
Reason for finding a new job: what to write in a resume

Each person is accustomed to systematically attend kindergartens, then school, after college, and subsequently - work. The reason for finding a new job can be in many things: the need to support your family, in finding yourself as a specialist in any field, in the desire to learn something new, on the path to self-development and success. It is about this important side of the issue that we will discuss today in our article.

How job search begins

It’s quite difficult to find a profession for our time. Not everyone likes the profession that a person studied for many years at the institute. Perhaps you are still a student, but you want to earn extra money. Perhaps you are a mother of many children who dreams of working remotely. Or you have successfully graduated from a university and are a certified specialist, eager to apply knowledge in your work. So, where do you start your search?

work searches

To begin with, a person should decide what exactly he is looking for: a part-time job, remote work, work with a flexible or shift schedule, or maybe full-time. Depending on the level of education and experience, you can decide on the choice of vacancies. Often, the employer requires a questionnaire or resume from the employee. You also need to get a standard set of documents for employment.

Sites that will help you find a job

Writing ads in various newspapers is a long time ago. We live in a world of technology that helps us in everything. The Internet is the first assistant in the search for any goods, services, informative articles, and most importantly - work. There are many popular classified sites throughout Russia. Responsible, hardworking, active employees are required in every corner of the country.

dream job

Therefore, for example, let's talk about the two most visited sites for job search:

  • Avito. The site was formed not so long ago, but has already taken one of the first places in Russia in terms of attendance. Every day, employers and job seekers look for each other with the help of him. By posting your CV there, anyone can count on the response of good and trusted companies. To raise your resume in the lists of employers, you can use the special paid services provided by the site.
  • Head hunter. This is a site for finding work and employees. If you are looking for work, you should definitely register an account on this site, since every hour new vacancies and offers are published there. You will also receive a selection of vacancies based on resumes that are right for you. If you can’t compile the correct resume yourself, then for an additional fee, the site’s employees suggest writing it individually for you.

A package of documents for official employment

  1. Employment history. The employee will definitely need to record experience, promotions, reasons for dismissal.
  2. INN It is necessary for the state to calculate taxes. This will affect your retirement.
  3. SNILS. It will be required to insure your life and health.
  4. Passport. All your data is indicated there. Any official employer will need your passport.
  5. Medical book (for catering, work with children, store employees). It fixes the state of your health and working capacity.
Required documents

How to create a resume

As a standard, a resume is written in the form of a questionnaire, where you indicate your data on the place and date of birth, your name, surname and patronymic, work experience, education information, write short information about your personal qualities, indicate the reason for looking for a new job.It is advisable to attach a photograph to any resume, but one that will show your neatness, seriousness, self-confidence and your capabilities. Some sites already have their own forms for filling out resumes, which can later be saved and printed.

work office

Often a question arises about the reason for seeking a new job. In the summary, you can answer this item that you want to have a stable monthly income. If you already had a job before, then there are such arguments: due to a lack of wages, the impossibility of career growth, unstable payment of wages in the same workplace.

Reasons for finding a new job

The list of reasons why you decided to find a job or change your old job to a new one can be huge, even endless. They can be: lack of free time or, on the contrary, its excess, lack of money for a comfortable stay, dreams of moving up the career ladder, desire to achieve goals, dreams of self-development and many other factors that affect your desire to work.

As mentioned earlier, the resume should indicate the reasons for seeking a new job. What to write? Template options for this situation: "I have a huge desire for self-development", "desire to work and earn money." In such cases, the employer will see a short but competent answer to his question, pay attention to your desire for work.

how to get an interview

Of course, there is a question about the reasons for finding a new job in the questionnaire, which, most likely, you will be asked to fill out at the interview. In this case, you can independently analyze your act, understand for yourself why you want to work, why you came for an interview. The main thing is not to write a lot of “gag”, but to use concise and competent phrases. For each case, you can memorize template answers, they will help you easily get out of the situation. The reason for finding a new job may be different, but the employer does not need to know the true reasons; it is important for him to hear that the person has come to work and is striving for promotion both in the position and in knowledge and experience.

How to turn ridiculous phrases into beautiful resume expressions

Many people who have never previously got a job can make a lot of mistakes when writing a resume. For example, in the questionnaire from the employer, in the column marital status, some, recalling social networks, write the phrase “in active search”, “everything is complicated”, “meeting” and so on. Not! This is a gross error, which indicates infantilism and frivolity. In this case, it is worth writing “not married / not married” or “married / married / in a civil marriage”. Also, the phrase “I want a lot of money” can be changed to “desire for a big income”, in the column “about myself”, it’s enough to indicate a few words: “punctual, purposeful, hardworking”, with them you will fully describe your positive aspects for future bosses. Such mistakes in the resume should not be made.

before the interview

Reasons for finding a new job. What to write

If you still encounter this issue, then we will consider specific options for what you can write in a questionnaire or resume:

  • increase your well-being;
  • get a job in the specialty;
  • to bring common good through their labor;
  • desire for self-development;
  • desire to work and earn;
  • desire for career advancement;
  • receive satisfaction from their work.

Remembering these template phrases, you can not come up with anything new, but simply choose the most suitable for yourself and use it in the future.

Is it easy to find a good job these days?

Of course, looking for work is hard work, even in our modern world. Any situation may be the reason for seeking a new job, but will everyone pay decent work? Nowadays, many employers manage to cheat, saving on the remuneration of students, workers without experience and even qualified specialists.In order to protect yourself, accept offers of exclusively official employment. This guarantees you payment of sick leave, white wages, vacation compensation, deductions for the accumulation of pensions. Pension must be taken care of from youth.

quick job placement

Good work is the one you get paid for. It is important to remember that a well-written resume, a pleasant appearance, self-confidence at the interview and competent speech will help you formulate the reason for looking for a new job. There are always answers to the question.

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