
Here's a twist: the rich worry more about money than the poor

What do you think unites rich and poor people? This is a sphere of finance. At first glance, it seems that millionaires have no worries at all. They have enough money to provide decent old age for themselves and the future of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. These mere mortals should think about how to survive on a meager retirement.

However, in reality it turns out quite differently. Financial consultant Jeff Rose has been working with wealthy and successful people for many years. He argues that the rich worry more about money than the poor. While an ordinary person can say: “Somehow I’ll live on retirement. And the children will help, and there are benefits from the state, ”the millionaire has a huge responsibility. He is even frightened by the thought that he might once become a pensioner and lose his sphere of influence. Wealth opens up new challenges. And that's why.

The desire to get rich

A simple person is used to being content with little. He finds joy in simple things and adapts to ever-changing circumstances. Dismissed from work or cut salaries? Then you have to live in austerity. Promoted or part-time job? Then you can afford something that you have long dreamed of. Retirement? Well and good, there is an opportunity to live for yourself. In the end, for many years already tired of working on weekdays, relaxing on weekends and getting up at six in the morning.

Wealthy people think differently. They have a completely different mindset, which does not allow them to stop there. For example, a person has earned three million - now he wants four, and then five. He challenges himself and accepts it himself. This can be compared to an exciting game. Man is driven by excitement; he is no longer able to say to himself, “Stop! Enough. " The rich man no longer really thinks about why he needs so much money, but he is still obsessed with the idea of ​​taking possession of all the treasures of the world. He is ashamed to even think that someday he will live off the fruits of his labor. He needs to move and develop further, otherwise he will simply die of longing.

Refusal of work and income that it brings

We are used to thinking that many successful and well-to-do people are getting richer thanks to the inheritance, patronage, connections, etc. Simply put, someone handles them in the chair of the CEO and falls asleep with money. Of course, rich heirs do occur, but in percentage terms there are far fewer of them than self-made millionaires.

Now imagine that from a young age a person achieved everything himself. His work became part of himself, for he devoted most of his life to his chosen occupation. Refusing it is one and the same thing as losing your arm or leg. Wealthy people are really connected with work and career at a deeper level than ordinary people. When they retire, in principle they lose the meaning of life, fall into despondency and depression.

Fear outlive your money

According to Jeff Rose, this phobia applies to all the rich. It seems to them that the money earned will not be enough until the end of their days. They fear that they will be left without a livelihood when they become old and weak. For example, a man retires at sixty-five. Suppose he has good health and survives to ninety years, or even more. Accordingly, for twenty-five years he will be forced to spend all his savings without a source of income, because he has retired and is no longer engaged in business.

If the average person lives quietly for several tens of thousands of rubles a month, then a rich man might not be enough even half a million.After all, he was used to a different standard of living, he did not refuse himself anything and was not used to saving. And to moderate his appetites and put up with the status of "average" for him is simply impossible.


Another reason for the excitement of the rich is the question of how to leave everything accumulated by hard and excessive labor to their children and grandchildren. Imagine when a person built a business empire all his life, and now he is forced to retire and give the project to the wrong hands. Even psychologically, it's hard to put up with. It seems that the heirs will do everything wrong, that the business in their hands will sooner or later fail, etc.

But it becomes even sadder for the rich to think that their money and assets may not be passed on to their descendants. They are afraid that competitors will take advantage of their advanced age, retirement and take everything away. What do millionaires do in this case? They work until exhaustion until the end of their days. This concern with business and money, the desire to control everything turns into a real mania. That is why very often in old age, rich people become incredibly greedy and mean, even if they had previously quietly parted with money.

Succession Planning

In the case of the transfer of inheritance, Jeff Rose just gives advice to wealthy and successful people. He insists that succession planning should be started as early as possible. Perhaps even ten years before retirement. During this time, you need to bring children or grandchildren up to date, give them the opportunity to become CEO under the strict guidance of the founder of a business empire.

By the way, the reins of government do not always fall into the hands of heirs. Sometimes the rich hire outsiders to get those holding leaders. Still, an uninterested person will try harder and make efforts to develop a business. After all, if the company fails, then it will simply be left without work. Succession planning is widely practiced among the rich and allows you to get rid of anxiety for the future, reduce stress and anxiety.


How often does a simple person monitor inflation? Does the index or forecasts know? Perhaps someone is interested in the overall development, but nothing more. Rich people constantly monitor this information, because they have something to lose. Another phobia of them is that they can lose their entire fortune due to changes in the economic situation in the world and the country. Possible changes in tax legislation also cause panic and concern. So we can say with confidence that very wealthy people live in a state of constant fear, tension and stress.

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