
What people learn about us in the first seconds in person

When meeting people, they always make a certain impression on each other. Recruitment experts claim that they can determine in just three seconds whether the applicant is suitable for them or not. To understand how people perceive us, it is proposed to consider what qualities they pay attention to and what criteria are guided by.

The trust

Studies have shown that the degree of trust in a person is determined in almost a split second. One glance is enough to evaluate attractiveness, competence, aggressiveness, etc., to understand whether this person can be trusted. It is not about how true or false this view is. The bottom line is that each person determines for himself whether he wants to deal with a person who is opposite. In rare cases, some people do not look what they really are. But this is more the case with less penetrating counterparts. Or just the first impression is not always right.

Socio-economic status

This quality can also be determined very quickly. Mostly people pay attention to the clothes that we wear. If a person has things of famous brands, it means that he is more successful. But there are also exceptions. Sometimes very wealthy people dress too simply, but this is rare. Even if a person does not have very catchy clothes, it will still be of high quality.


In order to determine the level of human intelligence, you need a little more time. At a minimum, you need to talk to him (although people who wear glasses with thick lenses seem more intelligent). During the conversation, the amount of mind is determined by speech. If your speech is expressive and connected, the interlocutor will immediately understand that he is dealing with an educated and well-read person. There is another rule by which you can be perceived by others as a highly intellectually developed person. Look the other person in the eye and you will make a wonderful impression.


The results of the experiment, during which students examined many different photographs of men without hair, showed that people perceive shaved heads as the most powerful. At the same time, several photos of bald men who had lost their hair naturally were provided. They were not perceived as dominant. The secret was precisely in the fact that men with shaved heads were associated among the participants in the experiment with authoritarianism, power and strength.

Strict style

The success of a person can be determined by the strict style of clothing. A British-Turkish study showed that people in ironed, well-fitting suits were perceived as richer and more influential than other representatives in simple casual clothes. From this we can conclude that only a perfectly tailored suit can make you in the eyes of others a real tycoon.


How prone to adventurism is to be recognized by his gait. Just a few steps also determine whether you are an extrovert or an introvert. A wide step "to the buildup" defines an extrovert, which is prone to adventures. This person is not afraid to take risks and always calmly perceives his defeats, because his optimistic mood never disappears. Small, mincing steps are made by a more withdrawn person with neurotic manifestations.But this result of the experiment caused a lot of controversy, so it’s still not worth arguing about its reliability.


This experiment also came into question of reliability. It was attended by women who examined photographs of men with different types of faces. It seemed to the majority that representatives of the stronger sex with more square faces and large features could show aggression. This fact caused a lot of different disputes. Some participants in the experiment claimed to have dealt with such men, but they, on the contrary, turned out to be very gentle, good-natured and open-minded people. Some drew attention to the lowered inner edges of the eyebrows, and some to the slightly raised upper lip (everyone agreed with these characteristics). Aggressiveness was also confirmed in those people who had pointed features and a “running” look.


This experiment showed 100% hit. The photos showed people who smiled, touched, did not express emotions, and were serious. Everyone who showed a smile, goodwill and tenderness turned out to be religious. And those who hid emotions or looked strict and serious, had nothing to do with faith. This somewhat surprised scientists, since religion dictates the strict observance of commandments and laws. But in all likelihood this is not reflected in people's mental state. They sincerely feel happy and are so.

Personality type

Extroverts and introverts can be determined not only by steps, but also by the expression of emotions. Extrovert photographs are always smiling, people look open on them (occupy certain poses) and happy, they show positive emotions and adore themselves to admire. An introvert is difficult not only to personally communicate with others, but also to be photographed. In the pictures, such representatives look more concentrated and clamped. They rarely (or with difficulty) smile and prefer stern poses.


This quality can be determined immediately by several criteria. These are attractiveness, high intelligence, reliability, maturity and many other aspects. The fact is that leaders always prefer to show their emotions more clearly and confidently. Any gesture, facial expressions, gait, clothing style emphasize the fact that a person is able to manage a large team. Leaders are so used to leading everyone and everything that continues to behave this way with the closest people (even when you can relax) and in photographs. When meeting with others, this is even more evident in each case of communication. Therefore, the true leaders were accurately identified by all participants in the experiment.

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