Are you able to do much more than you think? There is an easy way to find out. The next time you feel that you cannot do something, try replacing this thought with something else. You do not need to convince yourself that you can do anything, but try to think that it is possible. This small shift in your thinking can make a big difference. It can help you succeed.
Are your beliefs holding you back?
Think about where limiting beliefs can affect you. As a rule, if they keep you in one part of your life, they are guaranteed to act in the same way in other parts. This is the psychology.
In short, our beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts create our actions, and our actions create our results. Therefore, everything that we believe, consciously or unconsciously, turns into some kind of result in our life.
These beliefs are not facts, they are just our perception. Although many of us behave as if our beliefs were true. And they’re doing it right. If we allow beliefs to control us, we can achieve a lot.
Are you capable of more?
How can you find out if self-confidence is holding you back and are you capable of more than you think? Start with the goal for which you are having problems, or the task that you simply cannot complete. Ask yourself: “Is there something that prevents me from believing in myself?”
If the answer is yes, seek help from a mentor, friend, trainer to try to change this. Yes, you don’t need to be afraid to ask for help and try to convince yourself of something on your own. It takes too much time. And it's too complicated.
Ask yourself if something really bothers you.
When you come across something that may be holding you back, start by asking if this is true. And usually the answer is: "I act like that because I'm not sure." Replace this thought with another, such as: “I wonder if I'm wrong? I wonder if there is another way? Is this possible? ”Be curious. And then take some action to change the results that you currently have.
And don't forget to keep asking yourself: “What else can hold me back? What else? ”Until you find all the possible causes and factors. And then ask yourself if beliefs work for or against you and if you are prevented from doing what you want to do. Think about what you can do if you let them go. Work on your character. Above oneself. And you will achieve what you want. And even more.