
Vacation Substitution Order: Sample Drawing

If any employee goes on vacation, the employer has difficulties with the fact that for a certain period of time the company does not have the right specialist to carry out certain tasks. In this case, existing employees are usually recruited as alternates. Some specialists may combine several posts for a long period of time. Such a substitution must be properly executed, therefore, the employee of the personnel department should have a sample order for the substitution for the duration of the vacation. This document is published by the personnel officer, after which it is signed by the management of the company and the directly selected employee.

Substitution Features

Every person can count on vacations annually, for which he is given an official vacation. At this time, his workplace cannot be occupied by another employee on an ongoing basis, therefore often employers resort to the help of other specialists who temporarily replace the person who went on vacation. To do this, an order is issued to replace the employee on vacation. The nuances of substitution include the following:

  • one employee of the company on the basis of the order of the head is obliged to cope with labor duties in two positions;
  • in some cases, the employee needs to perform work for the employee who has gone on vacation, but he temporarily does not fulfill his duties at the main place of work;
  • for such a replacement, a specialist can expect to receive a certain bonus;
  • each hired citizen must demand from his employer the competent execution of such replacement, for which a corresponding order is necessarily issued;
  • the duration of the replacement depends on how long another employee went on vacation.

If full replacement is required due to the fact that another employee has been dismissed or reduced, then the necessary changes must be made to the job description of the person selected for replacement.

vacation substitution order

When is replacement required?

Replacement of any employee of the enterprise may be required in different situations. Most often this is required in the following cases:

  • the specialist goes on vacation;
  • drawn up by the employee on sick leave;
  • a citizen goes on a long business trip.

The most frequently issued order is temporary substitution during vacation. The presence of a temporary substitute is not always required, since in most cases a firm can fully function in the absence of just one employee.

Who is appointed?

To replace, it is important to correctly choose the right candidate. To do this, the following rules are taken into account:

  • the deputy must possess the necessary qualifications and skills in order to easily cope with the tasks set for the new position;
  • you can choose a specialist who already works in the company on the basis of an official labor contract, and you can also accept a citizen from the outside, for which the conditions of combination are taken into account;
  • if the position of an employee on vacation is considered significant, then often the employer is simply forced to hire another employee to this position so that it is never empty.

Information about the selected employee is necessarily included in the order for a vacation replacement.

temporary substitution order

Documentation Rules

In order for the replacement of any employee to be official and legal, the employer must take care of the proper execution of this procedure.To do this, they prepare the following documents:

  • an order, on the basis of which a specific specialist goes on vacation, and in such an order of the leadership the duration of rest is necessarily indicated;
  • an order to replace an employee for the period of vacation, in which the employee selected for replacement is prescribed, as well as the duration of this process;
  • a document confirming the recalculation of the salary of the specialist selected for replacement.

The basic rules for substitution are listed in Art. 60.2 and Art. 72.2 TC.

Is verbal agreement allowed?

Some company executives want to avoid compiling numerous documents, so they offer employees a replacement without formalizing an order and other documents. An oral arrangement may be used for this.

Many hired specialists go towards the director, therefore, they agree to replace another specialist without filling out the necessary documentation. But this leads to the fact that the employee remains without protection, so there is a possibility that his salary will not be recounted. This leads to the fact that a citizen copes with other people's duties without due payment.

substitution order

Features of director substitution

Company executives are responsible and responsible for many job responsibilities. The success of the functioning of any organization depends on their activities. Therefore, the replacement of such a responsible specialist must be approached responsibly.

Almost every director has a deputy, with whom he has to agree on a replacement for a certain period of time. To do this, an order is issued to replace the director during the holidays. Additionally, a special power of attorney is drawn up, on the basis of which managerial functions are transferred to the deputy. It is important to hand over to the deputy the seal and other necessary elements that allow you to endorse various significant documents.

An order to replace the school principal on vacation is compiled only upon the transfer of authority to the official head teacher.

an order to replace an employee on vacation

Can an employee refuse?

Any employee of the company can refuse to replace another specialist. Often, employees are faced with the fact that upon refusal, the employer threatens with dismissal for violation of labor discipline or for other reasons. Under such conditions, an employee can assert his rights in a labor inspectorate or court, which often leads to the challenge of illegal dismissal.

If the employer cannot find a suitable employee in his company, then he will have to hire another specialist for temporary work. For this, a temporary contract may be drawn up with the selected citizen.

Who draws up the order?

The director of the company usually does not deal with this issue, so the documentation is compiled by an employee of the personnel department. He is obliged to draw up a document on the basis of a sample order for substitution during the holidays. It includes some mandatory information provided by the name of the assistant, as well as the period during which the citizen must cope with the new responsibilities.

If the company does not have a personnel department, then the secretary is usually responsible for preparing the document.

order replacing the school principal on vacation

Rules for drafting an order

In order for this order to be correctly drawn up, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • previously it is important to obtain the written consent of a particular employee to replace another specialist;
  • the order must provide basic information about such a replacement;
  • a preliminary recalculation is carried out, which allows to determine what salary for their services will be received by an employee combining two positions;
  • the order is recorded in a special journal;
  • the document is assigned an individual number;
  • the order must have the signature of the employee involved in the replacement.

If replacement is required in connection with the dismissal of an employee, then the necessary changes are additionally added to the job description of the involved specialist, who will combine the two posts.

A sample of a vacation replacement order can be found below.

Sample order for vacation

What information is included in the document?

The order must contain the following information:

  • date of formation;
  • information about the employee who goes on vacation;
  • information about the deputy presented by his full name and position held in the company;
  • the period during which the substitution will occur;
  • order number;
  • signature of the head of the enterprise;
  • company seal.

Before publishing a document, the director must obtain the consent of the employee to replace another specialist. Such consent must be in writing. A sample of a substitution order for vacation time can be studied above.

order to replace an employee on vacation


When a specialist goes on vacation, it is often required to replace him with another employee of the enterprise. The process should be carried out only with proper documentation. To do this, an order is necessarily issued, and recalculation is also carried out, since the deputy is obliged to receive a good bonus for his work.

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