The law clearly states that all drivers are required to undergo a medical examination before different flights. This is stipulated by the safety conditions, since it is the medical workers who will be able to determine whether a citizen can drive a particular vehicle for a long time. Regular pre-trip inspections of drivers in organizations prevent a situation when a person is driving while intoxicated or in the presence of significant illnesses.
Inspection concept
Pre-trip inspections of drivers in the organization are mandatory by law. This is due to safety rules, since if the driver is intoxicated or has serious illnesses, he will not be able to ensure the safety of movement on the road. Therefore, inspections are carried out before each flight.
If during this inspection it is revealed that the driver, due to health reasons, cannot cope with his basic duties, he will simply be removed from driving.
When are they held?
The organization and conduct of pre-trip inspections of drivers is mandatory for the following drivers:
- engaged in the transport of dangerous goods;
- specializing in the transport of passengers.
It is not necessary under the law to have a medical examination for ambulance, police or fire department drivers. But almost all organizations are conducting this inspection in order to guarantee road safety.
Key Process Features
Organization of pre-trip inspection of drivers at the enterprise is carried out by the direct managers of the company. To do this, the following actions are performed:
- initially, the citizen must tell the doctor what complaints he has;
- measured blood pressure of the driver;
- heart rate is measured;
- the citizen is checked for intoxication, which may be alcoholic or narcotic.
If there are suspicions that the driver’s condition does not meet numerous requirements, an extended examination is prescribed.
Reasons for extended research
An additional examination is prescribed by a doctor with the following symptoms:
- there are symptoms indicating a temporary disability;
- it is revealed that the citizen is intoxicated or under the influence of psychotropic drugs;
- the driver’s attention was significantly reduced after taking various medications.
If a pre-trip inspection of the driver in the organization has been passed, then he is allowed to perform his basic duties. To do this, the doctor puts the appropriate mark on the waybill. If the driver for various reasons does not come for a physical examination, then he is not allowed to work. If he still gets behind the wheel of a car, but at the same time there will be no necessary mark in the waybill, then this threatens to hold him and the management of the company accountable under Art. 11.32 Administrative Code or according to Art. 12.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
Study Rules
The organization of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers is the responsibility of the head of the company. At the same time, the rules of the Ministry of Health No. 835 of 2014 are taken into account. The main rules of this process include:
- inspection is carried out exclusively before the shift;
- the procedure is paid by the management of the company;
- the process is carried out exclusively by employees of medical organizations that have the necessary license.
The company in which the driver works must independently enter into an agreement with a medical institution. Often the organization of pre-trip inspections of drivers of automobile vehicles directly in the company is carried out at all.
Research stages
Pre-trip inspections of drivers in the organization consist of several successive stages:
- history is initially collected;
- the driver is inspected visually, which allows him to assess his condition;
- body temperature and blood pressure are measured;
- heart rate is measured;
- breathalyzer is used to detect blood alcohol content;
- it is checked whether there are any psychoactive elements in the blood, for which a blood test is performed.
The results are entered into a special medical card, after which the information is transmitted to the citizen's employer. If there is any suspicion, then an additional examination may be carried out.
Process Organization Rules
The organization of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers of vehicles is carried out only by the leadership of the company in which citizens work. The process can be performed in two ways:
- formation of a special first-aid post in the company, for which the relevant medical personnel are included in the company's staff;
- conclusion of an agreement with a specialized medical institution, after which drivers are required to regularly visit this organization before flights.
Some companies issue a special provision on the organization of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers, which indicate how the examination is conducted and how this procedure is performed.
Medical Examination Rules
Most often, organizations conducting pre-trip medical examinations of drivers conclude a special contract with the clinic. Based on this agreement, the relevant company services are provided. Process rules include:
- drivers before the flight must independently come to the selected organization for inspection;
- the procedure is performed at a predetermined time;
- No waiting in line for inspection
- For drivers of the company, a special office for examinations is specially organized in the clinic.
The contract must be concluded exclusively with organizations that have the appropriate license.
Rules for the formation of the first-aid post
In large companies, it is most advisable to organize their own first-aid post. This procedure can be carried out even by individual entrepreneurs. In this case, numerous requirements for the organization of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers must be observed. The process has the following features:
- it is required to hire a citizen with a medical education and having a license to conduct this activity;
- a special separate office is equipped where a medical examination of drivers is carried out directly in the company;
- the room where the procedure is performed should be equipped with special medical devices and equipment, which include a medical couch, a pressure measuring device, a breathalyzer, rapid tests that detect blood levels of alcohol or drugs, a table for installing medical equipment, as well as spatulas and a bag with drugs.
Additionally, a room where biological samples are taken is properly equipped. If, according to the results of the inspection, it is revealed that the procedure is performed by a person who does not have a medical license and the necessary education, then the marks in the waybill are invalid.
How is it carried out?
The procedure for organizing pre-trip medical examinations of drivers consists in performing two main actions by a specialist:
- the appearance of the driver is evaluated;
- different tests are taken, and a study is conducted to determine what the state of health of a citizen is.
Each stage has its own nuances.
Assessment of appearance
All employees of the organization who work as drivers must come to the selected health worker before the flight with a waybill received from the employer. When communicating with a citizen, a doctor should pay attention to a person’s behavior, his appearance and gait.
A standard examination begins with a survey during which the following information is revealed:
- general well-being of a citizen;
- the duration of night sleep;
- human mood;
- the presence of a variety of complaints.
If a person really has complaints about various ailments, then the specialist must make sure that there are reasons for refusing the flight. If the doctor has doubts that the state of health of a citizen allows him to work as a driver, then he can draw up a referral for an additional examination.
Basic inspection of a citizen
After assessing the appearance, a direct study is carried out. The procedure has the following features:
- the process is performed in bright artificial light;
- examined the skin of a citizen, which allows to identify various redness, scratching, abrasions or excessive pallor;
- mucous membranes of the sclera and eye are assessed to determine yellowness or hyperemia;
- the state of the pupils is studied, since if they are dilated or narrowed, this can be a sign of serious illness or a state of intoxication;
- body temperature and blood pressure are measured;
- heart rate is being studied;
- a breathalyzer is used to determine whether a citizen is intoxicated;
- if suspected, a blood and urine test may be performed.
All results are entered on a special medical card, a copy of which is transmitted to the employer. If there are no contraindications, then the necessary mark is put in the waybill.
Reasons why drivers are not allowed to work
During the examination, the doctor can identify various problems in the state of health of a citizen, therefore he refuses permission to drive a car. There may be several reasons for making such a decision:
- signs of acute pathology are detected, for example, if a citizen has a high fever, headache, or eyes or ears are inflamed;
- exacerbates a chronic disease;
- heart rate decreases or increases;
- sharp jumps in blood pressure are noted;
- it is discovered that the citizen is intoxicated or under the influence of psychotropic drugs.
If the above reasons are absent, then a citizen is allowed to perform his duties. In this case, the doctor puts an appropriate mark in the waybill.
Responsibility for no inspection
Organizations involved in passenger or freight transportation must conduct a driver inspection before the flight. If the procedure is not followed, then the leaders of the company are held accountable. A fine is assigned for this, the amount of which depends on who the violator is:
- officially employed drivers pay a fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles;
- officials - from 2 to 3 thousand rubles;
- for companies, the fine is from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
If the driver gets into an accident when intoxicated, which causes harm to other citizens, then the officials and the driver himself are prosecuted.
Before each flight, drivers involved in freight or passenger transportation are required to undergo a medical examination.It can be carried out in a specialized medical institution or directly at the enterprise.
Inspection involves the study of the appearance and general condition of a citizen. When identifying various problems, a person is not allowed to work. If the company does not conduct a physical examination, then this is the basis for holding her accountable.