Some citizens are wondering if they need to check out during temporary registration. This issue is of interest not only to registered persons, but also to homeowners. What is generally called a temporary residence permit? Why, when and who needs it? How to arrange it? All this will be described below!
In Russia, citizens must have a residence permit. Today it is divided into permanent and temporary. In the first case, a person is assigned a certain housing in which he lives on a permanent basis. And what is a temporary residence permit?
This is registration at the place of residence for a certain period. Usually a temporary residence permit is needed by foreigners. But citizens of the Russian Federation can use it. For example, when moving to another region for a while. Do I need to be issued during temporary registration? And when does it take place?
Registration Dates
As already mentioned, citizens of the Russian Federation must necessarily have one or another residence permit in the country. Only occasionally can you do without it.
So, the majority of foreigners have the right to reside in Russia without registration for 90 days. After that, you must either issue a permanent residence permit (which is rare), or temporarily register in the housing.
Citizens of the Russian Federation without a residence permit can stay in the country for no more than a week. 7 days are given for any registration in new housing after discharge from the old apartment.
Newborns should be prescribed only with parents. Even temporarily. There are no real restrictions on this subject. But it is recommended to resolve issues with the registration of the baby in the first month of his life. This way you can avoid many problems. For example, when providing medical care to a newborn.
Rights for temporary registration
Do I need to be issued during temporary registration? To fully answer this question, you need to understand what rights are offered to a person in a particular case.
Temporary registration allows you to live in a particular territory, as well as receive services at the citizen's place of residence. Of course, on a temporary basis.
Permanent registration assigns a person a permanent place of residence. Such registration permits participation in privatization. There is no permanent residence permit.
Two residence permits
To get a temporary registration, do I need to be issued? It's not that hard to answer!
In Russia, as already mentioned, citizens must have at least one residence permit - temporary or permanent. But the law does not prohibit having multiple registrations: one for a while, the other on an ongoing basis.
This means that it is far from always necessary to get out of the apartment in order to arrange a temporary registration. This operation is recommended to avoid problems with the FMS, but no more.
When you need to be deregistered
Do you need to be discharged from your previous place of residence during temporary registration? As already mentioned, this operation does not always take place. Quite often, citizens have both a permanent residence permit and a temporary one.
You will have to check out from your previous place of residence when you change it. That is, it is forbidden to have several temporary registrations or permanent dwellings. To re-register for a certain period of time, you will need to check out from past housing, and then register with a new apartment.
Where is the registration
Now it’s clear whether you need to check out to make a temporary registration.Most often this is not necessary. Therefore, the permanent registration can not be removed. But the previous time will have to get rid of.
Where to get a registration? To date, this operation is performed in the following places:
- multifunctional centers;
- Ministry of Internal Affairs (migration department);
- passport desks;
- UK and ZhEU;
- State Services website.
The procedure in this or that case practically does not differ. Only registration of registration through "State services" has a number of significant changes. In practice, citizens themselves are most often involved in registration of a residence permit. Therefore, the registration process in housing through the portal will not be considered.
What is the procedure for registration of temporary registration? What is required in order to temporarily register in a particular housing?
Just follow the small instructions. It will greatly facilitate the procedure for registration of a citizen.
The instructions look as follows:
- Get the consent of all homeowners to register. It is not required if it is planned to register a minor child with one of the parents.
- Collect certain documents for registration. Their list depends on the citizenship of a person and on his age.
- Apply for temporary residence with one of the above authorities.
- Pick up a registration certificate at the appointed time.
No further action is required. To get a temporary registration, do I need to be issued? If we are talking about permanent registration, then you do not need to be deregistered. Otherwise, the person must first check out, and then register in a new housing. Recent changes in legislation allow these operations to be conducted in parallel.
Package of documents
What papers may be required in a particular case? The list of required documents depends on several factors. About them has already been said.
Do I need to be issued during temporary registration? The answer to this question will not cause difficulties. There is no such need at the legislative level as such. Permanent registration may remain with a person for an indefinite period. But having multiple temporary registrations is illegal.
To register for housing, you will need:
- applicant's passport;
- ID of the owner of the home;
- application for temporary registration (it indicates the estimated length of stay);
- consent to the registration of new residents in the apartment from each owner of residential property;
- documents on property rights to real estate.
This is usually enough. The list is relevant for adult citizens of the Russian Federation. Foreigners will need to additionally provide a migration card and a copy of their civil passport translated into Russian. For temporary registration of minors, it is enough to bring:
- legal representative passport;
- permission from the second parent to register;
- birth certificate;
- Citizenship insert (if applicable).
Permission from the homeowner to register a minor with parents is not required. Therefore, citizens rarely agree to register people with small children (under 14 years old) in their housing.
Summary and Conclusions
Now it’s clear whether you need to check out during temporary registration. And how to arrange it - too. In fact, these operations do not require any special actions. If you agree in advance with the landlord on a residence permit, then putting the idea into practice will not be difficult.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that temporary registration allows the apartment owner not to participate in the procedure for drawing up the relevant document. But the registered person must come to the FMS or the IFC for registration.
The legislation does not prohibit the temporary registration of a person by proxy. But in order to act in this way, the registered person must have good reason.In practice, the FMS is often refused registration without the personal participation of a new tenant. All this will have to be taken into account when submitting the application in the established form.