Did you leave your company, get a promotion, or maybe you just changed your profession? We will tell you how to stay confident when you take on a whole new role.
An effective and valuable manager from a large corporation opens his own business and suddenly loses confidence because he is not behind a well-known company. Another changes his profession and feels that everything starts from scratch. The next one gets a promotion and does not understand where the fear comes from, that he will not cope with it.
How can we be sure that we will be able to use our own resources and skills in a new situation? Here's an effective way: to convince your crazy mind that these are changes, this is not a revolution, but a transfer of skills.
Below are 14 small steps to help overcome the fear of failure and take action.
1. Make an appointment with yourself
Reserve at least half a day of free time, without any urgent or important matters. Make sure you can really focus on yourself. You will need a few sheets and a pen.
2. See what you have now
Start by looking at your current situation. What emotions do you have changes that you are experiencing? What are the doubts? What gives you energy? What makes you happy, what bothers you? Be honest with yourself - the more truthfully you answer these questions, the more accurately you choose the ways to support yourself in the new situation that awaits you. Then, when you are aware of your emotions, write down your current needs for change and plan ways to meet them effectively.
For example, when you move from work to your own company, you can determine what level of financial security you need to feel safe and develop the company.
3. The scale of the changes in your imagination
Usually we unconsciously create an image of what we will experience when moving from one work to another. Now you have the opportunity to do this consciously and scale the changes in the mind so that they bring less fear and more pleasant expectation. What image is born in your head when you think about an upcoming challenge?
Consider how you can make this less aggravating. For example, when I think about the increase that awaits me, I see myself as a sapper in a minefield, because at every step something new and unknown awaits me. This can be dangerous, and I must be constantly alert and tense. Reducing the problem of change may look like this: I imagine that a sapper is turning into a greenhouse of interesting species of plants, a person who is happy to discover new things.
4. Reach deep values
Roy Disney notes that "it’s easy to make decisions when you know your values." Connecting with who you are deep down will give you major support. Write down everything that matters to you in life. Not only at work, but in all areas of life. For example: adventures, problems, nurturing relationships with loved ones, a sense of security. Returning to your values, you will feel more strongly why you are making changes in your life. This will give you motivation and maybe even inspire. Imagine that you are already what you wanted to become. A person who lives in harmony with his values brings the most valuable treasure to the world and the lives of others.
5. Ask yourself important questions.
Listen especially carefully to your inner voice, doubts, hopes, and plans.Pay attention to questions that arise, for example: what do I need so that I can enjoy this change? How much time do I want to spend on work? What will be my minimum wage? How will I support myself? Give yourself time to hear your own answers. This is a technique for destroying negative thinking.
6. Meet people who see potential in you
Ask them to talk about your strengths and resources that you are using now and those that you can use in a new place. Meeting good people will also help you deal with the natural fear of being rejected by others in this situation. Usually, when we make significant changes, we get feedback from the part of our environment that encourages us to stay in the same place. Therefore, surround yourself with people who are fans of what you do.
7. Observe and collect information about your new job or new position.
Did you get a promotion? Look at the others who worked in your position. What problems did they face that supported them? Are you starting your own business? Find among your friends those who opened their own business too. Talk to people who are already in this business, ask about the difficulties, secrets of success.
8. Surround yourself with people who are already doing what you will do.
Make the experience of your new role something natural that has long existed and has been done by many people. Thanks to this, your mind will also regard this as something natural and you will quickly master the skills necessary in a new job.
9. Make an action plan
What do you want to do on the first day of your new job, what - in the first week and what - in the first month. Describe this with specific steps and steps. Try to find in this joy and ease, and not a sense of duty and depression. Such an action plan will give you confidence in clearly defining what you want to do. Follow the plan step by step, and you can easily defeat the fear of failure.
10. Set yourself a trial time
See change as an experiment in the laboratory: your goal is to check if it suits you. How do you know whether you can or not if you have never tried this before? It is natural that you do not want to make a mistake, but the very assumption that you have a good choice is saddled with a mistake in thinking. Each choice will be good because everyone will show you the truth about what you really want. So think about how much time you need to see if a new job is right for you. Does it bring you joy, satisfaction, the feeling that you are doing what makes sense.
11. Allow yourself to be mistaken
No one can give you the right to make a mistake, except you. You can fight the natural law, which states that when you do something for the first time, you will learn about dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of ways to achieve the desired effect. Do not be afraid of mistakes, they lead people to success.
12. Mark your own progress
When you went to the new client, your hands and voice trembled, you felt that there was nothing to say, and now, at the fifteenth meeting, pronounce the sentence with confidence. Hooray! Pay attention to achievements, express recognition to helping people, feel pride in yourself.
13. Reward yourself
Let every little success, every inner victory be rewarded by you: an inner smile, a gift for yourself, pleasure. You are a hero who dared to embark on an unknown path and, regardless of the result, he himself defeated the fear of failure, internal limitations, insecurity. You deserve a reward.
14. Consciously control your energy
On the principle of "how many requirements, so much support." If change requires a lot of energy, is difficult, provide equally strong support. This can happen in any form you need, for example, go for massage more often or run to relieve stress.Talk with loved ones about what you are experiencing. Take advantage of training or development seminars.