Bad habits are parasites that prevent you from reaching your desired goal. In addition, they endanger your health, both mental and physiological. So precious time and energy is wasted.
Now we will not touch on the problem of the emergence of habits, but we will focus on making adjustments to your real life. Of course, there is no ideal pill that will help you become better and get rid of unnecessary habits. Read on and I will share some tips with you.
Where do bad habits come from?
Stress and boredom are two of the main causes of bad habits. The latter, as a rule, are quick and easy ways to get rid of stress. It can be anything from nail biting to alcoholism.
This is wrong, you need to teach yourself new and healthy ways to deal with stress and boredom. They will be a good substitute for bad habits. Do not forget that boredom and stress are usually caused by other deeper causes. Try to be honest with yourself when answering the question: what is the cause of the bad habit? Perhaps this is fear? When you recognize the cause of stress, then just get rid of the bad habit.
Useful replacement
All habits (good and bad) have come into your life for some reason. In other words, this action benefits you, even though it is harmful in other ways. Biting your nails, pulling your hair, tapping your foot or clenching your jaw, you, unnoticed by yourself, get rid of stress.
Thus, even bad habits are beneficial! It is for this reason that it is so hard to refuse them. It’s not enough just to show a shutter speed. The advice “just do not do this”, as practice shows, does not work in 99% of cases. Find a substitute for a bad habit that will bring you similar benefits.
Proceed with your reprogramming. Many try to abandon bad habits, not replacing them with anything. This is the wrong approach on the part of psychology. So you have unmet needs.
Get rid of bad habits
In this section, I posted some more tips that will help you give up the bad habit.
- Replacement. Make an action plan in advance. If you want to smoke, how will you act? Help: breathing exercises, distraction for a hobby (write a couple of lines for your blog, choose fabric for a new dress, etc.), eat something tasty (your favorite fruit, nuts, seeds or just candy).
- Do not tempt yourself. If you smoke when you drink, try to avoid alcohol. Eat cookies when they are at home? Do not buy it! Sitting on the sofa, take the remote control from the TV? Hide him in the next room.
- Joining forces. Draw a few more people with identical habits. So the process of giving up a bad habit will turn into an exciting competition. So you can celebrate your small victories together, share tips and experience, motivate each other.
- Visualize yourself successful. You go to the store and buy healthy food instead of cigarettes. Get up early with a bright head (which does not hurt from nightly movie sessions). In the evening, go not to the bar, but to a jog to the forest or a solid fitness club.
- You do not need to become someone else. All you need to do is return to your old self. You have not smoked or drunk since infancy? It may have been a long time, but you could easily do without these habits.
Do not blame yourself for mistakes, but encourage them to work on them!