprises. If the services are of high quality, then letters of recommendation or letters of appreciation are often drawn up.

An example letter of recommendation for an organization is located below.

reference letter example

When compiling this document, some important points are taken into account:

  • used for these purposes exclusively company letterhead;
  • common phrases are not allowed, therefore, it is clearly indicated which services were provided, as well as what is the result of the enterprise;
  • the documentation is certified by the signature of the head of the company, and the organization’s seal is also put;
  • The recommendation is made exclusively on one page;
  • for possible clarification of various details, you must leave the contact information provided by the name of the company, its address and telephone.

At the end is the date of the document. When studying an example of a letter of recommendation for an organization, you can create a document that is really optimal in appearance and content.

How is a student recommendation made?

Teachers, deans, or rectors often think about making recommendations for gifted and smart students.

student letter of recommendation

Thanks to this document, a former student can count on a truly prestigious and highly paid job that matches his specialty and skills. When drafting a document, it is advisable to use the example of a recommendation letter from the teacher to include all the necessary data in it. In this case, tips are taken into account:

  • the document clearly spells out what skills a young specialist possesses;
  • It is advisable to indicate information that can really be useful to a future employer;
  • a person who is able to give an objective assessment of the student’s abilities and knowledge should be involved in the preparation of the document;
  • all recommendations for the future employer are written that allow the specialist to cope with professional duties;
  • necessarily indicate the contact details of the compiler of the document, so that future employers, if necessary, could contact him to clarify any information;
  • much attention is paid to the moral qualities and personal achievements of the student.

Letters of recommendation drawn up by teachers can be used not only to find work as a young specialist, but also to transfer to a more prestigious educational institution. A document is especially necessary if the student plans to transfer to a foreign university, where such recommendations are really appreciated.

A document can be compiled not only by the teacher, but even by the dean, supervisor or rector. An example of a letter of recommendation to a student is located below.

reference letter from company to employee example

Procedure for making recommendations for the nanny

Young parents are often forced to use the services of private nannies who look after their children if, for various reasons, it is not possible to send their children to the garden. When choosing a nanny, her experience, age, education and the presence of recommendations from past clients are taken into account. Therefore, many parents after the termination of cooperation with a woman make recommendations for her.

When compiling this document, the rules are taken into account:

  • initially there is a formal part, where the contact details of the nanny, her name, age and passport data are registered;
  • indicates the time period during which the woman worked as a nanny in the family;
  • lists her personal qualities, the nuances of the approach to children, as well as existing relationships with other family members;
  • when writing such a document, it is not necessary to adhere to any strict restrictions, but it should not be made too long.

Usually, women with numerous letters of recommendation evoke positive emotions among parents who are looking for a professional nanny. An example of a nanny letter is located below.

reference letter from the company example

Accountant recommendation

Finding an educated and professional accountant is quite difficult, so potential employers when choosing a specialist pay attention to the availability of recommendations from their previous place of work.

Each company leader can draw up such a document for his employees.

When forming a document, tips are taken into account:

  • you can contact the future employer if he is known in advance;
  • indicates the period of work in the company;
  • lists all the achievements of the accountant;
  • professional skills and abilities of a specialist are given;
  • different personal qualities of a citizen are registered, which allow effective cooperation with him.

An example of a letter of recommendation to an accountant can be studied below. You can end such a letter with various recommendations and wishes. At the end, the signature of the head of the company, as well as the seal of the organization, are necessarily put. The contact details of the originator of the document are left.

example of a letter of recommendation from a teacher


Letters of recommendation can be drawn up for many specialists by former employers or teachers. Before the formation of the document, it is desirable to determine what information will be entered into it. Examples of letters of recommendation from the company of the company, from the company to the employee or from the teacher to the student are practically identical in structure, but the content can differ significantly.

For many company executives, the availability of letters of recommendation from the applicant is a decisive factor in deciding on the possibility of hiring a specialist. Therefore, many people try to get recommendations from all places of work.

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