"If you are still poor at 35, you deserve it," says Jack Ma, founder of the Alibaba online store.
Many people wonder how others manage to succeed in business while they themselves are barely making ends meet. Many books and articles in newspapers and magazines are devoted to the secrets of successful entrepreneurs. Some of these tips seem simple. However, it is not so easy to put them into practice.
Jack Ma says ambition plays a major role in a businessman’s career: “You are poor because you don’t have willpower.”
Entrepreneur's story
The founder of the Alibaba website shared his success story.
“Before I set up an online store,” he says, “I called on 24 friends to discuss with them how promising my idea was. After two hours of discussion, they were still confused. As a result, 23 out of 24 advised I should leave this idea to me. They gave many reasons, such as: "You do not know anything about the Internet," "You do not have start-up capital," and so on. "
Try not torture
And only one of the friends (who at that time worked at the bank) told Jack: “If you want to do this, try it. If all else fails, then you can return to your previous job.”
The hero of this article admits that he spent the whole night thinking over these words. By morning, he decided that he would create a store at all costs. Ma says that he would do it even if all 24 people did not approve of his idea.
The novice entrepreneur had to face confusion on the part of family and friends. Jack admits: “Remembering that time, I understand that it was not the confidence in the great potential of the Internet that influenced me. The following idea became the driving force for me:“ It doesn’t matter what you are going to do, whether you will succeed or not. In any case, experience is a good result. "You should try. And if it does not lead to anything, then you can always return to your previous occupation.
Writer and archaeologist Thomas Edward Lawrence said the same thing: “All people see dreams, but they do not do the same. Those who sleep under the dark cover of night wake up in the morning and realize that everything was in vain. But day dreamers are brave people. They can dream with eyes open and put them into practice. "
Causes of poverty
From the words of Jack Ma, we can draw the following conclusion. People fail because:
- Miss out on great features.
- Neglect opportunities.
- They seek and do not find the understanding of others.
- They do not know how to act fast enough.
Ambition is the engine of great ideas. There are many things in the world that a person cannot explain, but he can achieve a lot. The willpower of people determines their future.
Among the Chinese, there are many who have proved the truth of these words by their example. In addition to Jack Ma can also be called Juliet Wu Shiong. This woman belongs to the first generation of professional managers in this country. She has gone from cleaning woman to head of the Chinese affiliates of Microsoft and IBM. Wu is a new-style Asian manager. Such specialists began to appear in China as a result of successful economic reforms.
Reason for success
But not only changes in the economy have led to the success of a large number of Asian businessmen. Perhaps the secret lies in the peculiar upbringing that Chinese parents give their children. They try to instill in them hard work and the desire to do everything in good faith. Sometimes parents do not allow children to take a break until they complete their homework or learn a piece of music that was set in a music school.And children most often perceive such an attitude as caring for them. In China, it is not customary to talk about the natural inclinations and talents of man. There, it is believed that everything can be achieved through hard work.