Japan has a law that many Japanese women consider barbaric. According to him, all women working in offices are required to wear high-heeled shoes. This state of affairs does not suit the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun so much that they organized a flash mob with the demand to repeal this clause in the labor legislation.
Unpleasant surprise
The idea to organize an action to repeal the law requiring women to wear only high-heeled shoes for work came to writer and actress Yumi Ishikawa. The woman got a job in the office on a part-time basis.
What was her surprise when it turned out that the office dress code obliges you to come not in what a woman will be comfortable working with, but in high heel shoes from 5 to 7 cm.
Yumi Ishikawa was extremely indignant, because the constant wearing of such shoes causes terrible discomfort for women and leads to leg pain.
Flash mob that captured the country
Yumi Ishikawa refused to put up with the situation and decided to protest against barbaric law.
She published on her page on the social network a photo in the office where she wore sneakers.
For publication, she used the hashtag #KuToo, which is a game of two Japanese words meaning "shoes" and "pain." Thus, the writer emphasizes that shoes with heels cause inconvenience and pain to women who are forced to wear it in the workplace.
Thousands of women immediately joined the flash mob.
They began to post hashtag photos on their pages. In addition, Yumi created an online petition addressed to the Ministry of Health of Japan, demanding the repeal of the monstrous law. For a petition to be considered, 35,000 people must sign it, and 29,000 women have already done so.
Japanese Labor Minister Takumi Nemoto has already responded to the writer’s flash mob. He considers the law not so heavy and does not intend to repeal it. Which is not surprising, because he is a man and has no idea how inconvenient and painful to constantly wear high-heeled shoes.