
We turn off on time, properly organize working hours and take breaks during work - these are the basic rules for achieving high productivity at the workplace

Work often makes many people in a state of constant mental stress. Most do not give rest to their brain after the end of the shift. This can lead to the development of professional burnout, which extremely negatively affects the ability to work of any person. You can avoid or significantly delay the appearance of its first signs, observing a few simple rules.

Fencing off others

An important rule of effective work is to reduce communication with colleagues to a minimum, unless the nature of work requires otherwise. This will help to focus on the task.

Solving a difficult problem, constantly distracting from conversations with colleagues, is almost impossible in quality. At the same time, after a conversation, it will take from 5 to 25 minutes to restore the desired level of attention.

Managers are encouraged to provide a separate room where employees can chat with each other or talk on the phone. This will significantly increase the productivity of each of them.

Organize your work day properly

A very important rule for increasing the efficiency of one's own labor is the competent distribution of the load depending on the level of working capacity. For example, it is best to deal with complex problems requiring maximum concentration in the morning.

If a significant time is required to solve a particular problem (from 1 hour or more), it is highly recommended that you create a schedule so that no one distracts from the work process.

Need to give the brain a rest

The pace of life of modern man is constantly increasing. He has to deal with more and more information. If earlier his brain could rest during his trip to work, traveling in transport, or at least at lunchtime, today gadgets and numerous applications do not provide him with such an opportunity.

In order for nerve cells to be able to recover, they should be given rest. At the same time, during such a break, you can not watch TV shows or read the news. It is necessary to limit the flow of information from the outside, including visual and audio. For those who do not want to just look out the window or sit with their eyes closed, meditation can be great.

Compliance with these simple rules will significantly increase the level of disability, as well as avoid premature burnout.

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