The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually develops the rules for admission to universities. Note that each educational institution also creates its own rules for admission of applicants. That is why high school students planning to get an education after completing a school curriculum should know the rules for admission to universities in our country.
Post time
What are the terms of their placement? The rules for admission to universities in 2018 appeared in October 2017. Each educational institution published all the basic information regarding the upcoming admission campaign on its information sites in the fall of 2017.
Benefit Options
Special rights for admission in the current academic year were reserved for prize winners and winners of the olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In addition, the rules for admission to universities in Russia in 2018 provided for special rights for holders of sports and intellectual achievements. For the successes achieved during training at the school, the guys received extra points.
Features of filing documents
As in previous years, the rules for admission to universities allowed the applicant to submit documents for admission to five different educational organizations. In each institution, it was possible to choose three areas of preparation.
The rules for admission to universities of the Russian Federation also contain the conditions for admission for children with serious health restrictions. This year, a ten percent quota for orphans and children with disabilities was maintained.
Important aspects
Consider the main changes in the rules of admission to universities. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation provides for two stages of enrollment of applicants in higher educational institutions of our country.
At the first stage, it is supposed to fill 80% of the budget places available in the educational organization. The remaining places are filled in the second stage.
The new rules for admission to the university touched upon the admission procedure for all forms of study in the programs:
- specialty;
- undergraduate studies;
- magistracy.
2018 changes
We highlight the innovations that are included in the Procedure for admission to higher educational institutions. The list of those who received advantages during enrollment (at the undergraduate and specialty levels) included:
- military personnel and employees of the national guard of the Russian Federation, including those involved in the elimination of accidents at nuclear reactors;
- children of employees of the FSV national guard of the Russian Federation.
Also, the rules for admission to universities in Russia have been amended regarding Crimeans. If, until 2017, they were accepted to Russian higher educational institutions on special conditions, now Crimean residents are applicants on general terms (in a single stream). The allocation of budget places for Sevastopol residents was also canceled.
Significant changes in the rules for admission to universities have affected people with disabilities and persons with disabilities. In order to submit documents to a certain educational institution, such applicants must provide a medical certificate authorizing study to the admission committee.
Significant changes have taken place in the entrance examinations in the field of training related to ICT in the humanitarian field. Since it focuses on communication and information technology, an additional math entrance exam was introduced.
How else have the rules for admission to universities changed? The Ministry of Education increased the number of places financed from the Federal budget of the Russian Federation, due to the fact that quotas for preferential income for Sevastopol residents and Crimeans were canceled.
Who can become a student at a Russian university?
A similar right is enjoyed by:
- citizens of Russia and Belarus;
- residents of the CIS countries;
- foreign citizens living in the Russian Federation;
- Citizens who live in Russia without citizenship.
The rules of targeted admission to universities require the allocation of certain quotas for applicants entering in the direction of various organizations. For example, in 2018 in all medical universities and academies at each faculty a certain number of budget places were left for target students. Such students entered into an agreement with a medical institution in their city, passed uniform state exams in chemistry, the Russian language, biology, and based on them they submitted documents to the chosen university. The material resources necessary for their training are allocated at the expense of the federal budget, and students, upon completion of training, undertake to work for five years in one of the medical institutions.
The number of such places is determined by the Ministry of Health, then the figure is agreed with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The number of places in the magistracy is determined by the institution itself. The university license determines the maximum number of places for paid and budgetary education.
Documents for admission
Each educational institution has the right to independently expand the main list of documents, as well as to request additional information. In order to successfully submit documents, applicants must know the rules of admission. In addition to the usual list of documents, military applicants submit military certificates to military universities to familiarize the admissions committee, confirming that they have no health problems.
We offer a classic list of documents to the university:
- passport;
- certificate of secondary education;
- application in the prescribed form;
- 6 color or black and white photographs in 3 x 4 format;
- for youths a military ID;
- application for consent to enrollment (if the applicant submits the original documents to the selection committee).
Since many applicants submit documents at once to several educational institutions, it is allowed to submit copies to the admissions committee. After the choice of one educational institution of the highest level is made, the applicant brings to the selection committee the originals of the required papers, including the certificate of secondary education.
On the timing of admission to Russian universities
According to the new rules that were established in the Russian Federation in 2017, the following deadlines for submitting a package of documents and enrollment in higher education institutions are allocated:
- June 20 begins accepting documents from applicants;
- July 26, the acceptance of documents for applicants without additional entrance exams is completed;
- On July 27, lists of applicants are published on the bulletin board of the institution and on the official website of the university.
Within the quota established in a particular educational institution, the priority option for enrolling people who enter without additional entrance exams is determined within the following limits:
- On July 28, acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment ends;
- July 29, an order is issued on priority enrollment;
- Until August 1, other applicants submit applications for consent to enrollment;
- On August 3, an order appears to be credited to competitive budget places.
The remaining 20 percent of places funded from the federal budget are claimed by the remaining applicants. Applications are accepted until August 6, and an order is issued on August 8 to enroll applicants to the remaining budget places.
Consent to enrollment
Since 2016, everyone entering Russian higher education institutions, in addition to the classical list of original documents, encloses a statement of his consent to enrollment. Without it, an applicant will not be accepted.
What do you need to know?
Based on the results of the competitive selection, enrollment is carried out only for that priority specialty that was indicated in the application for admission within the time period stipulated by the Rules for admission to universities.In order to change this statement, a personal visit to the selection committee is required with a receipt on the delivery of documents and a civil passport.
If at the first stage of enrollment, an applicant failed to enter the competition for the specialty selected in the application for consent, on August 6, you can write another consent for that specialty for which there were vacant budget places for the “second wave”.
Benefits in 2018
According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 2015, the following categories are entitled to preferential admission to universities of the Russian Federation:
- orphans and disabled people;
- prize-winners and winners of the All-Russian Olympiads;
- contract servicemen;
- disabled people injured while doing military service;
- children whose parents died in counter-terrorism operations.
In addition to the main points obtained after passing the unified state exam, you can get bonuses for the following achievements:
- quality written final essay;
- “Gold medal” (certificate for special achievements);
- passing the standards of the TRP;
- victory in the All-Russian creative and intellectual competitions, olympiads;
- volunteer work.
Each institution of higher education in our country has its own options for accounting for the individual achievements of applicants, which can be found at the university itself. The rules for admission to universities after college, school, additional entrance examinations, deadlines for submitting documents - all this information can be found in the admissions committee, as well as on the personal website of the institution of higher education.
Despite the fact that in 2018 those rules of admission to higher educational institutions of Russia were preserved, there are some innovations that deserve separate consideration. Since 2018, the number of educational institutions in which you can apply is limited. Applicants could prepare 15 complete sets of documents, providing them in three areas in five of any higher education institutions.
Since school graduates often come of age at the time of filing a package of documents for admission to the university, they do not need to be accompanied by their parents (legal representatives). Parents will be required only in those situations when it comes to enrollment in paid tuition. One of the parents agrees in writing to a payment obligation.
There is no need to personally come to the chosen educational institution to submit a package of documents for admission. Currently, they can be sent by mail to the Russian Federation. Copies must be certified by a notary or the director of the educational organization, and it is better to make a registered letter with a notification of delivery to the addressee (university admissions committee).
An excellent solution for applicants living in remote corners of our country is to submit documents online. Many prestigious domestic higher education institutions offer registration in your account, filing scans of documents through it.
To successfully download a copy of the certificate of secondary education, you need to take a photo with a high-quality display of basic information.
The applicant must apply to the selection committee of the university in which he plans to enter in order to clarify the requirements.
When choosing full-time education, you will need a statement in the form chosen at the educational institution. Some universities offer ready-made forms in which future students only need to enter their personal data. For full-time education, in addition to the application, you will need the original document on secondary education, photographs, a certificate from a medical institution in the form of 086-y (indicating the general state of health, as well as a record of the absence of infectious diseases). If earlier applicants had to provide a certificate of passing the exam in the selection committee, now all the information is entered in a special database.This greatly simplified the task of the applicant, accelerated the provision of documents to the selection committee.
For those wishing to enter a military university, the following documents are needed: passport, birth certificate, brief autobiography, characteristics from the place of study, medical card, photocopy of the certificate, 3 photos measuring 4.5 x 6 cm, psychological examination card compiled in accordance with the Armed Forces Professional Selection Guide forces of the Russian Federation.