
I helped more than 1000 people open their online business: what qualities help people succeed

Luisa Zhou, the creator of the Employee-Entrepreneur system, which teaches people how to leave their day job and start their own six-person business and work for themselves, has worked with more than a thousand potential entrepreneurs. She loves helping people build their own business. But it is not just that. Entrepreneurs must work for this. Zhou says that her most successful students do not give up, behave decisively and treat their training as a second job, not just a hobby.

Over the past few years, Louise has received at least one message almost every week asking for help to start building her own online business. It always makes her day, because the opportunity to free herself from work litigation is a dream for many people. However, this is not accidental.

Having worked with more than one thousand start-up entrepreneurs, she noticed that those who can build a business have four main features. Now we will discuss them, as well as learn some tips and ideas from Louise.

They think differently

Everyone whom she helped to successfully transfer from an employee to an entrepreneur was the one who asked: "How can I turn this into a dream job?" instead of "Will this work for me?"

This means that when faced with a problem, they automatically look for ways to solve this problem and do not stop until they solve it. Failure is not the option that comes to their mind.

For example, if they talk with a potential customer and do not make a sale, they analyze what they could do better. Then they use what they learn to improve their next step. Whereas their ultimately less successful colleagues may accept this refusal as a sign that they should stop trying.

They are consistent (even if they don't like it)

According to Stephen King: "Lovers sit and wait for inspiration, and the rest just get up and go to work."

Creating a successful business requires you to appear and do the work every day, whether you like it or not. This includes moments when you do not feel inspired or motivated, when you are tired after a day at work, and when all you want to do is hide from the world and become immersed in an obstacle or denial.

If you are serious about building your business, you should not consider it as a hobby that you work on when you like it, but as a second job (even if it is not paid first). This means that you must definitely work on your business.

They are decisive

Here's a general scenario: Louise gives someone the exact steps that they must follow in order to start their own business. She then checks them out a few weeks later and asks how they are progressing.

Too often, this person says that he could not get around this for one reason or another.

Her most successful students have already completed the implementation of everything they discussed and answered her within a few days.

They do not spend time thinking about whether it is better to use their time or something else that they should do. They also do not waste time worrying about failure, failure or stupidity. They just do it.

This is because they understand that they do not need to perfect anything; they just need to do this, and they do.

They look back, not forward.

This may seem a little illogical. Here's what is meant: building a successful business requires a lot of time and hard work.And especially at the beginning, when you start from scratch, the end point of a profitable business may seem incredibly distant.

So, if you measure your progress towards this ultimate goal, it can often seem incredibly frightening and even impossible.

For example, let's say you made one sale in your business for $ 1,000. And your goal is to earn $ 20,000 before you feel comfortable.

Looking to the future, you might think: "I have earned only $ 1,000 in my business, and I need to earn another 19 thousand." And that can be incredibly overwhelming.

However, if you look “backward,” you would instead think: “Wow, I didn’t even know if anyone would want to pay me to earn my first $ 1,000. Look how far I have come! ”And it will probably excite and motivate you.

The truth is that every successful entrepreneur starts from the same place: from scratch. Zero customers, zero audience or zero brand awareness. Those who succeed do not do this because they are more fortunate or smarter than the rest of us.

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