
7 things for which successful people do not apologize: quick work, personal opinion, weekends, etc.

Although attentiveness and gratitude are always important qualities of the career of any successful person, it is also important to be confident and courageous in their abilities and responsibilities. Being confident is an attractive career quality. False humility can be unpleasant and cause people to disrespect you. Find out why successful people do not apologize.

What is beyond your control

Any professional has certain moments in his career, when a person must take responsibility for meeting deadlines, following directions. But, regardless of the industry, there is some experience and results that you simply cannot control. It doesn’t always depend on how well you do your job. Many of these results are related to how other team members behave.

You should ask the manager what to do next, or suggest a way out of this situation. Although this may be a bad experience, if you did your best to do your job, you should not apologize for the result that you could not predict.

You do the work faster than others

Your colleague loves spending a lot of time catching up on Facebook and chatting, but when it comes to work, she will pull to the last to present her work.

We all have different working styles, neither of which is right or wrong. If you do your work right away without delay, you should not make excuses or apologize.

Sometimes people feel uncomfortable if they surrender their part of the task early. But sending the work done at an early stage shows that you have well planned your time, that you are organized and disciplined.

You are honest with your employer

If you see something that, as you know, can pose a threat to the employee or the company as a whole, you should inform the manager about it. Sometimes telling the truth is not very convenient, but it is necessary. If you witnessed something that threatens the company, you should report this to management.

It makes no sense to apologize to others for reporting this. You just prioritize where the main thing is work.

For expressing your opinion

If you have a useful opinion, you can express it at a general meeting. You should never apologize for sharing it with the group.

Such meetings are intended for the exchange of ideas, so do not feel guilty for having contributed to the common cause. Just make sure you don't talk long and boring.

For being focused on work

Although chatting with colleagues can be interesting, it's not a productive way to spend your work day. You will most likely prefer to return home to your partner or spend happy hours with friends sooner rather than staying at work and catching up on lost time.

If one of your colleagues tries to lure you into a conversation, do not apologize for having to return to work. You are there for a specific purpose, so there is no need to explain anything to anyone. Politely and bluntly share what you have a deadline for work, and you can return to the conversation another time. But never say you regret it.

You always go on vacation

Rest is not only necessary, but also beneficial for our mental health and success at work. We will not be able to work productively if we postpone or do not use time for rest at all.It makes no sense to apologize for what you are entitled to under labor law. Take your vacation without fault and without apology. You deserve it.

Setting borders on your own time

You work a certain number of hours per day, and it’s completely normal if you are not available at midnight or Sunday. Clearly define when you will work and rest, and then adhere to this without apology.

It is your right to have personal time. This will serve as a good example for other people in your team to set some boundaries in their living space.

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