If you divide your work time into parts and do physical exercises between them, this will be the best way to keep yourself in good shape.
Sitting all day in front of a computer is not good for your body. That is why it is important to know quick and simple exercises that you can complete in just a few seconds, and which will relax your arms, neck, shoulders and the whole body.
These five “office yoga” exercises are ideal for relieving the physical stress that you build up during the day. Are you ready to practice them?
Back stretching
Sit straight, take a deep breath and raise your hands up. When you exhale, let your head gently move backward until your gaze rests on the ceiling.
Hold the position for a few seconds and then carefully release. Repeat several times.
Hip twisting
Sit with your back straight. Inhale and exhale, turn the body away from the bottom of the spine. Concentrate all your attention on your stomach. Try to pull yourself together.
Breathe in this position for a few seconds, and then turn the other way.
This exercise helps you deal with back pain that results from sitting long. It also aids digestion.
Wrist relaxation
Using the keyboard, you can create nodes on the wrists and forearms that you want to avoid as much as possible. Try to get rid of them with this exercise.
First, extend your right hand, fingers should point to the ceiling. With your left hand, grab the fingers of your right hand and move them back to the top of your hand, and then change hands.
Then bend your wrist in the opposite direction, stretching your fingers to the inside of the hand.
You just need to repeat these movements several times to relieve tension.
Shoulder stretch
Stand at a distance from your table as far as your hands reach. Lean forward and stretch your palms until they touch the table. Keep your legs together and lower your head between your arms to achieve good shoulder stretch.
This counteracts back tension and keeps your shoulders level.
Stretching legs
Stand at the table, tilt your torso forward, trying to lower it as close to your legs as possible. Do not strain, try to keep your knees free. Let gravity do its job.
So stand for about 20 seconds, swing from side to side. Surely you will feel better. This exercise relaxes the head, shoulders and neck.