I recently decided to buy a new wallet. But I wanted it to be not just a wallet, but a real talisman for attracting money. A friend who is fond of esotericism and feng shui gave me some interesting advice. It turns out that money is needed, you need a certain wallet color that attracts material well-being.
The black
Black color symbolizes reliability and stability, as it is associated with the earth, which is considered the beginning of the beginning. Black color will attract money to people who respect generally accepted norms, time-tested traditions and established views. To enhance the effect of black, it is better to choose a wallet made of genuine leather.
Red is the most powerful color to attract money. He has powerful energy - the same as that of banknotes. Thus, a red wallet can help increase wealth, but, unfortunately, not everyone. This color is not suitable for kind-hearted and indecisive people. Red will take away their vital energy in order to attract cash flows. This color is more suitable for courageous and active people. To enhance the properties of red, it is better to choose a wallet with a varnished surface.
White (or silver)
White and silver colors symbolize wealth and prosperity. As a rule, there are always money in wallets of such shades, they are actively multiplying. Such an accessory gives a person a sense of financial stability and confidence in the future. The wallet will work more efficiently if you wear it along with other white accessories.
This is a calm color that will not bring fabulous wealth, but will provide a stable material flow. Such a wallet is suitable for people who are not fixated on material values, which treat money simply as a means of livelihood. The yellow wallet is suitable for dreamy creative people. The power of color is enhanced by the suede texture.
A green wallet is ideal for attracting money, as it is associated with the color of the American currency. Such an accessory attracts material well-being and promotes career growth.
Blue (or blue)
The entire palette of blue shades is undesirable for the wallet. This color has a bad effect on money and career. From a blue wallet, bills will disappear instantly. And you won’t even understand where they spent it. Blue color - symbolizes inconstancy, and therefore the cash flow will be extremely unstable.