
Employer Representative - Features, Requirements, and Job Responsibilities

When visiting job sites, you can often see how organizations are looking for a representative. Commercial, trade, business representative, distributor - as soon as they do not call workers in this field. For the abundance of labels, the specific functionality of such an employee in the workplace is not always clear. So, in this article, the position "representative of the employer", its features, requirements for it, the duties of the employee are analyzed. In the interests of applicants, the rights of the employee, demand for the labor market, and salary expectations are examined.

employer representative

Who is the employer representative

Trade representation - employment with a fairly rich history. At the same time, it has not lost relevance, but is only developing at a given moment in time. Representatives of the employer are often offered to become novice professionals. For them, this is a good opportunity to understand the sales techniques, the features of the product and the organization in which they work, learn how to handle the claims of potential customers, and find a common language with any person. The representative of the employer is a specialist who does not sit still. He is constantly on the move, in search of new points of sale, in the process of market research. All his labor activities are traveling, negotiations, preparation for them and traveling again. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary that he will have his own place in the office of the company. Many representatives are not even included in the staff.

representatives of organizations employers

Varieties of profession

Representatives of the employer are different. The name of the position, and with it the list of duties, can be individual for each particular company. Bonuses, pros and cons, type of salary - it all depends on what the employer can offer to the representative of the employer. And if you have already decided to try yourself in a sales office, you should pay attention to the following job titles:

  • trading agent;
  • sales or sales representative;
  • Sales Manager;
  • marketing agent;
  • sales consultant;
  • traveling salesman;
  • sales engineer;
  • implementer and so on.

employer employer representative

Functional representative of the organization

The representative of the employer in labor relations has a certain functionality. Depending on the organization, the set of functions may vary. But basically this list consists of the following items:

  • implementation of the trading process;
  • search, attraction and support of clients;
  • distribution of information about the company's products, promotional activities;
  • holding events that encourage customers to buy (presentations, practicing objections, and so on);
  • research and analysis of market situations;
  • the formation of the assortment, maintaining it at retail outlets;
  • reporting on the work done.

employer employer representatives are required

Tasks of the representative before the company and customers

Employers are required to perform a number of tasks from representatives of organizations. Moreover, this specialist must not only comply with all the requirements of the company, but also find an approach to the client, come to a compromise between the two parties. Sometimes this is really a difficult task, requiring the employee to have knowledge in many areas.

What does the client and the employer require from a specialist? Employer representatives are required to:

  • find new customers;
  • to offer an assortment of goods;
  • look for an approach to each customer;
  • be able to stimulate buyers to further cooperation;
  • analyze the needs of consumers and fulfill them in time;
  • conduct demand analysis;
  • distribute information about the company, products, news, promotions;
  • prepare initial transaction documentation;
  • be able to negotiate;
  • consult with other professionals in the niche;
  • look for ways to develop the organization and product;
  • to carry out the agreed promotions and notify the clientele about them in time.

In addition, in order to ensure the most comfortable partnership for buyers, the representative must know as much as possible about his product, be able to advise and select the right thing for this particular client.

representative of the employer in labor relations

Requirements for Specialists

Employer Sales Representative - A position with blurred boundaries for vocational education and skills. Each specific vacancy may have its own requirements for candidates. Some employers prefer to train people on their own with no work experience, and accordingly, without an established sales scheme. They are looking for students, graduates, as well as people who have radically changed their occupation and have not yet tried their hand at sales. Such employers have a minimum set of requirements:

  • PC knowledge at the user level;
  • secondary or higher education;
  • ability to communicate with people, sociability.

Some organizations add experience in trading to this set of requirements. Usually a year of such service in a portfolio is enough.

If the organization is looking for a top manager, a representative with a high level of remuneration, then it will entrust considerable responsibilities to it. In this case, not only experience in sales is being asked, but also specific, especially successful projects, recommendations from previous jobs, detailed characteristics of the applicant himself and all the affairs that he conducted. As you know, the higher the salary, the more knowledge and experience is needed.

rights of representatives of employers

Labor market demand

Virtually any organization engaged in the sale of its goods has a “salesperson” in its staff. And most often even a few. If the organization is very small, the director himself can perform these functions in it, but with the growth of the company he will try to throw off unnecessary duties for a professional. Therefore, a sales representative or sales manager is a vacancy that is constantly in demand. The working conditions at different places may vary, the amount of wages may vary significantly, but a person who successfully works in the field of trade will always find a demand for his skills.

Salary expectations

People work to get paid. Basically this is so, therefore, it should be recognized as the main factor in choosing a job. A sales representative is a job that can bring very large earnings to a professional in his field. But before you become one, you have to work for a fairly low rate. In Moscow organizations, a top manager can receive up to several hundred thousand rubles a month. At the same time, a novice sales representative can work without a salary at all, receiving a percentage of the goods sold by him. Depending on luck, personal qualities and the ability to communicate with people, this percentage may well fully provide the employee with everything necessary. If a person does not have the qualities of a seller, it is better not to get a job.

sales representative from the employer

Pros and cons of work

Any profession has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the skills and personal qualities of each individual person, the work may ideally suit him or not at all. The advantages of working as a sales representative include the following:

  • A certain freedom of action, an individual schedule, a relatively small control by the authorities. A sales representative can travel a lot on customers, while rarely appearing at the workplace in the office.Moreover, only a report on the results achieved is required of him.
  • Lack of an upper bar of earnings. Since the bulk of wages comes from interest on goods sold, there is often simply no upper limit. The more I realized, the more I got.
  • An abundance of contacts every working day, many new acquaintances, useful contacts.

Of the minuses in this work, the following points can be distinguished:

  • Our society is not always positive about people in this profession. This attitude can be caused by various reasons: the manager’s excessive obsession, personal prejudices, and more.
  • In traveling work, weather conditions play a very important role. Sales representatives need to be in service and in severe frost, and unbearable heat.
  • People who are difficult to communicate can bring a lot of trouble to managers. Customers come across different. In order to remain delicate and competent, sometimes it takes a lot of effort.

Rights of representatives of employers

A representative has not only obligations in relation to his organization, but also certain rights established by labor legislation:

  • execution in accordance with the rules of labor law;
  • annual paid leave, sick leave;
  • participation in the fate of the organization, making proposals to improve working conditions;
  • protection of their rights with the help of legal organizations in the event of a dispute.

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